
An emotional appeal will get you nowhere for most of this day. Don’t expect others to respect your feelings if they aren’t based on reason.  The idea that you really, really want something doesn’t fly.  Instead, have your reasons ready and be prepared to defend your views.  Reason and intellect are what you need today. Something may bother you and it’s best to deal with this matter at home.  Pay attention to what others are saying as opposed to how they seem to feel. On the positive side fun and romance are zipping right along in a great way, so head toward the people you have fun with.  Be professional at work, no goofing off. Taro Gold said “Your behavior while people are watching is important.  However your behavior when no one is watching is more important, for it reveals your true character.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Gratitude to His Holiness Ngawang Tenzin

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:


Since the visit of Kyabje His Holiness Ngawang Tenzin I am feeling much better! How can I thank him? Gratitude!
His Holiness Ngawang Tenzin “knew” I wasn’t doing well, and came to practice until I did. Night and day. I feel His Holiness saved my life.

Kyabje His Holiness Ngawang Tenzin of Bhutan is a living Buddha, so kind and powerful, so pure! I was too sick to see him.

Kyabje His Holiness Ngawang Tenzin is also a root Guru for me. His Holiness never gave up until he knew I’d be fine. The day His Holiness left he rose early, still doing Puja for me.

I Pray I will someday travel to Butan to see His Holiness. I love and feel devotion for His Holiness Ngawang Tenzin. For all getting ready to jump down my throat, His Holiness Ngawang Tenzin is Kagupa, yet I am and will always be a Lineageholder in Palyul. Even I am allowed to have friends and feel devotion for a living Buddha Kyabje His Holiness Ngawang Tenzin of Bhutan. This is a miracle!


Drukpa Mila Center

The Melodious Sound of the Auspicious Dharma Conch with the Clockwise Swirl

A Long Life Prayer for H.E. Ngawang Tenzing Rinpoche, the Great Piercing Arrow of Accomplishment.


May all be auspicious! The immortal nectar of the ultimate secret teachings without remainder filling our hearts even in the degenerated times.


King of Dharma, propagating the essence of the doctrine, Ngawang Tenzing, I pray your life remain firm for hundred eons.


Seeing all things in their basic unchanging reality, you have reached the summit of the path of generation and completion.


You have dominion over the state of the union, the bhumi of fruition. Noble Lama, I request you to live for hundred eons.


By praying thus, with the infallible power of truth, your three secrets like the Moon, the protector of the night,


With its glorious quality emanating a thousand moonbeams of benefit and happiness, may our water lilies of devotion blossom.

Gelong Tshering wrote this upon the request from practitioners when the retreat center at Kyungseng Dargye Gonpa was inaugurated.


Something calls you home.  An emotional appeal or situation pulls you away from your worldly concerns, and the trick is balancing both. Do not bring your emotions to work with you.  At the same time, your thinking is spot on in terms of helping others who need you and also in financial matters.  The trick today is not to spread yourself too thin.  You feel blocked in your drive for personal freedom, stymied in your relationship with your superior and emotional at home.  The open door is other people, someone “out there” who understands your situation.  Look for that person; it’s someone outside your usual environment.  Tell your secrets to a sympathetic listener and you’ll soon be laughing and happy as can be. Louis Nizer said, “Words of comfort, skilfully administered, are the oldest therapy known to man.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Wonderful day!  Your spirits are high and what you’ve just gone through makes sense to you.  Understanding is the key to today. “Ahhh, so that’s what it all meant” is what you’re thinking.  Your mind is in high gear, and you’re smarter than usual it seems.  So are others.  You can plan for the future and be realistic at the same time.  Artists are favored, and great ideas can be put across.  Think big.  Marianne Moore said, “When you realize your children’s children will be here after you, you suddenly realize you have a very real responsibility to future generations.” Go beyond your own personal concerns today, and think of what you can do for those who are tocome.  Then do it.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Occupy Wall Street!

Occupy Wall St. Protesters left Zuccotti Park to march to Washington Square on Saturday. > (Bryan Smith for News)

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I don’t understand the suppression of Occupy Wall Street news. The more it is bottled up the bigger the explosion will be. Do we want to defeat the protesters? As in a war? Aren’t they our people? Occupy Wall Street is in every continent. These people are us. Why not listen? These OWS protesters watch corporations like Enron drain us dry. We are not the proud people of USA, who grew and made progress in life. Our jobs are gone overseas, our services gone, if we follow our corrupt leaders we will run off a cliff. We love our nations. But we are being drained, our planet is dying- and no one but the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations are telling the truth. Why can’t we sit together and talk?

Occupy Wall Street is the biggest story on earth, along with Fukushima. Why the cover up? We are afraid, do not trust our government/corporations and demand change to benefit “we the people,” not the giants that beat and jail the OWS people. The government should answer to people. Occupy Wall Street!

When I was young I marched to change the world. And here we are again. You should listen this time. Occupy Wall Street!

