Astrology for 12/18/2024

12/18/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Impulsiveness and Innovation

With the Moon conjunct Mars today in Leo there are more reasons to watch your mind as it’s more reactive than usual. Mars/Moon stirs up strong emotions but they also quickly pass. You have energy that can be harnessed for good if you are a source of inspiration. The Moon is also trine Mercury enabling you to communicate with more clarity, compassion and assertiveness. The Sun is exactly square Neptune: reflection rather than action is a more productive mode.

To “know” the emotion is to understand that, as it has no root, there is and never has been an emotion…When you feel angry, just watch your anger. Not the cause of the anger or its result, just the emotion of the anger. As you stare at your anger, you will discover there is nothing you can point to and say, “That is my anger.”~Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

Astrology for 12/17/2024

12/17/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Re-thinking some things

With Mars retrograde until February 23rd it’s a good opportunity to reassess your goals and investigate what they’re motivated by – ambition? external forces? altruism? In any event, you can re-set your goals and base them on a more thorough investigation so that you can move forward with the right motivation. You may also be experiencing challenges to your plans which is another reason to contemplate what would help you right now. Mars trine Mercury gives you the mental acuity to think things through in a beneficial way for a number of weeks.

… a million dollars in a mind that is completely dissatisfied, untrained, unhappy, not relaxed, does not make happiness.~ Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

The Moon is Void of Course from 1.33pm to 6.39pm today EST USA so don’t undertake major decisions at that time. Instead, tie up loose ends and rest your mind.

Astrology for 12/16/2024

12/16/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Free wheeling

Mars trine Mercury, both in fire signs, provide you with more mental energy and zest in your communications than usual. You can be more decisive and resourceful in thinking through ideas and putting them into action. Venus in Aquarius creates opportunities for connecting with like-minded groups. The Moon in Cancer focuses your attention on the past and nurturing yourself and others.

Poetry is a search for ways of communication; it must be conducted with openness, flexibility, and a a constant readiness to listen.~Fleur Adcock

Astrology for 12/15/2024

12/15/2024 Sunday by Jampal

Theme: Full Moon and Mercury Direct

The exact full Moon happens early in the day and Mercury goes direct at 3:59 pm (EST). Energy levels are high today, but inherent conflicts between our work and domestic life exist. There may be conflict between the big picture and the smaller details as well. The harmony between Mercury and Mars continues for a few days. This favors hard mental work, and standing up for what you believe in.

In my defense the Moon was full and I was left unsupervised. ~Anon.

The Moon is void of course today from 9:33 am until 2:22 pm EST. Do not make any major decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 12/14/2024

12/14/2024 Saturday by Jampal

Theme: Assertive & Romantic

For one more day Mercury, Venus and Mars are in harmonious alignment. We are able to stand up for ourselves and be both social and loving. The Moon is united with Jupiter, especially in the middle of the day, in social Gemini. This will bolster the mood of any gathering. Mercury retrograde ends tomorrow, but it will take a couple of weeks to be at full speed ahead. Three other planets will still be retrograde until the end of January, so it continues to be a reflective time.

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. ~Lao Tzu

Astrology for 12/22/2024

12/22/2024 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Interesting times

Today, unexpected events are triggered by the Moon conjunct Uranus that can manifest as a challenging ripening of a relationship. Patience and non-reactivity are your allies in such circumstances. In contrast, Mars in Leo is conjunct the Vertex today bringing action and result together aligning you with your true purpose, thus potentially bringing beneficial results. The Sun in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Gemini provide a cushion of optimism in difficult times.

The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.~Qui-Jon Ginn, Star Wars

Astrology for 12/11/2024

12/11/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Periods of stability

The Moon moves into Taurus today bringing some stability to an ever-changing world. In addition, the Moon in Taurus brings a focus on personal financial security, honing ones values and a bit of tactile therapy. Venus and Mars are opposite bringing a focus on attraction and repulsion in equal measure. In other words there is magnetic force in relationships. The proximity of Pluto to the above opposition adds a transforming factor in relationships, if we can develop insights into our habitual tendencies which drive aspects of our relationships.

In life, too, sooner or later, whatever the state of our relationships, or our health, our jobs and every aspect of our lives, everything, absolutely everything, will change.~ Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche

Astrology for 12/10/2024

12/10/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Healing the head and heart

The Moon in Aries is conjunct the asteroids Chiron and Hygeia today providing you with an opportunity to revisit past emotional wounds and heal the impacts of the past through direct action, self-awareness and exploring preventative cures. With Ceres sitting between Venus and Pluto generosity towards oneself and others, and balanced self-nurturing are key towards building healthy relationships.

Even walking side by side for a long time, some relationships never touch the heart.~Sanu Sharma

Astrology for 12/9/2024

Astrology for 12/9/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Restoring vigor

The Moon has moved into Aries bringing self-initiation, activity and forthrightness. Elsewhere, Venus conjunct Pluto is a time for reviewing and investigating the basis for relationships and letting go past patterns that hamper relationships. With Saturn continuing to form a T-Square to Sun opposite Jupiter you experience both wins and losses at this time.

The Moon is Void of Course today between 3.45am and 8.38am EST USA. Avoid starting new projects or starting things. Spend time contemplating and reflecting.

Conquer anger with love, evil with good, meanness with generosity, and lies with truth.~The Buddha

Astrology for 12/8/2024

12/8/2024 Sunday by Jampal

Theme: Intensity in Relationships

Venus unites with Pluto for 2 more days, in the sign of Aquarius. There is a transformative urge, along with a focus on friendship and humanitarian causes in our close encounters with others. In the first part of the day we feel isolated. Then in the middle of the day tensions surface as the Moon is the apex of the T square with the Sun and Jupiter. Something good should come from this energy, if we can remain humble and kind.

Relationships are like a walk in the park, Jurassic Park. ~Anon.

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