Awakening from Non-Recognition: Video Teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

The following is a video teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo offered at Kunzang Palyul Choling in Maryland.


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How do we awaken to our true nature? Jetsunma describes the state of non-recognition in which we live and describes how to transform that into a state of awareness of our true nature.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

21 Homages to Tara: Verse 14 Commentary Khenpo Tenzin Norgay

Thupten Shedrub Gyatso, who was a Tulku in one of the Palyul Monasteries, wrote this commentary. His present incarnation, Rago Chogtrul currently lives in Tibet.

Translation by Khenpo Tenzin Norgey ~ Spring, 2004,
Palyul Retreat Center, Mc Donough, NY USA ~Wood Monkey Year 2131

Homage to you, who strikes the earth with your palms,
And stamps upon it with your feet.
With wrathful grimaces and HUNG syllable,
You scatter the seven underworlds.

The fourteenth homage is to Thronyer Chenzed,Tib the “Wrathful Wrinkled (Frowning) Tara” who subdues the eight classes of harmful spirits and nine malignant spirit brothers.  She is black like a dark night, and holds a wooden pestle upon a blue lotus.  She makes the world tremble and quake by striking the mountains and islands with the palms of her hands and stamping upon them with her feet.  By the power of her regal frowning, the resounding vibration of HUNG, and the glare from her radiant vajra light, which is like a fire-shower, she shatters the hearts and heads of all malignant spirits:  samaya[i] breakers, demons and others from the seven underworlds and above, and makes them faint into the state of dharmata[ii].  The seven underworlds, which are like layers of seven roofs, are: the abodes of demons, the general base, the higher base, the baseless, the specific base, the base of essence, the perfect base, and the pure base.  In reality, the two soles striking symbolize striking the crucial point of the path of the non-duality of pristine wisdom and the basic sphere, which uproots the seven latencies or seven cognitions with their objects.

[i] samaya skt  ~ A vow or word of honor, a promise, commitment,  usually in the context of a Tantric vow or empowerment.

[ii] dharmata  skt  ~ The void nature the emptiness aspect of Buddhahood.  It can be translated as the true nature of reality.


You could feel a little sorry for yourself early today, and something reminds you of suffering you’ve experienced.  Don’t focus on the painful remembrance. Let it drift away and the energy changes quickly. Then it’s all action and all go, go, go! Take advantage of this forward-motion time.  Imagine a race horse trying to run and looking backwards at the same time.  Doesn’t work! Keep your eyes forward and resist the temptation to undercut yourself by recalling your past.  It’s a question of gaze, really. Louis Pasteur said “Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal.  My strength lies solely in my tenacity.”  Be tenacious today.  No feeling sorry for yourself.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

21 Homages to Tara: Verse 13 Commentary Khenpo Tenzin Norgay

Thupten Shedrub Gyatso, who was a Tulku in one of the Palyul Monasteries, wrote this commentary. His present incarnation, Rago Chogtrul currently lives in Tibet.

Translation by Khenpo Tenzin Norgey ~ Spring, 2004,
Palyul Retreat Center, Mc Donough, NY USA ~Wood Monkey Year 2131

 Homage to you, who dwells amidst garlands
Blazing like the fire at the end of an eon.
With your right leg outstretched and left leg drawn in
Your joyful turning destroys enemy forces.

The thirteenth homage is to Drapung Jomma,Tib the “Tara Who Averts War”.  She averts wars and obstacles, and leads beings to victory in the war with form and formless enemies.  She is red in color and dwells amidst garlands of wisdom fire swirling like the fire at the end of an eon.  Her right leg is stretched out and left leg is drawn in.  Sparks of fire fly from the prongs of the vajra she brandishes, subduing all harmful enemies.  She comforts them by gathering them under the vajra-tent that protects them from their own evil.  With every skillful means[i], she turns the wheel of dharma, according to the disposition of the beings to be tamed.  She makes them content and joyous, and subdues the malefic forces of the two obscurations.  The inner meaning is that this indicates the realization that “exhausts all phenomena”.  Just as the fire at the end of the eon consumes the world, when the primordial wisdom swirls in dharmadhatu, the outer earth and stones, the inner animate body, and the secret conceptions are also exhausted.  So the foes of the two obscurations[ii] are subjugated, and the joy of the great tranquility of the core of inner clarity of primordial wisdom[iii]that does not dwell in the extremes of samsara and nirvana is experienced.

[i] skillful means ~ The Mahayana practice of adapting the doctrine to the capacities of one’s audience.

[ii] two obscurations  ~ There are two types of obscurations: those preventing liberation from the cycle of samsaric suffering, called afflictive obscurations, and those preventing omniscience, called the obscurations to the objects of knowledge.

