
Happy day, good mood day!  Enjoy yourself and be expansive in your good will toward others.  Go shopping, invest in something, donate to your favorite charity. Happiness comes through giving today.  Look for ways to help others, and quietly notice how you are being helped simultaneously.  Again, support the hard worker who won’t give up even when everyone else has gone home.  A tired or needy person may appear.  Do your best to be supportive.  You may be suffering from “compassion fatigue’ in that you’ve heard too much about someone’s problem.  Nevertheless, this is a critical time for you or someone else.  Help given makes a real difference in this case. Taro Gold said “The lotus flower blossoms from the deepest and thickest mud.”  Help pull someone out of a difficulty and watch them blossom.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Someone requires an answer and won’t stop asking questions until it comes.  This could be you or someone else.  If you are the questioner, try to be polite.  If you are the one to answer, reply promptly and don’t make people wait.  Pay close attention to your intuition today, it is right on the money.  If you keep thinking you should do something, no matter how unimportant it seems, do it and watch the good result.  A source of happiness is growing in the background.  Someone cares very much for you.  A private matter will succeed if it’s kept private.  The lord of secrecy doesn’t like to be revealed and will vanish if outed.  Be very careful to give support to the person who is working away steadily at a task while others rest.  This person is laying down the track that the train of success will travel along.  Help out.  Taro Gold said “Do something to improve someone else’s life.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Inspiration comes from a side issue that drops in your lap.  No effort whatsoever is required for this pleasant gift to be yours.  Accept it and don’t quibble.  You’ve been expending so much effort lately that an “easy win” just doesn’t compute.  Take it anyway.  Then it’s back to the job of diplomacy, negotiation and setting up a stable partnership to achieve your goals.  You are working to put a structure into place that requires the cooperation of others.  It is a slow, steady process and a favorable result will occur if you keep your nose to the grindstone.  Of course, you don’t want to.  The danger now is that you will become tired of the effort.  You wish you could move onto something more fun.  Keep working, and be aware that a friend and supporter is present, if you look.  Someone loves you.   Taro Gold said “Lasting goodness works at the pace of a snail.”  So true.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Prayers for Peace and Change

An aerial view of the Occupy Wall Street march shows the crowds have grown larger, Oct. 5, 2011. (ABC News)

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

New York Occupy Wall Street Police Arrest Protester with Camera

I request all my followers to pray! Protesters getting beaten for having cameras! Either pray, march, or protect!

Police Subdue Crowd in NY with Mace - New York Post (JB Nicholas)

For those marching to Occupy Wall Street – may you all be protected from harm. OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SO HA!

Justin Wedes being arrested. Photo by Juan Carlos Hernndez.

For those who will and have been harmed in Occupy Wall Street We pray: OM MANI PEDME HUNG!

Cops arrest protestor on Broadway. (Julia Xanthos/News)

For those who may die in this movement Occupy Wall Street we pray: OM AMI DEWA HRI

Occupy Wall Street Portland, Oregon (Rick Bowmer)

To those who march and seek to compel banks and corporations to do the right thing I pray: OM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA NORBU SIDDHI HUNG!

March 2011 Protests in London Against Massive Budget Cuts

For those overseas facing the same injustice I pray: OM VAJRA SATTVA HUNG!

Tibetan Demonstration Against Chinese Rule Dharmshala photo: WN / Yeshe Choesang

We stand in prayer and solidarity for protesting Tibetans and His Holiness the Dalai Lama who grieve deeply for the homeland, Tibet, now occupied by China!

Swaziland Protest

We stand in solidarity with those in the great continent of Africa where the poor are fighting oppression to survive! OM MANI PEDME HUNG!

Syria's economic challenges are feeding the population's growing anger, which recently led to protests in the south and are creating a nationwide uprising.

We stand in solidarity with the displaced, hungry, in the Middle East: Peace! OM VAJRAKILAYA SARVA SIDDHI HUNG PHAT!

Workers at Freeport-McMoran's Grasberg mine in Timika, Papua province, are striking over pay, claiming they get only 10% what the firm pays miners in other countries. Photograph: AP

We pray for and stand with all those in the Far-East who suffer under brutal regimes. May they be swiftly liberated! OM MANI PEDME HUNG!


