Astrology for 12/30/2023

12/30/2023 Saturday by Jampal

Theme: Slow Down

Especially in the middle of the day the square from the Moon to Uranus indicates that we have hair trigger impulses to be independent and rebellious. This enhances the chances of miscommunication, as Mercury is retrograde for a few more days. We are ill at ease emotionally, and crave excitement. The Mars square Neptune lowers our vitality, and is psychologically depressing. The best approach is to turn towards spiritual activity.

Compassion must be nurtured every day, like a flower that could die. ~Jetsunma Akhon Norbu Lhamo

Astrology for 12/29/2023

12/29/2023 Friday by Jampal

Theme: Intellectual Energy

Mercury is conjunct Mars for one more day. This can be a powerful time for intellectual pursuits. But our ego will be stronger and we can over identify with our ideas. It is best to pick your battles: Is this really worth an argument? In the first half of the day the Moon is square Jupiter. This is generally positive: We are generous and broadminded. But arrogance, particularly concerning religion and philosophy, is a danger.

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. ~H H the Dalai Lama

Astrology for 12/28/2023

12/28/2023 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Daily routine

With a predominance of aspects to the moon (mostly favorable) your daily routine runs more smoothly, and you have more spaciousness in your mind helping you along the way. You also have more capacity to dive more deeply into challenging activity. Venus in good aspect to Pluto indicates the deepening of relationships. Energy levels fluctuate while Mars is square the Sun.

Existence and non-existence are extremes, purity and impurity are extremes as well, thus, having relinquished both extremes, the wise do not dwell even in the middle.~The Buddha

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST USA 5.57pm until 7:23pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 12/27/2023

12/27/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Mindful speech continues!

With Mercury exactly conjunct Mars there is a drive to get your viewpoint across without necessarily understanding the nuances of communication and how to achieve understanding. Mars compels us to act before we necessarily understand the consequences of our action – or in this case speech. The good thing today is that Sun is trine Jupiter which gives us time to expand our understanding of compassion and the human capacity to be heard and feel heard.

The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.~William Shakespeare

Astrology for 12/26/2023

12/26/2023 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Fullness and Emptiness

With the full Moon today you will feel the tide of energy peaking then abating, moving from a frenetic build-up to a letting go of spent energy. The Moon is at home in Cancer so there is a tie-in with the natural ebb and flow of life reminding us that we are part of a bigger whole and universe. You will feel both expansive, and yet have more self-discipline today. Make sure you check your facts before deciding on a course of action.

Everything is impermanent. Learn to love without condition. Talk without bad intention. Give without any reason. And most of all Care for beings without any expectation.~Minling khenchen Rinpoche

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST USA 2.55am until 10:15am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 12/25/2023

12/25/2023 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Connecting with like-minds

It’s a pleasant day for connecting with like-minded friends and feeling supported in your spiritual endeavors .You may feel combative or righteous later in the day. That habit can be antidoted by another aspect whereby you are able to develop insights about what causes your reactions. Any opportunity to pause before you speak is helpful given Mercury retrograde is close to Mars, an aspect which makes you will feel more compulsion to speak.

One’s destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things.~Henry Miller

Astrology for 12/24/2023

12/24/2023 Sunday by Jampal

Theme: Perspective

Now that the Sun and Mercury have separated and are in different signs, we can see things more objectively. We are ambitious and forward looking with the Sun in Capricorn. We are big picture oriented, interested especially in religion, philosophy and foreign places, with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius. The Moon is in playful, chatty Gemini for a few days. But we will have a tendency to isolate and be depressed in the morning.

Attachment constrains our vision so that we are not able to see things from a wider perspective. ~H H the Dalai Lama

The Moon is void of course from 1:41 am until 3:16 am today EST. Do not make any major decisions during this time.

Astrology for 12/23/2023

12/23/2023 Saturday by Jampal

Theme: Sudden Mood Changes

Because the Moon unites with Uranus for the morning to mid afternoon we will feel impulsive. Expect others around us to share the quick mood changes. We should think twice before doing anything very unusual, because we might regret it later. We don’t want others to restrict us now. Mercury is back in Sagittarius for 3 weeks which gives us a more optimistic outlook, but a tendency to be careless with details.

A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will. ~Icelandic proverb

Astrology for 12/22/2023

12/22/2023 Friday by Jampal

Theme: A Goat with Blinders on

The Sun enters the sign Capricorn early this morning, and is exactly united with Mercury in the early afternoon. The image for Capricorn is a goat ambitiously climbing. We have less objective perspective than usual. We do have the ability to focus our minds and achieve much today with a couple of caveats. Communication is difficult, and we should be especially open to others points of view. The Moon is in practical, beautiful and secure Taurus for a couple more days effecting our emotions in a positive way.

A Capricorn should come with a warning label: We are difficult and not for the faint of heart but definitely worth your time.

Astrology for 12/21/2023

12/21/2023 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Solstice

Welcome to the winter or summer solstice, depending where you reside. This day marks a turning point mid-way through the seasons and is a time for reflection and renewal. It coincides with the movement of the Sun into the sign of Capricorn focusing our activities on building strong foundations, and setting our goals towards higher peaks. The earth energy of Capricorn also favors pragmatism, combined with some lighter moments of Capricorn frivolity (Yes Capricorns can be funny). The Moon moves into Taurus later making it a doubly earthy time for the next few days. With so many planetary aspects today it’s also a dynamic day.

The most beautiful people are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.~Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST USA 9.47pm until 9:50pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

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