Two Steps Forward…

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Many of my followers know I’ve been stalked and harassed in some cruel and unthinkable ways – and recently I’ve made great progress with The PTSD. But it is often two steps forward, then 1.5 steps back. I just don’t have my life back. Days like today I wonder if I’ll ever recover completely.

I’ve always felt my life had such potential. How do I get it back? I’m still a good teacher, but I feel panic in public, and have Irritable Bowel Syndrome now. Sometimes I feel completely beaten. The man is in prison now, but there is no assurance he will stay there, and even now his friends carry on. But I am unaware of his friends having any violent past as has the stalker.

Want to stay strong and carry on. Some days are good, as they once were. Some days it is just too damned Hard. Fear is a mind and life killer. OM MANI PEDME HUNG

21 Homages to Tara: Verse 4 Commentary Khenpo Tenzin Norgay

Thupten Shedrub Gyatso, who was a Tulku  in one of the Palyul Monasteries, wrote this commentary.  His present incarnation, Rago Chogtrul currently lives in Tibet.

Translation by Khenpo Tenzin Norgey ~ Spring, 2004,
Palyul Retreat Center, Mc Donough, NY USA ~Wood Monkey Year 2131

Homage to you born from the Tathagata’s crown
Who enjoys boundless total victory,
Relied upon by the Sons of Conquerors
Who have achieved perfection.

The forth praise is to Namgyalma,Tib the “Victorious Lady”, the “One Who Has Accomplished Immortality.”  The “Wisdom Goddess” of wisdom mantra, who emanates from the crowns of the Tathagatas[i], enjoys total victory over the boundless disruptive forces.  Her complexion is golden, and she holds a vase of longevity.  Bodhisattvas who have achieved the ten bhumis[ii], the essence of the ten transcendent perfections, without exception, rely on her guidance as their spiritual mother.  She enriches practitioners by dissolving the fourteen subtle essences of the animate, inanimate, and other subtle essences of samsara and nirvana[iii].  In reality, she has achieved the sacred, unchanging body of eternity through the intention of Atiyoga[iv], the crown of nine yanas[v].

[i] Tathagatas skt ~“Thus Gone One”, an epithet of Buddhas.

[ii] ten bhumis skt ~ The progressive levels of realization through which practitioners pass as they journey toward complete enlightenment.

[iii] nirvana skt ~ The state of liberation from the sufferings of cyclic existence.

[iv] atiyoga skt ~ The highest of the three inner yogas, the summit of the nine vehicles (yanas), according to the classification of the Nyingmapa.

[v] nine yanas skt ~ The nine vehicles or levels of accomplishment of the Nyingmapa tradition that represent progressive stages of attainment.


You are building something slowly and steadily. Hold onto your dream, remember what you are aiming toward and you will eventually arrive at your destination. For now it’s work, plan and don’t give up. An interesting project can take a lot of your time, and at a certain point you wake up and wonder where the day went. Then a change occurs and you’re pulled into a surprising situation. Let go of your task; you need to respond immediately when you’re called. Someone needs help. Wittgenstein said “I sit astride life like a bad rider on a horse. I only owe it to the horse’s good nature that I am not thrown off at this very moment.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

21 Homages to Tara: Commentary on Verse 3 Khenpo Tenzin Norgay

Thupten Shedrub Gyatso, who was a Tulku  in one of the Palyul Monasteries, wrote this commentary.  His present incarnation, Rago Chogtrul currently lives in Tibet.

Translation by Khenpo Tenzin Norgey ~ Spring, 2004,
Palyul Retreat Center, Mc Donough, NY USA ~Wood Monkey Year 2131

Homage to you, the golden lady
Whose hand is adorned with a blue lotus,
You are the lord of the domain of the activities of generosity,
Diligence, austerity, tranquility, patience and meditation.

The third praise is to Sonam Thobkyedma,Tib the “Yellow Lady of Good Fortune”.  She is beautiful; her skin is the color of pure gold glittering in the early morning sun.  Her left hand is adorned with a blue lotus, upon which sits a gem that bestows all wishes.  She is the lord of the Bodhisattvas’[i]sphere of activity, which encompasses the transcendent perfections of generosity, patience, diligence, ethics, tranquility, wisdom, and meditation.  Austerity, (in this context) is ethics, and tranquility is wisdom and meditation.  We pay homage to the unchallengeable lady who has the ten powers: the power over life, the power over mind, the power over wealth, the power over action, the power over birth, the power over inclination, the power over aspiration, the power over miracles, the power over primordial wisdom, and the power over dharma.  The outer meaning is that she has attained the completion of the six perfections, in just one meditation.  The inner meaning is that her singular meditation is like a lotus, free from the flaw of adherence to subject and object, and is endowed with the completion of the six perfections.