And also for those imprisoned in their own minds through delusion and hate – I send healing and love. OM VAJRA SATTVA HUNG!

Understanding Cause and Result: an Introduction by Venerable Gyaltrul Rinpoche

The following is an excerpt from a teaching given by Venerable Gyaltrul Rinpoche at Kunzang Palyul Choling:

Today I’m going to give an overview of the preliminary practices and how to do them because there are many little children and maybe parents would like their children to learn some Dharma.  I would imagine you have that hope.  Otherwise, what else is there to do for the little naughty things that they should learn? I will speak about the preliminary practices also for those of you who are new. Those of you who have heard these teachings before, it’s no problem to listen again for however much we can hear the Dharma, it should help us and improve us.  So Dharma is not necessarily ever repetitive.

I’m not saying that I am learned.  I am just repeating what is found in the scriptures, in the Dharma books.

Initially it is very important to believe in the law of cause and result, which is referred to as karma, the truth of karma.  For as long as we are human beings, on the path of the vehicle of humans, that is the basic view—believing in the law of cause and result.  If one doesn’t believe in this, then what would that be like?  That would be like thinking there is no result based on what we caused, that there is no ripening of our actions or thoughts. To believe like this is considered to be an incorrect view, a mistaken view. So again, to reiterate a mistaken view would be thinking that if I do something good, the result will not necessarily follow in harmony with that cause.  If I do something bad, if I accumulate a non-virtue, the result will not be suffering—just not believing that this is how things work.  So that’s considered to be incorrect understanding or a mistaken view.  It’s very important to know that believing in the truth of cause and result to be infallible is the basic view of a human being.

A human being means an individual who has the capacity to think, to speak, to understand, to comprehend, to comprehend the meanings of words in a deeper sense. So, as long as we are born in this kind of body as a human, then if we believe in a religion or a spiritual pursuit, the basis is believing in the law of cause and result, which means believing that the seeds that you sow are what you will receive.  This seems to be the basic view for all religions, not just Buddhism.  Throughout the entire world, anyone who is following the path of righteousness, or that which is worthy of believing in, has to believe like this.  If not, I can’t imagine that that would be a religious pursuit.

Disbelieving in cause and result would be like becoming a communist.  A communist view is that, for the most part, this is not worth considering, although, even communists would tell us don’t steal, don’t lie. There are certain disciplines that were enforced that are also based on the notion of cause and result because they are saying if you do this, such and such negative thing will occur. So don’t do that based on that reason.  In other words, the idea is that through this particular cause that result will occur.  And so, that is actually cause and result, even though they claim that this is not a valid view.

I wonder what the children think this means.  This means, according to your level, following the truth of what it is your parents tell you not to do.  Like if your parents say don’t touch fire, the reason is because if you touch the fire, you’ll burn your finger.  So that’s why parents say don’t touch fire. Because according to cause and result, touching fire means burning your finger and suffering. Or if parents tell you don’t kill bugs or if they tell you don’t steal or don’t lie or don’t drink or don’t smoke, or go to school, then if you listen to your parent’s advice, then that means that you will be responsible, good and noble.  If you don’t, you will be irresponsible, ignoble and there will be problems.  Likewise for adults.  Keeping the rules of the government means that your life will be smooth.  Keeping the rules of the Dharma as a Dharma practitioner—the words of honor and the vows—means that your practice will go well.  But if there is no discipline to check in this way about the law of cause and result, following what is right and wrong carefully, then just thinking, “Well, I am just going to do things my way,” then that really is just becoming crazy, becoming silly or stupid and showing that you don’t have any qualities at all.  Someone who follows rules nicely is someone who develops wonderful qualities. The inability to be able to do that really comes from inflated ego or pride, which is just great self-cherishing based on delusion.  Of course, children don’t know this yet, so children need to be told and guided, but adults do know this and they should know how to guide themselves.

