Astrology for 6/24/2021

6/24/2021 Thursday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Be unafraid

With Venus exactly opposite Pluto there is a deep well of resources to be drawn upon in difficult times. This aspect can forge courage. The T-square between Saturn, Uranus and Mars especially can bring difficulties, challenging resilience. The lighter, brighter resources of Venus and Jupiter are available and helpful at this time. The full moon today in Capricorn brings a focus on stepping towards long-term goals. It can also crystallize obstacles to those goals. Impulse always quickens when it’s full As it turns my head around me, Yes it does and here it comes, Here comes the moon…~George Harrison

Astrology for 6/23/2021

6/23/2021 Wednesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: A lot going on!

Welcome to the Sun in Cancer and increased focus on family, home and inner journeys. There is much activity and complexity to the day. There are insights to be had and good news in the wings. You have more discipline and energy. The tension that has been prevalent in some aspects of your life is slowly diminishing. Emotionally, boundaries are less clear today so be circumspect in sharing your feelings. Materially and imaginatively I shall present offerings on an unsurpassable and vast scale.~Longchenpa

Astrology for 6/22/2021

6/22/2021 Tuesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Clear communication

Thank goodness Mercury is going direct today. For a time all the weird, wild and perhaps not so wonderful communications and misunderstandings cease. Now is the time to move forward with communications and new projects. With the Moon moving into Sagittarius today there is new found optimism. Tasks seem big and at times overwhelming but with discipline there are good results. The secret of getting ahead is getting started. ~Mark Twain

Astrology for 6/21/2021

6/21/2021 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Forces of good and challenges

There is a harmonious trine between the Moon, Venus and Neptune today putting you in touch with creativity, insight and beauty. This aspect inspires you to reach for the stars. But there is a counterweight. This is the challenging aspect between the Moon, Saturn and Uranus that creates inner tension and frustration. It’s finding the middle way that proves successful. Nobody is satisfied with their empty piece of paper. Therefore, we complicate everything!~Gyatrul Rinpoche

Astrology for 6/20/2021

6/20/2021 Sunday by Miranda & Wangmo

Theme: Theme:  Expansive Deliberation

Jupiter retrogrades today until October 19th, remaining in Pisces until July 28th. This is a very beneficial time for gaining deeper insight into spiritual matters. By turning inward you can better evaluate if you’re living your life according to outer pressures or being guided by inner wisdom.
Use this time for more expansive self-examination and see where you need further illumination in your life.~Compassion and enlightenment can never be separated. Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 6.52 am EST USA until 7.58 am. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

Astrology for 6/19/2021

6/19/2021 Saturday by Miranda & Wangmo

Theme: Concentration is the key

With Moon, Saturn and Mercury forming a Grand Trine in the element of air, today is a good day to apply your mind to some serious study. Your concentration is sharpened and enables you to delve into intractable problems, particularly related to emotions. Patience and diligence are your friends, helping you stay longer on your meditation seat, gaining greater insight. Then consciousness remains stable and unwavering, like the depths of the ocean.~Zhang Rinpoche

Astrology for 6/18/2021

6/18/2021 Friday by Miranda & Wangmo

Theme:  Peace and harmony save the day

As Mercury stations as it’s about to go direct on the 22nd you might find yourself unable to form a decent sentence, sending an email to the wrong person, forgetting commitments or simply forgetting! But don’t worry, more will be revealed as Mercury goes direct and picks up pace in a few days. With the Moon in Libra today you can easily smooth the waters if any faux-pas has been committed. Your ability to see all sides outweighs any mercurial mistake and you will easily move to a place of great harmony and equanimity. Without being peace, we cannot do anything for peace.~Thich Nhat Hanh

Astrology for 6/17/2021

6/17/2021 Thursday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Go with the flow

With so many planets in mutable signs it’s a time to bend in the breeze and go with the flow. The moon opposite Neptune gives a dreamy quality to the day but also affords opportunities for pause and contemplating the nature of reality. You are better at connecting with others but there is also a tendency to speak without thinking which could cancel out those good connections. Like the streaming river Tsangpo Nothing is still for even a moment.~Milarepa

Astrology for 6/16/2021

6/16/2021 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Nurturing others

Expressions of generosity and giving back are themes for today. It’s a good time to work in groups to nurture the wider community through innovative schemes that provide the necessities of life whether it’s food, clothing or housing. It can be a simple as getting donations to where they are most needed. Relationships are uplifting but physical energy is lower than usual. The world that we objectify is a mythical and dreamlike existence, but it still has rules.~Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel

Astrology for 6/15/2021

6/15/2021 Tuesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Transforming the load

With Saturn and Uranus in a close square with one another it’s still a time of tension between structure and de-structure – between form and transforming – following a well-worn path or moving into new territory. Normal pathways are disrupted. But today there is some relief with the Moon sextile the Sun providing an inner harmony and strength. The Moon moves into Virgo today bringing a focus on on detail and functional communication. Each and every extraordinary activity is simply having rice.~Eihei Dogen

Today the Moon is Void of Course from 1.27 pm EST USA until 11.07 pm. If you’re in another country check what that means for you time-wise. It’s best to avoid making major decisions or signing contracts during this time.

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