Astrology for 4/3/2024

4/3/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Subsiding intensity

After matters intensify in the last 24 hours, following the Moon’s transit of Pluto, intensity persists and thankfully subsides as the Moon pulls away from the magnetic transforming nature of Pluto and moves into the sign of Aquarius. The Moon in Aquarius ushers in a more dispassionate side of one’s nature which is good for innovation and technology fixes. Venus and Neptune are exactly conjunct which provide a real opportunity for having compassion for yourself and others in the midst of suffering.

Two thirds of humanity live in poverty so profound it can only be called death. And the most essential human right is the right to live, a right denied the majority.~ Gustavo Gutierrez

Astrology for 4/2/2024

4/2/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Beneficial conditions

With the Moon in harmonious connection to Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune the day flows more smoothly than usual. One’s purpose, as embodied by the Sun, is more aligned with where you need to head, rather than being stuck in the past. Healing comes when the mind is at ease. Of course nothing is perfect and the square between the Sun and Moon indicates the familiar challenge of expressing your inner nature while dealing with worldly matters.

The only power anywhere to make our path the mystical, heartfelt and truly sincere experience that it is for those who have always had it. The only power to do that is within us.~Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

Astrology for 4/1/2024

4/1/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: A good time to open your heart

The conjunction of Venus and Neptune reminds us that we have a boundless heart for compassion and benefiting others. Now is the time to access that energy and harness it for good. On an ordinary level it can make relationships more opaque and a little confusing. What better time then to meditate, contemplate and connect with our inner being. The Moon in Capricorn brings pragmatism to daily activities while the Mars/Saturn conjunction gives us energy to really work hard to achieve results. However, this aspect also reminds us to be on guard against our reactionary self which can destroy our good work in a moment.

If you have resentment in your heart, you’ve only got yourself to blame. If you could understand it’s not any outside thing but your own attachment or greed that causes the resentment in the first place, you would be able to let go of the emotion. If you have time to be angry, you might as well use that time to do something good for society, right?~Master Hsing Yun

Sunday 3/31/24 by Miranda

Theme:   Optimism

The Moon moves into Sagittarius bringing a sense of freedom. It’s easy to feel enthusiastic with this sign. You may want to hit the road for a couple of days and travel enjoying the spring break.
The Moon being trine the Sun brings a feeling of harmony within oneself, which is much needed after the last few days. Enjoy the renewal of vitality and energy once more.

“. When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”  Lao Tzu

Saturday 3/30/24 by Miranda

Theme:    Impermanence

The Moon has moved a few more degrees into Scorpio and opposes Uranus this time. It’s common to have feelings of impulsiveness with a strong desire to break out of daily routine and habits. If you give into these emotions, the outcome may be rather destructive. You may also encounter surprises that are not to your liking.
Watching your mind and not over reacting can be helpful, so that you can make changes that are long lasting and effective. Don’t give into haste.

“ Whatever has the nature of arising has the nature of ceasing.”

Friday 3/28/24 by Miranda

Theme: Quest for Freedom

Moon is exactly opposite Jupiter around noon which stimulates a drive for personal freedom. Questions may arise about your core values and aspirations in life. As we know Jupiter is in close proximity to Uranus and has been for a few weeks, so this theme is not new but now is front and center. You may be experiencing a deeper evaluation of your values. What  needs to change due to external disruptive events that are affecting everyone at this time ? The big question is: what does freedom mean to you?

“ To thine own self be true.” William Shakespeare

Astrology for 3/28/2024

3/28/2024 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Still going on

Yesterday blurs and blends in with today. Was their any difference between yesterday and today? The Moon is still opposing Jupiter and Uranus but with even more precision. But thankfully, as the Moon pulls away from this conjunction there is a conclusion. And there are softer edges to the day in the form of harmonious aspects between the Moon, Venus and Neptune. In that space there is an appreciation of beauty and feeling interconnected and more open-hearted. The Sun in Aries helps you forge a new path.

Without stirring abroad one can know the whole world; without looking out of the window one can see the way of heaven. The further one goes the less one knows.~Lao Tzu

Astrology for 3/27/2024

3/27/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Uptick

With the Moon in Scorpio opposite the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction today there are unexpected events particularly in relation to equipment and finances. The Moon both magnifies and reflects reality back to us. In Scorpio the emotional responses are intensified and deep. With that in mind, whatever is happening around you can be a point of reflection for uncovering deep emotional patterns that promote a fixed way of viewing reality.

We compare the present with what we have experienced in the past and we seem to recognize it. We paint the new information with the old colors we already have inside us. This is why most of the time we don’t have direct access to reality, to things as they are.~Thich Nhat Hahn

Astrology for 3/26/2024

3/26/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Rejuvenate

Find ways today to rejuvenate yourself. The Moon conjunct the south node opposite the Sun, Chiron and Mercury could make you feel more sensitive. It helps to activate your self-care mode: take time for reflection, rest and hydration when you can. The less said the better in some ways. With Venus in Pisces sextile Jupiter and Uranus you are bound to feel more of the suffering in the world because your heart is more open. It also means you can free yourself to rejoice in the things that matter.

Poetry must find ways of breaking distance. … all languages are dialects that are made to break new grounds.~Giannina Braschi

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 7.09pm until 5:03am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 3/25/2024

3/25/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Peacemaking in times of conflict

The Moon in Libra provides energy for adjudication of conflict through brokering peace deals. This can be a diplomatic friend weighing in between two warring friends or diplomacy on a larger scale. The challenge of Libran energy is to finalize any deal. As Jupiter approaches closer to Uranus there is more volatility in a variety of domains. It’s an opportunity to be open to new possibilities as well as developing an understanding of how to deal with uncertainty.

I love, from my heart I love, liberty.~Daniel O’Connell

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