That is why there are always rules and guidelines in life in terms of a country, our area, our families, our school, the military, the church, the temple.  Human beings always have rules and guidelines and regulations to observe.  Even animals have their own rules and guidelines.  That’s why we must learn what these are and follow them.  In terms of Dharma practice, that means with seeing and contemplating and learning so that we can be able to identify and acknowledge mistaken directions.  So rather than that, just thinking, “I am so great, I know everything, I don’t need to learn anything,” is like a mountain sheep with big horns, really not so great.  Even if you are rich, even if you are a great scholar, if you have great pride in this way, you are just shaming yourself.

But please be careful.  It’s not enough to just know how to play.

That’s why it is so important to study and contemplate, especially if one does not know these things.  America is a very good country because in the schools children are taught how to be decent human beings.  They are given many amazing opportunities, inconceivable opportunities, to learn many different things.  That is not the case in other countries;  these opportunities don’t exist.  So we have to think about the possibilities of our environment and how fortunate we are and appreciate that and make the most of it.

According to the path of Buddhaist practice now, the subject of non-virtue involves ten specific non-virtues: three of the body, four of the speech and three of the mind.  These ten are meant to be abandoned. And then the opposite of that non-virtue is meant to be engaged which becomes the virtue—the ten virtues.  By abandoning and engaging, then, there are two steps and one is able to accumulate two good deeds.  In terms of the first non-virtue of the body—killing—by avoiding, abandoning killing, one has accumulated the good deed of that abandonment; and then by going on to save life, one is performing or engaging in the virtue, which is the opposite of killing. So there are two, not only just one, not just only abandoning killing, although that is one stage in the virtue; then protecting and saving life is the second, which completes that.  In the case of stealing, not only just abandoning stealing or taking that which is not given, but going on to express generosity, to be generous in various ways.  In the case of adultery, not just only abandoning adultery, but going on to practice discipline. So these are the three non-virtues of the body. And the corresponding virtues of the speech, of course, not just only abandoning lying, but always trying to tell the truth and so on like this.  Each non-virtue has its opposite, which is the virtue.


You are raring to go this morning!  Your greatest wish is to lower your head and ram your way through your issues so you can have some “freedom”.  Sadly, if you ram, the only one you’ll nudge is yourself.  The other side won’t be affected.  It’s like a two year old throwing a temper tantrum, nobody is affected and the tantrumee is embarrassed.  Instead use your energy to start something new.  Just don’t expect others to participate and you won’t be disappointed.  Others are working quite hard to resolve a difficult situation and they have no time for a new project.  A nice thing today is the secret support you receive from someone else.  You have an ally.  A chinese proverb says “Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a songbird will come.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


A new decisiveness is present, and you have a mental quality that is both pleasant and shrewd.  It’s as though you have x-ray vision into people and things.  Don’t bother wondering why this heightened perception wasn’t around when you really needed it.  It is here now that you have stopped trying so hard to make something happen.  It’s the letting go that opened the door to your perception.  Other people continue to require your attention, and it seems you’re spending a great deal of time listening to two sides debate things.  A benefactor appears.  Someone cares for you and is willing to help.  Accept gracefully what is given.  Resist the temptation to ask for more, and be aware that if you ask for more you are punishing your benefactor for being generous.  Be kind.  Mother Theresa said “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Untamed Mind

If a person is deeply obsessed with someone daily, and for a long time unrelenting, that indicates no accomplishment and a disturbed mind. That sort of person, the obsessive one, can potentially turn violent, hurt their victim and themselves. Much easier to get treatment. It is demonic, truly, to hate others who honestly and truly try to benefit others. Especially if one tries to harm them to the point they cannot accomplish their spiritual vocation, I feel it is criminal.

We all have the right to accomplish what we came here to do. Some have no such commitment. It is the Bodhisattvas who return only to benefit sentient beings. It is their responsibility to practice and teach others to practice Bodhicitta, the “great compassion,” the essence of awakening to Buddhahood. All is done to heal and help. That cannot be stopped; nor can it be accomplished by those who only want to bring harm and cry in pity for themselves. Senseless to remain so infantile. And cry for justice when one’s ego has been threatened? No. Justice when one’s life and livelihood are threatened. That is the way.

If one has no mission, no livelihood, and a damaged brain filled with hate and blame, it needs healing. That is the way. A life of generous display and heartfelt caring is the nature of the Bodhisattvas. They are true Buddhas in the flesh. Kindly support them, and leave them to their great and beneficial works. Find something else to do, other than cry.




