Astrology for 6/24/2023

Saturday 6/24/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Contentment

The Moon is in Virgo for a couple of days allowing us to feel content while being self contained. This is helpful as the Moon opposes Saturn which can sometimes trigger a sense of isolation and loneliness. Deep contemplation and analysis is favored, bringing compassionate healing through disciplined effort.

If with kindly generosity one merely has the wish to soothe the aching heads of other beings, such merit knows no bounds.


Astrology for 6/23/2023

Friday 6/23/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Date with Destiny

A particular configuration called a Yod or Finger of Fate is formed today, with Pluto at its apex, Moon and Sun the other partners in the trio. These are uncommon and a little mysterious due to their dormant potentiality that is triggered by certain transits. In this case the apex, Pluto, echoes the definition of a Yod, which is bringing full awareness to what needs to be changed and is transformed through sometimes abrupt and fateful circumstance. This may sound ominous but is really not, as for the individual it is something that has been accumulating strength and definition for many years and when the Yod is activated, attitudes and activities are suddenly dropped and the person appears newly born.

Transformation is an ongoing process that tends to appear ordinary, when in fact something extraordinary is taking place.

~ Suzy Ross

Astrology for 6/22/2023

6/22/2023 Thursday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Yin and Yang

With the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Leo there is a complimentary unusual reversal of roles. This is because the Sun (a yang planet) is in a Yin sign – Cancer – and the Moon (a yin planet) is in a Yang sign – Leo. Ultimately we contain both yin and yang energies but finding a balance between them is the key! With Mars and Venus near the Moon your enemy is your friend and visa versa. Again, the key is finding the balance – and moving away from extremes of attraction and aversion. Energy is unsettling today so settle yourself down by finding a nook of nurturing, whatever that looks like.

Boy, what a soft shell I’m turning out to be.~Sebastian the Crab, The Little Mermaid

Astrology for 6/21/2023

6/21/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Connecting with with the tender heart

With the Sun now in Cancer it’s an opportunity to connect with the tender parts of you that are protected by the carapace of self-protection. On the one hand it’s wise to be discriminating about when to self-protect or shield yourself, but on the other hand too much over-protection means you can’t easily access your rich emotional interior where dreams, visions and connection to lineage and family reside. The Moon is in Leo bringing a playful creativity into interactions for the next couple of days. It’s also a good time to access your dignity and feeling empowered.

…no matter what action that you are engaging in with your body, speech or mind, – and no matter where you are, If that action is not imbued with love and compassion, you will most probably never feel completely fulfilled.~Chamtrul Rinpoche

Astrology for 6/20/2023

6/20/2023 Tuesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Self Honesty

The Moon is directly opposite Pluto today inviting us to embrace self-honesty and identify emotional truths- which are in turn aided by letting go of the wish to be in control. In this way insights emerge in a less partisan, contemplative space. A good aspect between the Moon and Neptune assists in relaxing your mind today, antidoting over-thinking thus inviting inspiration and insight. People can, out of the blue, refocus your perspective- pointing you towards a clouds’ silver lining rather than its form.

Realization of the nature of mind isn’t an ordeal or difficult to accomplish. All one has to do is look at the nature of mind, but because it is too close and too easy, we think, “That can’t be it.”~Khenchen Trangu Rinpoche

Astrology for 6/19/2023

With the Moon in Cancer it’s time for nurturing self and others including growing food and feeding others. The past is more present- strong memories and family ties are emphasized. There is a spark in personal relationships. You can engage in deep conversations right now- which can either be refreshing or challenging depending on your capacity to really listen to others and receive constructive criticism. You can make your ideals real through self-discipline. The Moon is in the waxing crescent phase spurring us to creativity and focus.

But our best vases, our thinnest, strongest rims occurred under the delicate,waxing crescent, that perfect curve when silver holds the future of both itself and the world.

~ Joanne M. Clarkson

Astrology for 6/18/2023

Sunday 6/18/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Discerning Veils

Sun square Neptune could on a mundane level, challenge our view of reality. We get caught up in fake news, or deception of some kind that shakes our self confidence to the point we feel depressed or disappointed. On the other hand this transit can stimulate our idealism and compassion through seeing others suffering and bring forth a strong wish to alleviate that. Pay attention when driving or handling sharp implements as Mars square Uranus can mean accidents. Keep your mind calm.

Compassion and kindness aren’t something that we have to learn from someone else. Kindness is the intrinsic nature.

~Khandro Rinpoche

The Moon is Void of Course today from 2.24 until 6.58am EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 6/17/2023

Saturday 6/17/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Moon Bathing

Today is the Full Moon, with Sun and Moon in Gemini. Our solar, creative energy shines light on our emotions and we have the need to verbalize feelings to experience connection with others. The potential is there to heighten our security or insecurity and with Neptune involved we may even become confused about our identity. There is an underlying urge to transcend material reality through a spiritual path. The challenge with Gemini is not to scatter in too many directions at once and feel depleted by the end of the day.

In solitude the mind and body are not troubled by distraction. Therefore leave this worldly life and totally abandon mental wandering.

~ Shantideva

Astrology for 6/16/2023

Friday 6/16/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Applied Effort

With Mercury and Moon exact in Gemini, our rational intellect and subjective emotions can blend or clash depending on the moment. Saturn challenges both planets, exerting disciplined effort and restraining emotional expression. These transits are very helpful for application and concentration with meditation. With persistence the mind can become stabilized.

For one who clings, motion exists; but for one who clings not, there is no motion. Where no motion is, there is stillness.
~ Buddha

Astrology for 6/15/2023

6/15/2023 Thursday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Putting your thinking cap on

With Mercury directly square Saturn today it’s a problem solving time. You can sort it out if you take the time to really think about solutions. The Moon remains in Taurus for most of the day giving a nice grounding energy to your daily routine. The Sun remains in Gemini for about another week so enjoy the speed and lightness of interactions and engagements with others during this time. You might not be able to pin people down but you can enjoy them as they fly past!

[Do] you believe in astrology? Jack: Absolutely not! But then, I’m a Gemini and Geminis don’t believe in astrology~Croupier (the film).

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 9.36pm until 9:46pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

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