Astrology for 7/4/2023

7/4/2023 Tuesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Intensity and Depth

With the Moon conjunct Pluto today you will feel the pull on your psyche to dredge up your deep emotions, for better or worse. The Moon in Aquarius doesn’t like emotional intensity. To counteract emotional avoidance create some inner spaciousness through taking time out. The element of air is absent from all planetary placements which means it continues to be difficult to stand back from your positions and opinions about things – and have an agile mind. However, a preponderance of good planetary aspects as a softener on the fabric of your life today!

When we become conscious of reducing waste from kitchens to households, and on the streets, it is only then they will realise the health, environmental and economic benefits of waste management.~Adenike Akinsemolu

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 11.34 pm until 3:31am the next day. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 7/3/2023

7/3/2023 Monday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Shifting positions

With Venus continuing to be in close square to Uranus, the basis and the predictability of relationships keeps changing. When there are lots of changes going on check your internal sense of balance so that you are better able to respond no matter what is changing. The full moon has peaked and you can better complete tasks and strengthen your home circumstances, aided by the Moon in Capricorn and Sun in Cancer.

There should be a balance in all our actions, to be either extreme or lukewarm is equally bad.~Hazrat Inayat Khan

Astrology for 7/2/2023

Sunday 7/2/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Reality Check

The Sagittarius Moon sobers up just after midday as it moves into serious Capricorn. We may feel more determined to take the goat by the horns and control areas of our life and environment that we feel need reshaping. Our optimism may turn to caution and pragmatism. Just so long as we use the energy for self control rather than controlling others, we may have a productive couple of days ahead.

Always examining your mind it is essential to control it as much as you can without becoming overpowered by the afflictive emotions.
~ HH Penor Rinpoche

The Moon is Void of Course today from 9.33am until 1.20pm EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 7/1/2023

Saturday 7/1/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Sensitivity

A time of nurturing new ideas, and with Mercury in Cancer, learning often comes through absorption. The sensitivity of the Sun in Cancer makes us instinctively want to protect our ego, and we have to work with painstaking discipline to overcome our subconscious fears. Sun and Mercury trine Saturn allows us to channel our mind to anything that requires attention to detail. The results should bear fruit.

As long as the ocean of dissatisfaction remains within you, the slightest change in the environment can be enough to bring out a problem.

~Lama Yeshe

Astrology for 6/30/2023

Friday 6/30/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Fire in the Sky

Moon moves into Sagittarius bringing enthusiasm to our idealism and quest for the Truth. It’s time for movement again after the past couple of days of emotional intensity from a Scorpio moon. Future goals are explored and Mars in Leo pushes for action and our emotional expression radiates warmth. It’s important not to get too carried away and start preaching or becoming self righteous. And a Leonine Mars can really puff us up with pride and the urge for center stage. As they say,  forewarned is forearmed.

“Relative and Absolute, these 2 truths are declared to be. The absolute is not within the reach of intellect, for intellect is grounded in the relative.”

The Moon is Void of Course today from 10.20am until 10.59am EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 6/29/2023

6/29/2023 Thursday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Air quality!

There is not one planet in an air sign today so you could be experiencing some challenges with simply breathing! The element of air rules communication, the mind, mentality, objectivity and co-operation – not to mention ones lungs! With the Sun close to Mercury in Cancer the past is noticeably present, and therefore provides a good opportunity to identify old patterns that have outgrown their usefulness but still impinge on the present.

for our house is open, there are no keys in the doors and invisible guests come in and out at will.~Czeslaw Milosz

Astrology for 6/28/2023

6/28/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Counterpoints

When times are tough there are opportunities to be found. Today the Moon seals in these opportunities making a grand trine to Saturn and the Sun conjunct Mercury and Juno. Effort brings reward and the capacity to make links with key people today. Family and close relationship connections, can provide supportive advice. With a lack of planets in air signs today you are way more subjective than usual. With the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Scorpio, both water signs, it’s an ideal time to connect with your heart, otherwise you could be a bit of an Eeyore.

Could be worse. Not sure how, but it could be.~Eeyore via A.A. Milne

Astrology for 6/27/2023

6/27/2023 Tuesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Thinking your way through

With Mercury, the planet that rules our communication, in good aspect you have some welcome insights from others that help steer your course today. You are also more balanced emotionally. That being said, you still are in the change game and pressure is still being bought to bear, thus engaging your warrior side. Seek the inner weaponry of discipline and patience to to deal with the outer world.

No one is to be called an enemy, all are your benefactors, and no one does you harm. You have no enemy except yourselves.~St Francis of Assisi

Astrology for 6/26/2023

6/26/2023 Monday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Preventative measures

With a T-Square between Mars/Venus/Pallas Athena, Uranus and Hygeia there is a focus on harnessing beneficial ideas relationships, acumen and preventative medicine in dealing with the build up of pressure and tension. Venus and Hygeia act as antidotes to eruptions and sudden potentially cathartic change by applying patience, resolve and the wisdom of self-care, especially practical ideas and physical self care. Mercury moves into the sign of Cancer today bringing improvements in memory and retention.

The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.~Albert Einstein

Astrology for 6/25/2023

Sunday 6/25/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: A Warning

Mars has been square Uranus for the last several days and its effect will be for another week also. But today and tomorrow both planets are exact at 21 degrees. You may have already noticed the increase in car accidents and sirens. This aspect can really increase restlessness, impulsiveness and anger which in turn can cause accidents and injury. On an inner level this is about making real change in our life and acting on it, but if we resist, change may be “forced” on us by outside circumstances. Whenever possible, work towards calming the mind.

Do not maintain anger or hatred. Learn to penetrate and transform them while they are seeds in your consciousness.
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

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