
A serious proposition appears, and you must engage in deep thought or discussion.  A surprise is disturbing.  An appeal to authority is unsuccessful, and someone whose strength is waning may engage in a power play.  Leave the scene if you find yourself in an adversarial situation.  Arguments are useless.  An emotional appeal is ignored.  Absolutely avoid a power struggle.  On a different front friends love you and a partnership is stabilizing.  A dream will come true if you don’t try to push it. Johann Lavater said “Act well at the moment, and you have performed a good action to all eternity.”  Be careful today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

The Challenge of a Compassionate Life

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

This is not a time of celebration for me or mine. But it is a time of faith and prayer.
Since my stalker has been released he has resumed hate campaign against me. I’m sorry, beloveds, I may have to go further undercover. Please stay with me in case I can return. I continue to be law abiding and still rely on compassion.

So far it hasn’t done any good. Justice Titus still has not understood the case for protecting women’s rights. I feel women’s rights groups should step up and speak out against such injustice, because it will very soon affect us all as well.

So I pray there will be some activists to speak out about this. Occupy DC, OWS, Women’s Rights, I’ve helped you. Help me now, women need you. And we are exactly half of the world. We matter. Especially when we work to make this world better for us all.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


A perfect coincidence of intellectual activity happens today, practically a harmonic convergence of thought!  Minds in concert can solve pretty much everything.  One side sees the goal or big picture, and the other side explains how to achieve it step by step: think, plan, strategize.  Travel is mentally stimulating and new vistas open your mind.  Pay attention to what comes to hand as you move about.  It’s raining good ideas!  Also, love is in the air. Laura Wilder said “If enough people think of a thing and work hard enough at it, it’s pretty nearly bound to happen, wind and weather permitting.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Merit and the Blessings of Lineage

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Here amongst friends, my Palyul family in peace, I smell delicious cooking, my hosts are so kind! Even before dinner I feel full with love.

Having always fed and housed wildlife, homeless, poor, taken in the sick and infirm, I think there must be a karmic connection with these events in my life. But what I know for sure is the strength and blessing of Palyul. I’ve always been loyal to my Lineage and they to me.
Yep, that is merit and karma in a nutshell. You earn it, and you pay it forward, with joy!

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo All Rights Reserved

Phowa – Conscious Living and Dying Part 5: Full Length Video Teaching

The following is a full length video teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo offered at Kunzang Palyul Choling:

In this section Jetsunma describes our connection with the wrathful deitits and many of the aspects of the bardo of becoming.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo All Rights Reserved


OMG! My Kid is a Mystic!

An excerpt from Marrying Spiritual Life with Western Cultureby Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

As many of you know, I like to climb the same mountain that you like to climb – the mountain of wisdom or understanding – so that we can get to the top and really have the full vista of understanding.  I find its best to climb the mountain not in a linear way, but in a way that opens up to us true meaning on a conceptual level.   It’s a good thing to climb that mountain from every possible angle you can think of because on each side there will be a different experience of going up the mountain.  One can truly understand the mountain by moving in those various ways as opposed to having only one narrow means of approach.

In order to broaden and to deepen, then, one has to have the intention to really know and understand more deeply, so that Dharma will be real and focused and meaningful and will carry weight in one’s life.  That’s what I’d like to talk about today.  In order to do so, I’d like to talk about where we’re coming from and how our culture is different from a culture in which the Buddha naturally appeared and naturally emanated and naturally gave rise to certain teachings.  The Buddha did not appear in Missouri – not in the way we understand.  Although in truth the Buddha is everywhere in Missouri, the historical Buddha did not appear in Missouri or Indiana or Brooklyn, not in the same way.  The original teachings, the path of Dharma that we practice, was brought to us by Lord Buddha himself.

The Dharma began in India, in a culture that is very different from ours.  It’s where Lord Buddha appeared.  Even if it is not the most potent religion in India now, it still has had some effect on shaping and forming that culture.  Here in America there are religious factors that have shaped our culture, but they are different.

