Astrology for 11/29/2023

11/29/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Contraction and Expansion

With Saturn and Jupiter in aspect to the Moon today you can experience the different energies of these two planets – Saturn with its tight focus on working within existing systems, and Jupiter with its expansive view, going beyond existing boundaries to explore new horizons. The Moon in Cancer brings family, ancestors and home to the fore. With the Moons proximity to Vesta emotional responsiveness is highlighted, and learning to let go of judgement.

There are two kinds of happiness. There is that of an uncommitted life of sensual pleasures, and there is that of a committed life, one of going forth to a new consciousness. Of these, the happiness of going forth is greater.~The Buddha

Astrology for 11/28/2023

11/28/2023 Tuesday

Theme: Believe

With the Sun in Sagittarius now is the time to connect with a belief system tthat the world can be a better place. The challenge is to ground idealism in the building blocks of how to make beneficial change, starting with yourself. With good aspects to Mercury you have the mental acuity to have good insights so as long as you take time to reflect and don’t rush or make assumptions about what you think is going on. Relationships are harmonious today.

Humanity cannot forget its dreamers; it cannot let their ideals fade and die; it lives in them; it knows them as the realities  which it shall one day see and know.~James Allen

Astrology for 11/27/2023

11/27/2023 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Full to the brim

With the full moon in Gemini today communication of all kinds, connections with others and short trips are activated. Emotions are heightened. With Mercury square Neptune, there is increased likelihood of misunderstandings. After the heightened energy of the full moon there inevitably comes a subsidence into a calmer, more reflective place where you integrate the events of the past month. Past relationships surface at this time offering insights into patterns of relating that can benefit from change.

Make friends but don’t expect any benefit for yourself. Friendship only for oneself harms trust. So an ancient once said, “Have an enduring friendship with purity in heart.”~Zen Master Kyong Ho

Astrology for 11/26/2023

11/26/2023 Sunday by Jampal

Theme: Disruption then Stress

It is not an all bad day, but the Moon conjunct Uranus in the morning indicates sudden events. Then the full Moon brings small tensions to the surface. We have a lot of energy to work with especially since the Sun is still united with Mars. But we will feel conflict between two major areas of our life. It is still important to proceed slowly with all events that we want to succeed.

Things falling apart is a kind of testing and also a kind of healing. ~ Pema Chodron

The Moon is void of course from 4:53 pm until 7:41 pm EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 11/25/2023

11/25/2023 Saturday by Jampal

Theme: Be Cautious

With the pinnacle of Mars square Saturn today we should approach our activities in a slow, methodical manner. Be aware that fears that come up might be imaginary. Authority figures tend to be discouraging at this time. There is a bright spot in the morning as the Moon is conjunct Jupiter. Generally we feel emotionally secure with the moon in Taurus today, except that late at night there is some disruptive energy.

Distrust and caution are the parents of security. ~Benjamin Franklin

Astrology for 11/24/2023

11/24/2023 Friday by Jampal

Theme: Optimism?

On the one hand the Sun, Mercury and Mars are in Sagittarius, which is ruled by optimistic Jupiter. We have more interest in religion, philosophy and foreign places than usual. There is a square angle between Saturn and the Sun and Mars which puts a damper on our enthusiasm. Expect some setbacks for a few more days. The Moon moves from action Aries to being exalted in Taurus this evening. We will feel more emotionally secure.

If you fall behind, run faster. Never give up, never surrender, and rise up against the odds. ~Jesse Jackson

Astrology for 11/22/2023

11/22/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Optimism

The Sun moves into Sagittarius today bringing rays of optimism to dispel the shadows of despair. The Sun in Sagittarius also brings an adventuresome spirit, and a focus on learning, philosophy and travel. The Moon has moved into Aries adding enthusiasm and a ‘can do’ approach to starting projects. Some relationships are more vulnerable today. Overall there is energy to spare. Mindfulness is still called for – especially think before you speak.

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST USA 10.10am until 11:19pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 11/21/2023

11/21/2023 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Drawing on resources

You have more strength than you know. With Pluto in good aspect to the Sun and Mars there is a depth of reserves you can access including the qualities of fortitude and perseverance. As the Moon approaches Neptune you will benefit from quiet and restful time. Try not to figure people out as with this aspect nothing is what it appears. With the preponderances of planets in water signs feeling is not always believing – but feeling can lead you to a more compassionate place in yourself.

When we’re really in touch with the longing to help others, and when our lives are committed to that purpose, we can consider ourselves among the most fortunate people on this earth.~Pema Chodron

Astrology for 11/20/2023

11/20/2023 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Holding the line

Ceres, the asteroid embodying loving-kindness, nurturing and antidoting hunger in the world, not to mention true democracy, is the umpire between Mars and the Sun today directing energy to meaningful supportive and humanitarian projects. With Saturn conjunct the Moon in the first half of the day you will feel restriction and even depression: self-discipline and the capacity to put one foot in front of the other help navigate you out of self-absorption. There is a lot of energy that is also equally uplifting today.

When we end up believing our thoughts and acting on them, then we’re creating karma and we will be stuck with it. Usually when we believe our thughts we tend to act on them. But by maintaining this nondoing awareness, all of our internal issues dating back lifetimes will vanish.~Anam Thubten Rinpoche

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST USA 5.50am until 9:29am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 11/19/2023

11/19/2023 Sunday by Jampal

Theme: Action

Most of the dynamic energy that has been present the last two days continues today. We have the power to carry out acts of compassion. We can make a big difference in the world now. The Moon is in Aquarius for two more days. The second half of the day is particularly Aquarian, as the Moon squares Uranus. We tend to be rebellious to the point of missing out on what is beneficial. The practice of patience is helpful.

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them at least don’t hurt them. ~H H the Dalai Lama

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