[i] Bodhisattva skt ~ One who has generated bodhicitta and seeks enlightenment for the benefit of others.


Do someone a favor today, and this will come back to you over and over again in time. Help others with things you’re good at that they aren’t. Offer your expertise to others. You will be inordinately happy. It’s an auspicious time to hire people who will do a great job. A final relationship issue may appear today, but don’t worry the situation is about to end. A stable, certain energy replaces a doubtful, indecisive one, and everything feels better. Wash your car, vacuum, and express your love. The more you work, the better you feel today. Taro Gold said “Strive to achieve whatever you think you cannot, for it is on the path toward your impossible dream that you will find what you truly seek.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

21 Homages to Tara: Commentary on Verse 2 Khenpo Tenzin Norgay

Thupten Shedrub Gyatso, who was a Tulku  in one of the Palyul Monasteries, wrote this commentary.  His present incarnation, Rago Chogtrul currently lives in Tibet.

Translation by Khenpo Tenzin Norgey ~ Spring, 2004,
Palyul Retreat Center, Mc Donough, NY USA ~Wood Monkey Year 2131

Homage to you whose face is like
The gathering of a hundred full moons in autumn,
Shining resplendent light
In the perfect, spacious constellation of a thousand stars.

The second verse is homage to Yangchenma,Tib the “Treasure of Wisdom”.  The “Lady with a shining face like an array of hundred autumn full moons,” means her face is a hundred times fairer and more beautiful than the moon.  Her right hand holds a mirror, which is like a full moon engraved with an HRI[i] syllable.  The “perfect spacious constellation of a thousand stars,” refers to the field of her wisdom, which is abundantly spacious, and vast, like the countless, resplendent rays of the full moon.  This light clears the darkness of the ignorance of practitioners, which is the cause of dullness, disease and possession by evils.  It opens the door to the treasury of knowledge by illuminating the light of the four specific perfect understandings.  These are the perfect understanding of the Dharma[ii], (teachings) the perfect understanding of the definitive meaning, perfect confidence (in the doctrine) and the perfect knowledge of the Victorious Ones, (brilliance).  According to a tantra, the inner meaning is “to serve the mother of the sphere” which means emptiness or the nature of mind.  In order to look at our innate self, the face of the ultimate Vajravarahi, we must accumulate merit[iii] and purify our mind-streams[iv], so that they are like an “array of a hundred pure white moons.”  Because of these practices, the door to her blessing will be opened by our true inclination.  In that way, we can see ultimate luminosity and ignite our dynamic wisdom.

[i] HRI syllable ~ Seed syllable of Avalokiteshvara.

[ii] dharma skt ~ It is an ambiguous Sanskrit term, here we can take it as spiritual path.

[iii] merit ~ Good karma, the energy generated by positive actions of body, speech and mind.

[iv] mind-stream ~ The continuation of consciousness, Buddhist way of expressing our mind.


You can wake up mystified by a dream or intuition.  If you try to remember it, you’ll forget, but if you go about your day it will keep coming back to you and give you important ideas.  At a certain point you flip into “work mode” and you work, work, work or scrub, scrub, scrub.  You can finish up a job in no time flat.  Your work energy is prodigious, so use it for heaven’s sake! You can stay on the couch but why waste the excellent energy? David Bly said “Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted.”  This is an excellent time to go over insurance matters, wills and the papers that may come in handy someday.  No will?  Make one!

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

21 Homages to Tara: Commentary on Verse 1 by Khenpo Tenzin Norgay

Thupten Shedrub Gyatso, who was a Tulku  in one of the Palyul Monasteries, wrote this commentary.  His present incarnation, Rago Chogtrul currently lives in Tibet.

