Astrology for 01-17-2022

01-17-2022 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Deep Insight

With the Sun now just passing Pluto you have had the opportunity to see the more cathartic and driven parts of yourself that are outside your control. Now you can integrate your observations and work out ways to transform urges that undermine your happiness and others. The full Moon also aids this transformation bringing emotions to the surface and allowing habitual patterns to be seen and thereby released. Take flinging arrows in cupped hands Swallow them Digest them Do what I say you can save the world you love.~Dianne Adel

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST 6.48 pm and 11:03 pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 1/16/2022

1/16/2022 Sunday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Secure yet Excitable

The Moon is in its home sign Cancer which gives us a feeling of emotional security. But it “sextiles” Uranus, thus we are looking for excitement. There is also a focus on relationships and indulgence. Beware of extravagant spending that you might regret later. This is still a fast paced time with a powerful force from Pluto to destroy and transform. We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. ~Martin Luther King Jr

Astrology for 1/15/2022

1/15/2022 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Creative or Destructive

For the next few days Pluto, the planet destruction and regeneration, is in a powerful position united with the Sun, our sense of purpose. It is likely that something will need repair, and someone may exert unreasonable power over you. Criminal activity comes to the surface now. The pace of activity is high for several more days, but Mercury retrograde leads to misunderstandings. The next 3 weeks is best for finishing old projects, research and retreat. In the end, truth finds a way to surface, even if you don’t want it to. ~Jennifer Lopez

The Moon is void of course until 11:12 am. Don’t make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 1/14/2022

1/14/2022 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: A Square Meal

So think of a “square meal” literally: how it tastes will depend on what the square is made of. And that will depend on what you are made of: all the 90 degree angles between planets and involving the Moon can be frustrating or invigorating. The Neptune apex T-square with the Moon and Mars, all in mutable signs, can be very confusing, and Mercury going retrograde at 6:43 am EST adds to communication and thought difficulties. Be careful with driving and machinery. Do not worry; eat three square meals a day; say your prayers… go slow and easy… my friend, these I rec ~Abraham Lincoln

The Moon is void of course from 9:23 pm until 11:12 am EST the next day. Don’t make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 1/13/2022

1/13/2022 Thursday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Making connections

With the Moon in Gemini passing close to the North Node opportunity to make adjustments to your path and journey in life. It’s also a time when you you can make mental connections to seemingly unrelated events and see patterns. This enables you to address more elusive issues. You will be tempted to overdo things today and think you know best – which is a sign you probably don’t. Rely on trusted friends to give you feedback at this time. Love is like the wild rose-briar; Friendship like the holly-tree. The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms, But which will bloom most constantly?~Emile Bronte

Astrology for 1/12/2022

1/12/2022 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Depth perception

There is a harmony between your larger life purpose and the daily balance of activities. You are less afraid of exploring the depths of your feelings thereby allowing insights to arise. The solid energy of the Moon in Taurus is grounding. Towards the end of the day the Moon moves into Gemini bringing a lightness to situations, increases short journeys and talking with others! Every generation has a legend. Every journey has a first step. Every saga has a beginning.~Star Wars

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST 2.39 pm and 10:08pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 01/11/2022

01/11/2022 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Mindful speech

Stop to think before you speak today or count to ten before you answer. It could save you time down the track. You are more sensitive to the non-ordinary world at present. It’s a good time for contemplation and reflection. You have a deep urge for change and the potential to change within. Through study we come to understand phenomena. Through study we turn away from negative actions. Through study we give up what is meaningless. Through study we reach the state beyond sorrow.~The Buddha

Astrology 01/10/2022

01/10/2022 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Receptivity

With Venus retrograde until the 29th of January, but close to the Sun, it’s time to step back from relationships and review your role in the dynamics. Compassion arises with understanding. With both the Moon in Aries and the Moon approaching Saturn it’s time to initiate forward movement and begin planning in earnest. You have the capacity to finish off the minor details that you have been putting to one side, but nevertheless need your attention. If you don’t begin with thorough analysis, How will perfect certainty ever arise?~Mipham Rinpoche

Astrology for 1/9/2022

1/9/2022 Sunday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Energized or Stressed

The Moon is at a 90 degree angle to the Sun in the middle of the day. If our lives are running smoothly this can be felt as a burst of energy. Otherwise we will experience small crises. Mars, our vitality and assertiveness, is helped by the Moon during the several hours centered around mid day. But remember to generate compassionate intention or we will feel discouraged and drained of energy as the day moves on. Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not! ~Unknown

Astrology for 1/8/2021

1/8/2022 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Closeness and Creativity

For two more days Venus, which is retrograde, is united with the Sun. We are drawn towards our close relationships, creativity, money matters and indulgence. The retrograde factor indicates more internal reflection, and less striking out anew in these matters. The celestial energies still support and require compassionate intention now. The tension between careful progressive change and volatile disruption is easing slowly. A truly compassionate attitude toward others does not change even if they behave negatively or hurt you. ~H H the Dalai Lama

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