A soft energy is in the environment.  Pay special attention to your dreams or your intuition today.  A new way to help someone may come to you, and someone might need your help in a personal matter.  You are happy to do what you can for others; in fact it’s a relief after what has just transpired.  Go shopping.  Your taste is excellent.
Art, creativity, and medicine are especially effective today.  Go to the movies.  Singing or music can help someone whose problems seem intractable.  Spend time visualizing the important things in your life, as visualization is powerful today.  A door that reason could not open is being opened by intuition, and luck is in your favor.  Shakespeare said “Fortune brings in some boats that are not steered.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

The Four Immeasurables by Venerable Gyaltrul Rinpoche

The following is an excerpt from a public talk given by Venerable Gyaltrul Rinpoche:

What is the benefit of taking refuge in a great teacher such as Buddha? Why would we want to do that? Is it so we can become more worldly, have more worldly power and develop worldly qualities? Actually, it’s for just the opposite reason. If we take refuge in a great spiritual teacher and follow a true spiritual path, we will achieve happiness, and many obstacles in our life will be removed. But the most important point to consider is the way that refuge affects our mind and prepares us for future lifetimes. The duration of this life is a very short period of time. Rather than be concerned with this life alone, it is far more important to think about endless time and what happens after this life.

This is why we take refuge in a spiritual guide, and why we should do it without any doubt, with a mind that is single-pointedly aware of the qualities and accomplishments of that object of refuge. It is important to recognize what those qualities and accomplishments are, and to understand that exactly that is what we wish to actualize, and will actualize, if we follow the path our object of refuge presents to us. So, without a lazy, slothful attitude, and without any doubts, we must follow an object of refuge.

At the same time, we must consider that up until now, throughout all of our past lifetimes, we have tried to accomplish our own purpose, focusing only on our self, but we haven’t been able to accomplish even that. Wouldn’t it be wiser to exchange self for others and focus on how to be of benefit to others? If we think in this way, and exchange our self-cherishing attitude for the wish to benefit others, automatically we benefit our self. This is really the only way to benefit our self. By thinking of others, automatically we experience happiness.

To work for the welfare of others, we must first of all have the aspiration, the wish to do so. In this wishing, we must first develop a sense of the equality of all that lives; we must recognize that all beings are truly equal. Then we must develop love for them all equally, compassion for them all equally, and joy for them all equally. When we are able to develop these four qualities—equanimity, love, compassion, and joy—we can then engage in practices in our daily life to actually bring benefit to beings, practices such as generosity, patience, ethics, perseverance, concentration, wisdom, and so forth.

Compassion for others is developed by seeing that all living beings without exception, as long as they remain on the wheel of existence, exist in a state of suffering and discontent because they haven’t been able to realize the true nature of their own minds. Seeing them like this, suffering in all their different predicaments, we feel compassion for them. It is just how we would feel if our own child were to be thrown into prison and we would see him, or her, suffering there.

Love arises when we then develop the wish that these beings may be free from their suffering. For instance, we certainly feel compassion and pity for our child who is suffering in prison, but along with that we also have a strong desire that our child be liberated from that experience of suffering. That strong desire is love.

Then, the happiness we feel when we see others established in a state of permanent happiness or bliss is joy. We naturally feel joy when we see others happy and liberated from their suffering.

Finally, equanimity is the experience of compassion and love and joy for all living beings equally, without any partiality. For instance, if we have two children in jail, we feel the same about each of them, not loving one more than the other, not wanting one to be free of the condition of suffering more than the other. Exactly in this way, we must develop love and compassion equally for all living beings.

Compassion, love, joy, and equanimity are what is called “aspirational bodhichitta”, and because we have this for all living beings, which are limitless, these four qualities are called the “four immeasurables”. If we have them as a foundation, then any activity we engage in will be virtuous and positive. Actualizing our bodhichitta aspiration, putting it into action in our daily life, will produce powerful, positive results. But if we don’t have this foundation we won’t achieve the same results. Doing good things without compassion, love, joy, and equanimity simply doesn’t accomplish the same results at all. This point is extremely important.


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