
Happy day! Cheerfulness and optimism permeate everything. For heaven’s sake, don’t think up something to be bothered about. Financial matters are steaming ahead successfully, and long distance travel is good as are the messages you receive. A joyful time is here. Use your goodwill to help others in whatever way you can. Any excess in your life, no matter how small, is well offered to those who can use it. This is not the time to save for a rainy day; it’s good to cast your net of generosity far and wide. It’s a time to give. Of course if someone wants to give to you, accept gracefully. St. Augustine said “If we live good lives, the times are also good. As we are, such are the times.”  You are making “the times” right now.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I would rather have infrastructure here repaired and built than war overseas.

I would rather have human services than war.

I would much rather have an excellent school system than another war.

I would rather better health care and hospitals than a war.

I would rather we respect our indigenous natives than have another stupid war.

I would rather protect our treasured and needed wild forests than have yet another war.

I would rather rid ourselves of all nuclear power rather than have another phony “weapons of mass destruction” war.

I would rather give women total control of their own wombs, spend money on prevention-planning than another killing war.

I would rather be pro-life by stopping all killing, including execution, and killing war. These are actually the living.

I would rather see our governments stop lying to us about nuclear poisoning than distract us with another useless war.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

21 Homages to Tara: Verse 16 Commentary Khenpo Tenzin Norgay

Thupten Shedrub Gyatso, who was a Tulku in one of the Palyul Monasteries, wrote this commentary. His present incarnation, Rago Chogtrul currently lives in Tibet.

Translation by Khenpo Tenzin Norgey ~ Spring, 2004,
Palyul Retreat Center, Mc Donough, NY USA ~Wood Monkey Year 2131

Homage to you, who is surrounded by joyous ones
Who completely scatter the bodies of enemies.
You liberate all with your speech, adorned with ten syllables
And HUNG: your pristine awareness.

The sixteenth homage is to Drolma Barvai Odcan,Tib the “Tara Who Averts the Enemies and Mantra’s Spell,” who is red like the fire at the end of eon, sits on blue lotus, and holds a crossed vajra.  She is surrounded by a host of vidyadharas and mendicants who have accomplished the practice of mantra and power of truthful speech and are endowed with perfect joy of samadhi.  Their radiance scatters the bodies of the foes and overcomes the power of magical spells and the power of sorcery, destroying them without a trace.  By reciting her mantra arrangement of the ten syllables, OM TARE and so on, she At the heart of the wrathful lady, awareness rests in the form of a HUNG radiating light that clears the outer, inner, and secret obscurations of the beings to be tamed.  The ultimate meaning is that by subduing the foe of the impure appearance of our body, the awareness body of the Mother of the Victorious Ones is accomplished: the unchanging great blissful body endowed with the ten powers.


If you assert yourself strongly today you will meet resistance. A discouraging force opposes you; don’t buck it. However, hope and support are present in the environment. A powerful person will get behind your cause and your group of friends are also on your side. A partner or diplomat won’t or can’t help you. Confusing? YES! An oppositional force, something that has been in the environment for some time, is resolving slowly. This is a relief. If you have been on the bandwagon for a while you have run out of steam. Take a break and let yourself rest. Happiness lies in conversation and in “out and about” activities. In fact, it’s a good time if you think about it. Jean Richter said “Cheerfulness, like spring, opens all the blossoms of the inward wo/man.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Please write letters/emails to save the 10 Troy Parrots