Translation by Khenpo Tenzin Norgey ~ Spring, 2004,
Palyul Retreat Center, Mc Donough, NY USA ~Wood Monkey Year 2131

There are many different Indian and Tibetan traditions explaining this “tantra[i] [1]of praise”.  Motivated by devotion, I will explain this tantra in accordance with “The Treasure Vase of Essential Great Bliss of Inner Practice”, which is the profound mind-treasure[ii] teaching of the omniscient Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa.  Each of the twenty-one verses is praise to twenty-one manifestations.


Homage to mother Tara, swift and fearless,

Your eyes are like flashing lightning.

Born from the blossoming stamens

Of the lotus face of the Lord of Three Worlds.


The first praise is to Nyurma Palmo,Tib the “Fearless Swift Lady”.  Here we pay homage to the lady of activity who liberates beings from the temporal and perennial sufferings of samsara[iii].  She is called “Swift Lady” because her impartial compassion[iv] benefits beings without even an instant’s delay.  She is the “Fearless Lady”, because she has the unhindered power to subdue demons, as well as the afflictions of beings.  She protects beings from all fears.  Her wisdom eyes move like the flash of lightning as she fully cognizes all phenomena.  The lady endowed with omniscience, compassion, power, and activity was born from “the teardrops of the stamen-like eyes of the fully blossomed lotus-like face of Avalokiteshvara[v], the Savior of Three Worlds”.  The three worlds are the sub-terrestrial, terrestrial and celestial realms, (the worlds of nagas[vi], humans, and gods, respectively).

Tara is seductive, and has the youthfulness of the rising sun, and a semi-wrathful smile.  Her right hand is in the boon-giving mudra[vii], and her left hand holds a blue lotus upon which is a right-turning conch.  This symbolizes her mastery of the two truths[viii] and bodhicitta[ix] in this world, and in the god realm[x].  The outer meaning of the praise literally praises the nirmanakaya aspect of the Noble Lady.  In the inner aspect of the praise, if not taken literally, her sambhogakaya and dharmakaya aspects are praised.  The “Savior of the Three Worlds” is the dharmakaya, and its manifestation is the rupakaya, or “form body,” (which is composed of the sambhogakaya and nirmanakaya).

[i] tantra skt ~ Buddhist texts that outline the practices of the Vajra vehicle

[ii] mind treasure ~ An inspired teaching (terma) revealed directly from the Buddha-mind,  by a treasure revealer, (terton) .

[iii] samsara skt ~ Cyclic existence, the endless cycle of birth, death and rebirth characterized by suffering and dominated by the three poisons: ignorance, desire and hatred.

[iv] compassion ~ Sensitivity to the sufferings experienced by sentient beings, coupled with a desire to help them overcome suffering and its causes.

[v] Avalokiteshvara skt (Chenrezig) ~The Buddha of compassion.

[vi] naga ~ A snake-like being living in the depths of water or underground.  Although they have miraculous powers, they are classified as belonging to the lower realm.

[vii] mudra skt ~ A gesture that has specific meaning used in Tantric practice as a support.

[viii] two truths ~ The absolute truth and relative truth.

[ix] bodhicitta skt ~ The mind of enlightenment.  The altruistic intention to become enlightened in order to benefit others

[x] god realm ~ One of the six realms of cyclic existence, characterized by seemingly unending pleasure and leisure.


You are inspired and happy, and it’s important not to reveal a secret matter. But you want to! You’re proud of a relationship or a project and you wish the world knew all about it. Hold off, now isn’t the time to “go public” with anything. Something that is really good in private needs to stay private for a while longer. What to do? Develop partnerships, socialize, and be with higher ups. Inspiration or an exciting event can happen in public today. You are electrified and happy. Be really careful about telling jokes, they may come out wrong and give offense. Engage in sports, and pursue your loved one. W.A. Ward said “A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” Smile at everybody you meet today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


A brilliant idea or hunch is here in the morning, act on it pronto! Be careful to take your inspiration as it comes and don’t spend time talking it over too much. There’s a danger of “talking away” your new idea. So get the idea and act on it. Don’t wait. As the day progresses a situation arises where you expect others to be impressed by what you have to say, or others have that expectation of you. Pride clings to speech through most of the day, so it’s best to stay silent yourself and to agree with others promptly. It’s the pride, not the idea that needs to be tended to. On a different front, an idea or project that has been cooking on the back burner for a while is slowly and steadily coming into being. Let it happen! Lewis Cass said “Men may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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