Astrology for 1/19/2025

1/19/2025 Sunday by Jampal

Theme: Loving with Restrictions

The union of Venus and Saturn in Pisces is at a peak today. Practical considerations limit our connection with others. At the same time the Sun moves into Aquarius in the afternoon. This adds to the effect of Pluto in Aquarius. This combination indicates a tendency to overthrow or destroy humanitarian values. It will be some years before those values regenerate and will hopefully be new and improved.

An Aquarius will act civil or ignore what happened but that doesn’t mean that they have forgotten.~ Anon.

Astrology for 1/18/2025

1/18/2025 Saturday by Jampal

Theme: Pluto

The Sun unites with Pluto for several days now. We will have deep visceral experiences. It is a good time to repair things. But beware of the tendency to control or be controlled by others. Our emotions harmonize with our sense of purpose today, which creates some sense of ease. We are idealistic about our future and emotionally in touch with our past.

I refuse to accept Pluto’s resignation as a planet. ~Amy Lee

Astrology for 1/16/2025

1/16/2025 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: The Wheel of Fortune

With Jupiter opposite the Part of Fortune today, and depending on where it falls in your natal chart, there is an an opportunity for beneficial and timely expansion, prompted by an external event. It’s like the Wheel of Fortune lands on an auspicious point in the chart. But of course the Wheel of Fortune keeps turning, and with so many challenging aspects right it’s good to take things one step at a time to accomplish your goals.

Fortune knows, We scorn her most, when most she offers blows.~William Shakespeare

The Moon is Void of Course from 11:10 the previous day until 11.46am. It’s wise to take a hiatus from external activities and undertake smaller, low-key activities. Do not sign contracts.

Astrology for 1/15/2025

1/15/2025 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Double dose

Mars is opposite the Sun and Pluto. On the one hand there’s a real possibility of cutting through obstacles. On the other hand, situations can get inflamed. The offset is the sign of Capricorn which is naturally conservative and practical , meaning there can be containment of the worst effects of conflict. At an inner level it’s beneficial to work with how you deal with conflict, power struggles and anger.

It is only in folk tales, children’s stories, and the journals of intellectual opinion that power is used wisely and well to destroy evil. The real world teaches very different lessons, and it takes willful and dedicated ignorance to fail to perceive them.~Noam Chomsky

Astrology for 1/14/2025

1/14/2025 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Creativity

The Moon has moved into Leo focusing attention on creativity, play, and giving rise to one’s inner dignity. Your emotions are less reactive as the Moon pulls away from Mars, but still a cause for mindfulness. And just when you thought it was safe – the Sun marches towards Pluto bringing an intensity and driven quality to events. This transit can signal inner power struggles that can manifest outwardly as the more hidden parts of your psyche surface. Neptune is conjunct the north node bringing you back iinto alignment with your inner luminous nature. 

Do you think maybe I want power for myself? That’s for fools who want to command other fools.~Poul Anderson

The Moon is Void of Course until 4.12am so avoid undertaking major activities, including signing contracts at this time.

Astrology for 1/13/2025

1/13/2025 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Containment and Commitment

With the Moon conjunct Mars today you are more reactive than usual. Patience is your ally when strong emotions are triggered. Venus is approaching Saturn bringing past relationships into the present for re-assessment. This conjunction brings the more serious side of interactions to your attention and signals a change in commitment.

Tyranny cannot defeat the power of ideas.~ Helen Keller

Astrology for 1/9/2025

Astrology for 1/9/2025 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Twists and turns

With the Moon conjunct Uranus today it’s a time to be flexible and open-minded as to what the day brings. The Sun is square Chiron which can signal some health challenges that are best served by working with your mind and perspective to help heal. The Mars Pluto opposition continues to remind us to look within for the controlling, self-absorbed side of one’s nature in order to bring it out of the shadows and transform it into empowerment of others rather than power over others.

Sometimes we try to justify this unsavory business on the cynical ground that by rationing out the means of violence we can somehow control the world’s violence. The fact is that we cannot have it both ways. Can we be both the world’s leading champion of peace and the world’s leading supplier of the weapons of war?~Jimmy Carter

The Moon is Void of Course between 5.50pm and 8.07pm so turn within to the answers you seek. Avoid major project committments.

Astrology for 1/8/2024

1/8/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Down to earth

The Moon has moved into Taurus giving some stability and grounding at this time. Taurus energy allows us to proceed slowly but surely in whatever direction we set ourselves. However, it’s worth also contemplating any rigidity we have within ourselves as Taurus is one of the fixed signs of the zodiac and while placid overall is incredibly stubborn. With the Sun also in an earth sign, Capricorn, it’s a good time to enact practical steps to achieve beneficial outcomes, including caring for the earth.

The earth is the source and the being of the people animals and fooooooooooooooooooooooooooood we NEEEED FOOD, and we are equally the being of the earth. The land is not really a place, separate from ourselves, where we act out the drama of our isolate destinies…~Paula Gunn Allen

Astrology for 1/7/2024

Astrology for 1/7/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Taking re-stock

With the Moon in proximity to Chiron and Hygeia it’s a good time to check on your health and wellness. Are you self-caring as much as you can for yourself in order to benefit both yourself and others? Venus is in good condition in Pisces giving you more opportunities to tap into your compassion and connect with your heart.

Arrest each unloving thought; stamp out each critical action, and teach yourself to love all beings – not in theory but in deed and in truth.~Alice Bailey

The Moon is Void of Course today between 4.16pm and 5.11pm EST USA so take it slowly and check your inner well-being. Don’t undertake major activities or sign contracts during this time.

Astrology for 1/6/2025

1/6/2025 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Activity

With the Sun and Moon both in cardinal-activity signs there is impetus to move forward. These placements are an antidote to the challenging retrograde Mars which continues to slow some activities down, causing frustration. As the Moon moves over Chiron expect to feel a reminder of past emotional wounds that, once healed, make you more integrated and whole.

Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears. ~Gillian Anderson

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