See also: Prayers for Peace and Change

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved


This is the day to deliver your message.  Call, write or tell the person what you have been waiting to say.  Wash your car; spend time with neighbors, brothers or sisters. An emotional appeal or conversation makes all the difference for someone who has been feeling alone.  If you’ve needed to clear up a matter with someone, this is the day to do it. Deliveries are good, and talks are excellent.  Go for a drive, listen to an inspiring speaker. A gift or inheritance can come your way.  It has come from someone who genuinely cares for you.  Don’t take that person for granted.  A financial or business idea that you’ve thought of previously comes back.  You have another chance to engage in a successful business project.  Unknown said, “Don’t give up when you still have something to give.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Something has passed, and it’s happened so recently that you might not know it’s over.  Rest up today.  Spend time alone.  You’re probably a bit burned out in terms of being with others.  Instead look for romance if possible, or else arrange your possessions and discard the things that
aren’t up to snuff in terms of attractiveness or utility.  Give things away, pare down.  This is a time of limitation, of doing less.  If you try to expand, you’ll be held back.  So let go of things. Clear out the closet, the garage or anything. “Less is more” today. Give to people who can use something, drive around with a backseat full of items to give to whoever will take them. You can make a difference in someone’s life. Shades of Grace says, “In life’s darkest moments, a tiny spark can light the way.”  Be that spark.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect
people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family,some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Choosing What to Accept and What to Reject – Venerable Gyaltrul Rinpoche

The following is from a teaching given by Venerable Gyaltrul Rinpoche at Kunzang Palyul Choling:

We must take care not to fall prey to actually disbelieving the infallible truth of the law of cause and result, not to hold incorrect or wrong view, which would be again, thinking that there is no truth to this law.  If I practice Dharma, for example, there will be no good result, so why should I bother, these types of attitudes.  If I accumulate non-virtue, if I just do whatever I want, if I engage in negativity, there is no lower rebirth, it doesn’t matter.  And so, thinking in this way is definitely the wrong direction.  All of us must know this and focus on the Buddha’s teachings, initially, the Four Noble Truths, the truth of suffering, that there is non-virtue. We all know that there is suffering, because we are experiencing that and knowing the truth of the cause, that there is the cause to the result of our suffering and so Buddha taught the truth of the cause of suffering and the truth of suffering is the result of that cause and so now, while we are free to do something about accepting and rejecting, that’s precisely what we should do.  If we have intelligence, we would figure out that is the way we would lead our life.

Believing in the laws of cause and result is virtuous.  Not believing in the law of cause of cause and result is non-virtuous and so that marks the difference between being noble and a wholesome individual on the path of wholesome conduct or being ignoble or going into the wrong direction.  So when we are going into the wrong direction, because of not acknowledging the law of cause and result and engaging always in non-virtue then that’s why we get left behind so to speak.  There’s not much progress in our life.  When we notice everyone else is going along and having some positive directions and some progress and we’re not, this is the reason.

By going to school nicely and being wholesome and having dignity, careful in what we do, then we will come to know this truth, we will see how this works in our life by observing, by listening, by checking.  We will see the truth of the law of cause and result.  If we don’t come to know that and see that in our lives, then we’ll always be overwhelmed by the passions and poisons of the 10 non-virtuous results, which includes desire and jealousy, anger, delusion, based on those passions, killing, stealing, adultery, lying, slander, gossip, ill will, craving, incorrect view, all of these non-virtues will proliferate, based on delusion because of not knowing the law of cause and result.  And so by not knowing this, then we are always accumulating causes for lower rebirth especially in the three lower realms of the hell beings, the deprived spirit beings and the animals, where there is inconceivable suffering.  These are the real places of samsara, the places of rebirth in samsara, these lowest realms, where there is no happiness.

Like for example, in this life, if one takes the life of others, then it shortens one’s own life and it also brings about many different illnesses and diseases.  The reason that we have a short lifespan or we acquire some disease or illness is because of having taken the life of others in the past as well so that affects us in this life.  From having stolen, then in this life, no matter how hard one tries, one is always poor, lacking endowments, lacking abundance, never quite being able to get it together financially.  So this is the ripening, the fruit of the cause.  These things don’t come about for any other reason.

So that’s why now it’s so important to listen to one’s parents and to follow the guidelines of whatever religious tradition one believes in.  Certainly there is good in all spiritual paths, so whatever one is able to believe in, learning that, contemplating, thinking carefully and following the guidelines of knowing, coming to know what to accept and what to reject so that qualities can develop in your own stream of mind to become a decent person and to have a happy life, otherwise, not following any guidelines, not believing in anything, having no discipline, just doing whatever you want, being careless, it’s really worse than an animal.  Even an animals don’t do that.  And so it may seem, if you are still young, that that is OK, you can get away with that, because temporarily you are still under your parent’s wings so parents are taking care of you and feeding you and giving you shelter and you are still young so you not sick yet and in fact you don’t even think about it or worry about it, you have no fear of death.  Even if the Lord of Death came before you, you would be fearless because you are still young and everything is great.  But sooner or later, when all of that shifts and changes, because it will, then sickness comes, poverty comes and everything turns upside down if you haven’t learned how to be a decent human being who knows how to follow rules and practice what to accept and reject.  Everything turns upside down and everything becomes like your enemy and when you die and go to lower realms, it’s also even worse and so that’s why it’s so important to think about these things now while you can, while you are able to.


A serious matter is at hand, one that brings you down to earth. Stay in close touch with the issue that is most important because what you do now will play a significant role in the outcome.  A decision is being made.  You can’t go it alone, although you wish to.  Look for consensus in everything. Although the general tenor of the times is a serious one, there is fun to be had with levity, jokes and relaxing. Gallows humor is prevalent, and you’ll understand it very well.  Love is still in the picture. Show that you care.  Bob Hope said, “When we recall the past, we usually find that it is the simplest things that give off the greatest glow of happiness.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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