Astrology for 11/25/2021

11/25/2021 Thursday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Hang on Emotionally

The Moon is in Leo which makes us playful and dramatic. In the early part of the day we will want to withdraw from others and be depressed. Then we will bounce out of that mood and want excitement, but may be rash or upset by others. At the end of the day we should also guard against being  hasty and irritable and having an accident with tools or machinery. A marvelous spiritual opportunity has started with Mars and Neptune “trining” each other. We will be able to act selflessly and make the world a better place. Kindness and compassion are powerful forces to help inspire, heal, and transform the world. ~Germany Kent


Astrology for 11/23/2021

11/23/2021 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Fire in the belly

With the Sun and Moon in fire signs, and Mercury joining the Sun in Sagittarius there is lots of activity and optimism for change. The element of fire dispels doubt because the element of fire signifies action in the present. Idealism is unbound. The challenge is to ground idealism in actionable items and to be able to speak in a way that unifies people. Venus in Capricorn helps with grounding and achieving pragmatic outcomes through relationships. Although my view is higher than the sky, My respect for the cause and effect of actions is as fine as grains of flour.~Padmasambhava

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT 12.46 am and 10:59 am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 11/23/2021

11/23/2021 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Opening and deepening the heart

Today with the Moon opposite Venus then followed by Pluto there is an opportunity to open your heart and deepen your connection with others. With Pluto involved self-honesty is the key. This is also a day of feeling part of bigger universe and letting go habits and relationships that are outmoded. It’s time to shine light on the shadows. Everything that has actual existence in the world of the elements emits rays in every direction, which fill the whole world.~Al-Kindi

Astrology for 11/22/2021

11/22/2021 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Welcome to optimism

With the Sun now in Sagittarius there is more optimism about achieving one’s purpose and goals. There is also more risk taking and adventuring forth into the constantly changing world we live in.  The next few days are a time for reckoning with past relationships, and moving forward into the future. Childhood and family are close by today and you can heal the past by nurturing yourself and others. Let your five senses be wide open, wide awake and yet thought-free. Remain in that state, utterly open.~Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

Astrology for 11/21/2021

11/21/2021 Sunday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: From Curiosity to Security

The Moon is in its last day in curious Gemini. Tonight it enters its home sign, Cancer. Then we will turn our attention to family, home and making ourselves and others secure. The Moon is in a yod formation with Mercury and Pluto, in the middle of the day. This can bring up the past and any difficult emotional issues which need to be addressed. Jupiter is in a favorable position and brings ease and joy. The third most outer planet, Uranus, has spent 3 out of 7 total years in Taurus. We can continue to expect sudden changes in money, commodities and in the Earth itself. How does this effect our individual value system? If you want to save the humankind, you should first take care of Nature. ~Ana Claudia Antunes

The Moon is void of course from 10:53 am until 10:34 pm EST. Avoid making major decisions during this time.

Astrology for 11/20/2021

11/20/2021 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Solving Mysteries

Mercury, our communication and thought, is in a good position for a couple of days. We are interested in getting to the bottom of any issue, and we are optimistic as well. The key is to pay attention to details and correct what is not right. The second most outward planet, Neptune, our ideals and fantasies, like Pluto is in a powerful cycle from 2012 -2025. This a time for those with genuine compassion to rise up. But also a time for those caught in delusions and with a desire to deceive to reek havoc. Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength. ~ H H the Dalai Lama

Astrology for 11/19/2021

11/19/2021 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Fiery?

The fiery combination of Mars and Uranus opposing each other continues, but Venus harmonizes with both of them which softens the situation. Also, there are no planets or Sun or Moon in fire signs. This can make finding inspiration more difficult than at other times. The long cycles of the outer planets are stirring up some dramatic changes. Particularly Pluto, the planet of death and transformation, has 3 more years (besides the last 13 years), in the sign of Capricorn, which indicates the structures that we create. What more will be destroyed and what will be left? In fact, the Buddha teaches us that all sentient beings are suffering because we don’t know how to attain happiness. ~Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

the Moon is void of course from 3:59 am until 11:34 am EST. Avoid making big decisions during this time.

Astrology for 11/18/2021

11/18/2021 Thursday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Count to ten and relax

It’s a mixed day with communication but if you are mindful of your speech and relaxed you can avoid communication pitfalls. Today you connect with the beauty of the places and tune into places beyond what is visible. It’s a good day for spiritual practice.  With the Moon in Taurus creature comforts are more nurturing than usual. And with Taurean energy slow and steady wins the race, always. The smart hawk hides its talons. ~ Japanese proverb

Astrology for 11/17/2021

11/17/2021 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Tricky Day

The tension between action, disruption, force, constriction and emotions come into play today. You could feel boxed in and frustrated. Work within the limitations and practice mindfulness. With the Moon in grounded Taurus trine Venus there is stability and fortitude – and help in dealing with adversity. With the Sun in Scorpio we have the opportunity to transcend our way of responding to difficulty. When the eagle soars up, high above the ground, For a while its shadow is nowhere to be seen; Yet bird and shadow still are linked. So it is with our actions: When the right conditions come together, their effects will manifest.~Jigme Lingpa

Astrology for 11/16/2021

11/16/2021 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Feeding others, feeding yourself

There is a strong emphasis on giving and nurturing through food offerings and generosity. What comes around goes around and even though it’s a stretch to give you will feel the benefits. Your physical energy is stronger today and new ideas are being born out of adversity. Deep emotions bubble beneath the surface: find time to acknowledge and let these strong feelings go. Commit not a single unwholesome action, Cultivate a wealth of virtue, Tame completely this mind of ours-This is the teaching of the buddhas.~The Buddha

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT 10.51 am and 9:18 pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

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