The following post is from a Facebook plea by Viki Bullock

Basically right now we need people to write letters/emails to the media, WHIOtv and the Troy Daily News, who recently did a story about the 10 Troy Parrots. The Sheriff’s office wants to return the birds back to Doug Ratcliff. Please voice your our concern over:
  • The fact Miami County Deputy Sheriff wants to pursue criminal charges against MVBCR (Please be sure to include the R or the word Rescue 😉 when it’s obvious they were the only entities here concerned about the well being of the birds
  • they’ve been falsely accused of deception and theft (the birds were signed over to Ratcliff with witness)
  • that had HO Karns done her job properly, this situation wouldn’t have gotten to the point it has
  • the fact the Sheriff is advocating that the birds to be turned over to the same man, and I use that term loosely, who’s neglected and abused these birds for years,
  • The fact a well respected Dr (Brauer) has been providing necessary and life-saving care for these 10 birds for almost 3 months now that otherwise the previous owner denied them of.
  • The fact Dr B is requesting entire ownership of these 10 birds speaks volumes! He’s already thousands of $ into them but it’s obvious the almighty dollar is not the priority here for him, otherwise he wouldn’t be requesting ownership. His concern is the safety of these birds
  • He is willing to take responsibility for the Troy Birds and insure he will find proper rescue/sanctuaries that will continue proper care for the rest of their years.
  • The fact he is the epitome of the oath he took as a veterinarian:
Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health, the relief of animal suffering, the conservation of livestock resources, the promotion of public health and the advancement of medical knowledge.
I will practice my profession conscientiously, with dignity and in keeping with the principles of veterinary medical ethics.
I accept as a lifelong obligation the continual improvement of my professional knowledge and competence.
You guys get the gist. You guys get the gist. Please keep them professional, no unnecessary derrogatory name calling/comments.WHIOTV
Attn: Caren GoldenTroy Daily News
Melody Vallieu

21 Homages to Tara: Verse 15 Commentary Khenpo Tenzin Norgay

Thupten Shedrub Gyatso, who was a Tulku in one of the Palyul Monasteries, wrote this commentary. His present incarnation, Rago Chogtrul currently lives in Tibet.

Translation by Khenpo Tenzin Norgey ~ Spring, 2004,
Palyul Retreat Center, Mc Donough, NY USA ~Wood Monkey Year 2131

Homage to you, who is blissful, virtuous and tranquil,
And enjoys the domain of peaceful nirvana
With (mantra) endowed perfectly with SVAHA and OM
You destroy all awful non-virtuous karma.

The fifteenth homage is to Rabtu Zhima,Tib the “Perfect Pacifier”, who pacifies the obscuration of negative karma[i].  She sits on blue lotus, and is peaceful.  Her color is white like a crystal moon and she holds an anointing vase.  She is free from the fruition of suffering, and as a result, she is blissful She has eliminated non-virtue, and as a result, she is virtuous.  Her afflictions have ended, and as a result, she is tranquil.  She has gone beyond the sufferings of the two obscurations and she enjoys and abides in the sphere of sublime tranquility.  By her power of compassion, and power of reciting perfectly in accordance with the sadhana[ii] her twenty-three or eighteen syllable mantras, the five heinous negative karmas[iii]that make beings fall into the lower realms, and other karma that generates great sufferings are uprooted and purified.  The mantra includes the additional syllables,OMat the beginning and SVAHA at the end.  The ultimate meaning is that her blissfulness and other qualities are connected to the five wisdom minds: the wisdom of absolute space, mirror-like wisdom, the wisdom of equality, discriminating wisdom, and all-accomplishing wisdom.

[i] karma skt ~ The doctrine of actions and there causal consequences, the law of cause and effect.

[ii] sadhana skt ~ Translated as “means of accomplishment”  Usually is a complete set of tantric liturgies on the practice of a deity, starting from the lineage prayers to dedication of the merit to all the sentient beings.

[iii] five heinous negative karmas ~ Patricide,  matricide, killing an arhat, drawing blood from the body of a Buddha with evil intent, and causing a schism in the sangha.


You are raring to go today and anyone who wants to join you is welcome to come along for the ride. A new enterprise is favorable, and a new direction is good. You want something new; you’re tired of the same old thing. Action taken puts you in tune with the times. Self-assertion is favorable and still you must take your partner into consideration. Someone else is in the background, and you must always watch this person. A goofy, happy energy is present, and everyone seems to be in a good mood. The LA Times said “Some people march to a different drummer – and some people polka.” Be joyous in your own way. International issues, legal matters and your spirituality bring happiness today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

The Root of Accomplishment

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Always walk in the footsteps of Lord Buddha, Guru Padmasambhava. And of course, never break root samaya with Tsewei Lama, it’s the greatest downfall. Breaking samaya with one’s root Guru leads to the utter incapability to truly accomplish, and one is forced to play “Guru” on a path self-made. Useless.

If one puts oneself as high as the Tsawei Lama, or feels oneself superior, one will lose their way and practice as a demon. Bad result. Otherwise, if one mixes one’s mindstream with the Guru’s, all accomplishment and qualities of Guru Padmasambhava, through pure practice and devotion, can be attained in this life.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

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