[iii] primordial wisdom  ~The wisdom that has realized the primordial nature of all phenomena.


Happy day!  You feel absolutely joyous, and your mind is expansive and quick.  Use this good energy to communicate with others and notice the positive result. Men and women are in harmony today, so spend time with people of the opposite sex.  Men are handsome devils and women are delicate maidens. Romance is in bloom!  Travel is excellent. Act on a hunch today and you won’t be sorry. Still, someone is insistent on their pride being fed. Hmmm. You’ll know it’s you if you make a statement and nobody answers.  People have just about had it with the proud one: be sure it’s not you!  Now s/he’s being ignored.  Financial matters are developing nicely.  Go buy something for someone.  Medicines work and if you’re sick you’ll recover. Shakespeare said “All’s well that ends well.” Ok!

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

We The People

The following is a series of tweets from Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo offered in support of the #Occupy movements:

For those who bring compassion to the people OM MANI PEDME HUNG! May you abide in the comfort of love.

For those who may die or are being hurt from the struggle. OM AMI DEWA HRI. You will be crowned as a protector of “we the people.”

For those who break through ignorance with the sword of wisdom. OM AH RA PA TSA NA DHI – You are the bringers of the way for “we the people.”

For all who hunger for the clear light of Primordial Nature and safety – Long Life for all OM TARE TUTARE TURE PUNYE PUSHTIM AH YOU PUSHTIM KURU YE SOHA. You may save us all!

For you who treasure truth and pray for the liberation of “we the people” – OM AH HUNG VAJRA GURU PEMA NORBU SIDDHI HUNG- I treasure you, the beautiful.

For those who wish to serve the people and feed the poor – OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA – May you have, and share, every gift in every form. I love you.

May “we the people” gather, talk, march, pray, be together as one to birth a new world of virtue and compassion for all.

I believe. I believe in you.

Thank you all for your good efforts.

Peace. Occupy Earth!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved


Love is the Medicine: Quotes from Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

No true Dharma Master behaves with rage, hate, ranting, self- importance. These are signs of mental instability, a character flaw. Never follow such a one as that.

One should rest with a peaceful and loving mind. Even wrathful emanating Buddhas manifest solely out of the wish to liberate beings.

Respect kindly all religions that teach loving kindness, and have no respect for envy and jealousy. Never follow hate.

No being incapable of controlling their own mind or developing ethics and a loving character can ever be a Master. First we must have accomplishment.

If we develop a good heart we will progress to true compassion, and awaken Bodhicitta. This is the way of the Buddha’s method.

The way of loving kindness is what is to be accepted. Love! The benefit is clear. Rage, hate are the way of chaos and darkness – to be rejected.

In short: if one has nothing of value to say, only that which is impure defilement, avoid them. They are masters of the dark. Of no use.

Always walk in peace and beauty; in grace and love, speak only truth and you will be blessed. Where we are, let there be light.

Hate is the last refuge of the ignorant. Love is the medicine. Compassion is the gift of the awakened ones.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Occupy With Prayer

Occupy Oakland the night of Wednesday, October 26th. j_sight/yfrog

At the request of Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo, KPC will hold a prayer accumulation weekend (November 5th and 6th) dedicated to Peaceful Occupation, and to those who have been harmed by force and brutality, that we the people might live in peace. She is calling it “Occupy With Prayer.” This will take place at KPC in Maryland, at the Amitabha Stupa in Sedona, Arizona or right here online!

Everyone is welcome. Buddhists and non-buddhists alike are encouraged to come pray, join the group practices and meditation, and circumambulate the stupas to make wishing prayers and offerings. Please join us on twitter if you are not near the temple or Stupa!



  • 10am: Recitation of the Prajnaparamita 108 times – for a copy of the prayer to recite click here
  • Shower of Blessings practice and tsog (food offering ceremony) will follow the Prajnaparamita recitation and a meal break. For a copy of the Shower of Blessings you can click here or you can recite the Seven Line Prayer
  • Evening: Vajrakilaya – after the tsog  we will do Vajrakilaya for the evening. Note: this puja requires empowerment in order to participate. Those without the empowerment can accumulate the Seven Line Prayer during this time.


  • The same schedule will be repeated on Sunday.


You wake up so happy it’s almost a crime.  Ok!  Be buoyant, and be careful to restrain your high spirits when you speak with someone who is in difficulty or suffering. A troubling situation that requires tact is present, and if you remember to be generous it will resolve well.  The issue involves finances and anything you can give is greatly appreciated. Knowing that others care enough to help gives heart to someone who has lost hope.  A small gesture generates an enormous payoff today.  Stay alert for the opportunity to help, and don’t judge the needy one. Cicero said “In nothing do humans approach so nearly to the gods as doing good to others.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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