Astrology for 8/20/2025

8/20/2025 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Communication challenges

With Mercury Retrograde forming a square to Uranus there are unexpected interruptions and sudden changes in communications. Cultivate patience and flexibility for even with the best will in the world, communications can go awry. The Moon conjuncts Saturn today placing hard-to-budge challenges in respect of your daily routine and health. Lilith is conjunct Venus bringing the shadow in relationships to light.

Always scrutinize your own shortcomings. Ignore the faults of others. Keep this attitude: “Whether they are pure or whether they are defiled, it is none of my business!“~Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

Astrology for 8/19/2024

8/19/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Possibilities

With the Full Moon opposite the Sun forming a T-square to Uranus, and the additions of Venus opposite Saturn square Jupiter expect major events and shifts today. With the involvement of Venus and Jupiter in these aspects the negative outcomes have the potential to lead to large transformations. The quiet influence of the asteroid Pallas Athena softens the T-Square, forming a Grand-Cross with the Sun, Moon and Uranus. Pallas Athena is the Warrior Queen and Goddess of wisdom and justice. In her good aspect she embodies courage and in her negative aspect, fear. She is also protectress of the State and a wise strategist.

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 2.26pm until 6:52pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Sunday 8/18/24 by Miranda

Theme:   New Ideas

Today Sun and Mercury are exactly conjunct. Ideas and discussions will be vital and lively. Speaking from personal experience you may initiate conversations that are stimulating and creative.
Uranus is still square both planets, increasing thinking outside the box and increasing the pace. The energy is so dynamic that there is a danger of accidents if you try and suppress change. Uranus is really working hard to get our attention to change, to wake up. Structures that we believe are solid are crumbling, like houses, government, borders.
It is up to us how open or resistant we wish to be.

“. All great changes are preceded by chaos.”
Rebekah Lowin

Saturday 8/17/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Mystery

A Finger of Fate ( or Yod) forms today with the base being Pluto sextile Neptune, signifying deep inner spiritual transformation. The Moon conjuncts Pluto intensifying emotional experiences.
At the apex is Mercury Sun conjunct denoting self expression.
The Yod is considered to activate a fork in the road, but the road you take is not deliberately decided. Rather an abrupt fated movement. Although seemingly unchosen, circumstances have been brewing for sometime that can bring awareness in hindsight. The initial experience may feel ungrounded.

“ Looking deeper, we could say that the cause of suffering is not being able to tolerate uncertainty and think that it’s perfectly sane to deny the fundamental groundlessness of being human.”
Pema Chodron

Friday 8/16/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Push – Pull

A T-square involving Jupiter Mars at the apex, with Venus and Saturn at the base can create inner conflict between duty and socializing or close relationships. Tension can also arise in relationships leaving you feeling isolated or withdrawn.
This is a time where frustration occurs through your efforts being blocked.
If you can take time out to meditate, letting go of inner tension could be very beneficial.

“ Mindful observation is the element which nourishes the tree of understanding.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

Astrology for 8/15/2024

8/15/2024 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Be enterprising

With Mars still closely conjunct Jupiter (but away from the tricky Moon aspect yesterday) now is the time to be enterprising and have confidence that you can progress and/or complete plans, especially those concerning study, travel and legal matters. The Moon moves into Capricorn today strengthening your focus on practical matters and achievements, including those weighing the scales of justice. As the Sun approaches Vesta matters concerning home and hearth become a focal point along with an opportunity for personal integration.

So many paths go up from the foothills but one moon grazes the peak.~.~Ikkyu

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 12.52pm until 1:51pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 8/14/2024

8/14/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Keeping things in proportion

With the Moon opposite Jupiter conjunct Mars there is both opportunity and risk. The opportunity is there to seize the moment, and the risk is overdoing it, and succumbing to impatience and grandiosity, thereby risking the overall success of the endeavor. If you can really align your goals with your inner purpose and natural self-awareness, then there is a clearer pathway.

…harmonize our conduct with the understanding that happiness proceeds from positive deeds and suffering from negative ones.~Bokar Rinpoche

Astrology for 8/13/2024

8/13/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Incisive

With Mercury and Venus in Virgo there is an urge to focus on the minutiae sometimes at the expense of the bigger picture. Details have their place, and with Mercury retrograde the devil is in the detail. Thankfully with the Moon in Sagittarius there is more willingness to lift ones head and see the horizon. Details are important but so is the end goal.

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.~Goethe

Astrology for 8/12/2024

8/12/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Investigation

With the Moon in Scorpio you can mine the inner workings of the unconscious mind to gather insights that are usually hidden from you. At this time your more likely to keep your privacy in order to contemplate your life, and also strategize which is helpful in order to make progress with challenging goals. With the Sun square Uranus there is a restlessness that invites some restraint in order to understand your motivation in order to move forward.

When strong habits confront us, we often feel we are no match for them. But the mind of practice can accommodate the full spectrum of thoughts and emotions. We must never be intimidated by our own mind.~Dzigar Kontrul Rinpoche

Sunday 8/11/34 by Miranda

Theme:  Double Whammy

The Moon moving into Scorpio may bring up passionate feelings and reactions by stirring the depths of our subconscious. This is magnified by Moon square Pluto ( ruler of Scorpio) bringing compulsive behaviors and hidden habitual tendencies to the surface.
These may arise due to a power play between you and another person. If you can confront repression, either of you or within you, with honesty, it will assist to transform the situation. Seeing the truth is imperative for real change to occur.

“ A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.”
Dalai Lama

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