So I would like to examine some of the ways in which the cultures are different, just briefly enough to have a certain idea that we can examine for ourselves.  The best thing to do is to look at these cultures today, with just an idea of where they came from and how they progressed.  Culture in America today is materialistically oriented.  We are a culture of attainers.  We accumulate things.  We are given a definition of success that is handed down from generation to generation and, oddly enough, it has more to do with substance than it has to do with spirit; more to do with material gain or loss than it ever has to do with joy.  (Joy—what a concept!) When we are coming up, we are prepared and schooled to accomplish things that have to do with getting stuff – even if we study to become something that seems to be non-materialistically oriented, such as, for instance, a social worker.

You would think that a social worker would be looking at our culture with different eyes.  You would think that a social worker would be asking, “Well, what are these social factors? How can we organize them into something that is meaningful and deep for us?  How can we express within our culture the gamut of human expressions? How can we integrate it?  How can we make it work for us?  How can we discard those things that do not work for society?”  Yes, that is some of the training of a social worker.  But why does somebody become a social worker?  And how do we approach that kind of thing?  Well, we always think about how the job market is doing:  “When I get out of school after I learn all of this, will I really be able to get a job?”  And we think of ourselves as having an office, and we think of ourselves as having that little square on the office door that says, “You are somebody.”  Then we think about whether that would be a really profitable occupation.  So even if we were to approach something that could by its nature, be fundamentally non-materialistic, we approach it from a materialistic point of view.  That’s something that is interesting and unique about our culture.  It is so all-pervasive that it’s invisible, and you don’t really notice it until you go to other places.

If you really want to learn something about your culture, leave it and come back.  If mainstream America does not have that kind of experience, they cannot really see very well what the factors are.  It’s more difficult.  So to leave one’s culture and have another taste or another experience gives one a sense of comparison.

We approach everything in a collecting or accumulating way, in a materialistic way.  We measure success by material substance.  Nobody’s parents tried to raise a great mystic because you wouldn’t do that to your kid in our society.  You see what I’m saying?  You want to prevent your kid from the dark night of the soul.  You want to prevent your kid from the ambiguous, vague, cloudy, uncharted waters of mysticism.  You want your kid to be on the straight and narrow:  They know where to get a loaf of bread.  They know how to put some butter on it.  They know how to eat it.  They know how to feed it to their kids.  They know how to buy a car – that kind of thing.  You want your kid to be prepared for that.  You do not raise a mystic.  A mystic is something you have to contend with in our society.  It is an avocation that is fraught with suffering.

Now why is that?  Well, partially because a mystic goes into a very deep sense of connection.  In order to do that, the mystic has to plow through issues or plow through whatever it is that one plows through.  The other reason why being a mystic is so darn painful is because no one has any respect for that kind of thing.  A mystic in our society probably is a dreamer or a ne’er-do-well who can’t dress, who has no sense of self whatsoever, is socially inappropriate, and can’t figure out how to catch a cab.  Or maybe a mystic is someone who is depressed, possibly should be on Prozac.  These are the kind of things that we associate with a mystic’s life and that is why nobody has ever been encouraged to be like that.  The idea of really profound deep mysticism scares the pattooties out of us.

But in another culture where that kind of ideal is held up as being something pure, something wonderful, something significant, one’s experience regarding mysticism is entirely different.  There is a dignity and nobility about it.  There is a sense that this is a worthwhile occupation.  There is definitely less fear of having the freedom to utilize one’s life as a vehicle for true deep mysticism and spirituality.  One of the reasons why it’s more comfortable and easier to get connected to it is because one isn’t socially ostracized.

Now the great thing about being a mystic in America is that, once you get to the point where you’re really good at it and somebody finds you and you can market it – – maybe write a book or two, maybe sell something that you’ve given rise to – then you can be a success.  Mystics in our society can also be successful after they’re dead.  I really don’t know why.  If any of you know why, tell me.  But while we’re alive, we don’t have too much hope.

So how does this affect our sense of personal practice, our sense of taking refuge?  How does that connect with all of that?  We find ourselves in a difficult situation.  We are really limited, and we can’t see where the limitation is coming from.  We don’t know how deep we can quest or search and how profoundly we can make the connection between the external environment – between the ordinary view – and our deepest most intimate spiritual nature.  We feel somewhat limited in knowing how we can make that connection.

