Astrology for 3/11/2022

3/11/2022 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Running Away or Choosing

The energy for the next few days can manifest as escaping into fantasy or intoxicants, or as increased sensitivity to others. This is a time to chose compassionate activity, prayer and meditation. The morning is the time to have closeness with others. There will be some stress in the middle of the day. With the Moon in Cancer for the next three days, the home and family are focal points. Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek. ~H H the Dalai Lama

The Moon is void of course until 2:25 pm EST today. Avoid making any major decisions during this time period

Astrology for 03/10/2022

03/10/2022 Thursday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Intensity and Lightness

It’s both an intense day interspersed with moments of levity and connectedness. It’s important to make space for the latter. The Moon in Gemini combines both a light and a dark twin – both mercurial aspects of the self where change is a constant. The Sun in Pisces invites us to pause, reflect and connect with something bigger than ourselves, a compassionate beating heart that connects us to one another. A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.~Thomas Carlyle

Astrology for 3/9/2022

3/9/2022 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Dancing

The Sun is cushioned by Jupiter and Neptune on either side giving us insight into our capacity to be insightful and generous. On the flip side we need to be more careful with boundaries and over doing it. With the Moon in Gemini short journeys and talking, talking, talking are more noticeable. Mercury moves into Pisces today bringing a sensitive approach to communications. Wisdom is knowing what to do next, virtue is doing it.~ David Starr Jordan

Astrology for 03-08-2022

03-08-2022 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Determination and Connection

With so much planetary energy in Aquarius there is a lot of enthusiasm for change and freedom of expression among local and global communities. But with Saturn also in Aquarius there are limits right on what is possible but surprises are equally possible. As the Sun approaches Neptune now is the time for more contemplation and meditation that connects you with the greater beating heart of the planet. Today your communication is not always clear but you are more connected with your inner psyche. Liberation leads to Liberation.~G.I. Gurdjieff

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST 9.35 am and 1:40 pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 3/7/2022

3/7/2022 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Tension and Respite

There is tension in finding an emotional balance today but rewards if you can find time-out to reflect and contemplate. In difficult times remembering to pause is helpful. With Pluto still engaged in restructuring our systems the remaining two year transit also signals the potential for our systems to be more aligned with healing the earth, including addressing climate change and revamping outdated structures. Connecting with good friends is a reminder that you’re not alone. We do not live for ourselves alone; our country, our friends, have a share in us.~Cicero

Astrology for 3/6/2022

3/6/2022 Sunday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Humanitarian Aid

Mars and Venus cross into Aquarius this morning, and we are now more interested in social causes. They are both still united with Pluto for 3 more days, which bolsters ambition without kindness. Pluto continues in Capricorn for 2 more years. Can our wholesome, honest and compassionate structures survive Pluto’s last two years of assault? May we use the Pisces Sun, Jupiter and Neptune towards transcending the ego. If we really knew the truth of suffering, there would not be one moment that we did not practice with the utmost compassion. ~Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

The Moon is void of course until 3:01 am EST. Avoid making any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 3/5/2022

3/5/2022 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Social and Gentle

If we can control the hypermasculine Mars-Pluto energy, like taking a break from bombing other countries, we will have a lot of communications today, with a sensitivity towards feelings. There continues to be stress on partnerships and close relationships for one more week. Separation may be needed for a while. In a couple of days Mars and Venus will move into Aquarius. This will support the energy for humanitarian causes. In a gentle way, you can shake the world. ~Mahatma Gandhi

The Moon is void of course from 11:03 pm until 3:01 am EST the next day. Avoid making any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 3/4/2022

3/4/2022 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Healing and Feminine

The powerful Mars and Pluto masculine energy continues, but there is more balance today, as the Moon passes over Pallas Athena and Chiron. The Moon is in action-oriented Aries but in the first half of the day our feelings are heightened, and we wish to help the downtrodden. In the second half of the day we also wish to heal others and ourselves. We can think with great precision for one more day, and effect the world around us in a big way because Jupiter unites with the Sun for several more days. Think like queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness. ~Oprah Winfrey

Seven Line Prayer Video Instruction

Her Eminence Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo Rinpoche offers an introduction to the Seven Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche. This video is intended to provide everything needed to begin using this Extraordinary Prayer, this King of Prayers. Her Eminence offers a concise description of the prayers appropriateness to these times.

View the video on YouTube for access to chapters and many more video teachings.

Astrology for 3/3/2022

3/3/2022 Thursday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: 3 Wishes

There are at least 3 ways to approach today. 1. We can be ambitious and ruthless to the point of violence: try some heavy exercise instead! 2. We can be very precise in work and thinking, but also have difficulty sharing with others, and become gloomy. 3. We can be generous and broad-minded, or arrogant and domineering. Finally, we can be caught up in fantasy, or soak up the moods of others. This is a very powerful time to pray, meditate and help others. All of the above can be used this way. What is to be known is as vast as all the stars in the sky, so there is no way we can know everything. ~ H H Drubwang Penor Rinpoche

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