Astrology for 5/25/2023

5/25/2023 Thursday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: The spinning wheel of fortune or karma…

With the nodes adding to the potency of Mars-Pluto-Jupiter T-Square and making a Grand Cross – there is much karma being bought forward and opportunities to change trajectories. The Wheel of Fortune is spinning. The key is seeking opportunity in unlikely quarters – a bit like a fish going upstream. It may feel difficult to make headway but you can reach a new place if you are prepared to go against your habitual grains and focus on the ultimate goal. Today the Moon is square Uranus adding an unusual spice to the day.

If you don’t begin with thorough analysis, How will perfect certainty ever arise? If this noble confidence does not arise, How will false projections ever cease?~Mipham Rinpoche

Astrology for 5/24/2023

5/24/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Insights

With the Moon conjunct Mars prompting strong reactions today, it’s a great opportunity for developing insights into how you limit your view through what you are experiencing. The T-Square with Moon/Mars is a little like a pressure cooker but release is through insight: Jupiter and Pluto invites you to take the bigness of this moment and develop resilience. Pluto represents the Great Mother and Jupiter, a wide-angled lense on the world. The Earth, one aspect of the Great Mother, beckons and we are its custodians. How will you respond?

I have shown you the methods that lead to liberation, But you should know that liberation depends upon yourself.~Shakyamuni Buddha

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 5:12am until 10:35am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 5/23/2023

5/23/2023 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Bliss

Today, with Venus conjunct the Moon there is a moment of relaxation, joy, and even bliss. There is an alignment of your purpose in spite of the challenges of Mars which can include momentary unexpected health issues. Tapping into generosity can relieve stress. It’s a time for renewal and being flexible.

Buddhanature can be summed up in a single word: courage – specifically the courage to be just as we are, right here, right now, with all our doubts and uncertainties.~Mingyur Rinpche

Astrology for 5/22/2023

5/22/2023 Monday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Courage, mon brave!

Prominent Pluto energy right now reminds us to be brave in recognizing our inner demons, as Pluto slowly, inexorably draws any ‘stuckness’ into the light. You might not like what you find, but you’ll be able to move forward once these deep unhelpful habits are let go. Jupiterian energy expands your mind, giving a greater context to these habitual patterns, and Mars prompts frustration and a wish to see the enemy as outside you rather than within. This wish can be antidoted by patience and introspection. The Sun in Gemini and the new Moon in Cancer highlights communications of all kinds and finding solace in home.

Effortless compassion arises when you rest within the nature of your mind. How? When you see your own true nature, it is very blissful, great joy. Then you understand from personal experience that such sublime happiness actually exists, yet limitless sentient beings have not seen this. Who have not experienced this nature suffers greatly. ~His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche

Astrology for 5/21/2023

Sunday 5/21/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Breathing Easy

The Sun has just moved into Gemini bringing some fresh air to areas in your life where you felt a little stuck over the last month. There is an increase in your mental energy, and creative ideas stimulate your ability to communicate clearly. The Sun is in a positive aspect with Mars increasing your vitality. This is a good time to give a presentation to people that will be very interested in hearing from you. Pluto is added to the mix, so facilitating changes in your life can flow easily now. If you’ve been thinking about studying, now is the time to do so.

Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no-one else ever thought.

~Albert Einstein

The Moon is Void of Course today from 6.12pm until 11.28pm EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 5/20/2023

Saturday 5/20/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Ground Zero

A T- square has formed in fixed signs with 3 intense planets; Mars, Pluto and Jupiter, all at exactly zero degrees. This intensity has been building and will be felt for some while but today is ground zero. The potential for a clash between titans is great, a power struggle that could be ruthless and relentless. Ambitions arise with the energy and optimism to succeed but it will be met with opposition. With the benevolence of Jupiter at the apex, the development of wisdom may ensue from a search for greater meaning of life. Otherwise self aggrandizement may dominate with a wish to enrich one’s life. This planetary configuration can signify violence.

If Earth were your body, you would be able to feel the many areas where it is suffering.
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Astrology for 5/19/2023

Friday 5/19/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: New Beginnings

The New Moon is exactly conjunct the Sun today bringing a day of internalization and integration. A good time to begin plans of a personal nature, from the mundane to the sublime. Maybe house cleaning or a silent retreat for the day. Sun and Moon are in beneficial aspect to both Neptune and Mars which could give an energetic balance of yin and yang. Likewise it can give you energy to house clean first, then go into silent retreat. Another possibility could be to get involved with a humanitarian charitable organization.

If we understand the full implications of compassion on the many different levels it exists we would think compassion is not only desirable, but essential.
~ Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

The Moon is Void of Course today from 1.51pm until 2.48 EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 18/5/2023

18/5/2023 Thursday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: New Moon phase

With the new moon you can take a big breath of fresh air and start new projects and activities. The new moon brings clear insight into how to plan ahead and grow. With the Sun in good aspect to Neptune and the Moon in good aspect to Venus you have a buffer against difficulties wrought by the placement of Pluto, Mars and Uranus. Bigger forces are at work right now so hang on to your hat, whether it’s a beanie or a sun hat. Unexpected winds are blowing.

Blaming others or external circumstances for our suffering keeps us from being able to fix it.~Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

Astrology for 5/17/2023

5/17/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Stubborn or Determined?

The Moon joins Jupiter in Taurus today, bringing the total number of planets in Taurus to five, plus a couple of asteroids. Taurus can be stubborn when pushed too far – but the flip side is perseverance and steady movement towards ones goals. The desire realm is more emphasized in the sign of Taurus, both sensual and aesthetic. You can ask yourself if desire is helping or hindering your forward movement? Jupiter is happy in Taurus and good fortune is more available to you- but while it’s in challenging aspect to Pluto and Mars consider all your options before pressing the start button.

Mind precedes phenomena. Phenomena appear due to mind, and they disappear due to mind.〜 Buddha

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST USA 5:10am until 8:28am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 5/16/2023

5/16/2023 Tuesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Maintaining perspective

With Jupiter at the apex of a T-square between Pluto and Mars it behooves you to keep your perspective about the big things that happen. In other words don’t blow events out of proportion. Rather, use these moments as turning points. With Jupiter’s involvement there is always a silver lining. The element of air is diminished today so take a breath when you need to, and pause. You may not be able to see what’s going on today but tomorrow is a new day.

In law there are “magic words.” If one of them applies to what you are challenging, you have a good chance of getting it overturned.~Sarah Weddington

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