Let’s look again at some very important factors.  Think of how we follow religion in our country.  For the most part, here in the West, we believe religion is one of the many things that you should have in order to live a moral life.  It’s part of the palette of a moral life.  (This is kind of interesting, isn’t it?)  Many of the people who are deeply religious according to our society’s capacity have adapted their religion from their upbringing.  Somehow they got the message that in order to be part of that big, successful, materialistic picture you have to maintain a certain status quo concerning moral, ethical and spiritual issues.  It isn’t your heart.  No, you wouldn’t want that, because that’s that flaky stuff.  It’s really hard to have all that you’re supposed to have if this religious thing is so in your heart that it is your heart, that it speaks to you every minute, that all of your decisions are based on what you know to be true spiritually.  There’s not much chance that you’re going to be the big accumulator your parents hoped you would be if you go like that.  So religion is tamed.  It becomes insipid.  It becomes a thing that we do as part of the whole picture of who we are, but it does not really nourish us in the way that we want it to.  And we end up blaming the religion or the minister or the teacher or the prayers or something.  In America, our religious spiritual picture is not empowered.  It is not deepened – not in the way that would set us on fire.  I don’t mean this in a fanatical way.  I mean this in a way where we are never very far from what feels like spiritual truth, from what we know to be good, from what we know to be deep and meaningful.  It is very difficult for us in this culture to maintain that kind of spirituality.

Copyright © 1996 Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


Something reminds you of a painful memory.  Beware of rehashing old situations; you could come to an inaccurate conclusion and strike out in the wrong direction.  Andre Maurois said “The first recipe for happiness is:  avoid too lengthy meditations on the past.”  Change the subject and change directions.  Later in the day a loving exchange or interlude with a friend coincides with a fussy irritable moment; perhaps you’re having lunch with friends and the bill is wrong, so you’re annoyed. Don’t let a negative moment spoil a happy time.  Elsewhere, a creative project involving a group is in a final stage but it’s not over yet so keep pushing.  A dream is coming true; something you have wanted and waited for is coming to fruition.  Big picture thinking is excellent, and you can come up with a scenario that is successful.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Rest, Retreat and Compassion

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Hello all! I’ve now got my blackberry replaced. It died from a coffee spill. RIP li’l feller. 

Now at my destination I am resting and will soon begin retreat in earnest. All has been travel, stay overs, re-connecting with the people of Palyul — so good. 

Now resting, study, practice.I will be back eventually, when it is safe, I’m healthier, and justice is finally done. I look forward to returning home. Grateful for the love and care I have been shown. 

Photos newly dug up are now available. At last the splendor of Palyul is here for all!I have so much to share with you! Ancient stories, teachings, modern from the heart teachings too. Slowly, one step at a time.

I’ve asked my students to keep up with the Occupy DC movement, and to help them. For now, hearty Tibetan soup, called tukpa with barley dough balls. Best food there is. Can we get more support to feed vegetarians please? And boiled eggs always help. Plus fresh fruit and coffee! 

Here I am treated like a queen. And want to be sure all are treated so well. 

My back is pretty messed up so I have to stay off my feet some, and walk with sticks some. I must conquor this pain! 

But in every other way it’s all good. I’m so much less stressed not having to look over my shoulder to see if I’m being followed. This is pure bliss and peace here. And inspiring too. It feels like a whole new chapter of life, at least my life is about to begin. I just need the opportunity that comes with safety and Bodhicitta, and will do all I can for sentient beings. That is all that matters to me. To postulate about Dharma is useless. To bring the love is without question the way to awakening and peace! 


Guide Your Life With Right Though Part 1: Full Length Video Teaching

The following is a full length video teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo offered at Kunzang Palyul Choling:


Right thought is part of the 8-fold Path first taught by the Buddha as he described the method for exiting suffering. Jetsunma explores the concept of right thought and how i weaves with your karma to affect your experiences now and in the future.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo All Rights Reserved


Tell someone your good idea, right away!  A helpful plan is being formulated.  Communicate: call, email, text.  Be on the information highway.  This is a good day to express ideas.  You’ll be chatting away merrily with everyone you meet…the super market checker, the person next to you at the gym, etc.  It’s a talky day so tell your story.  This settles your mind and clears it of debris, much like vacuuming a room.  Once the energy has passed, you’ll have a more spacious mind.  Neighbors are important today, as are siblings and your car.  Go for a drive.  Motion is the thing today.  Bertrand Russell said “Man needs, for his happiness, not only the enjoyment of this or that, but hope and enterprise and change.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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