The following is an excerpt from a teaching offered by Tulku Dawa Gyalpo at Kunzang Palyul Choling in Maryland. Future posts will continue with the teaching on the Life of Migyur Dorje.
Actually when we look to the Tantric teachings, you will see so many references to this kind of treasure revealer. It’s possible. More or less, Buddhists ask, “Does Buddha say that or not?” Actually, yes. This was already told when Nagarjuna clarified in Mahayana teachings. Also there is argument: This is not what Buddha taught when Buddha was alive. The Hinayana practitioners agree that it didn’t happen. I will tell here exactly what Buddha Shakyamuni said in the sutra, The Collection of Pure Dharmas. In that sutra, it says that some bodhisattvas who have pure motivation, pure bodhicitta, even though Buddha is not alive, Buddha is not there, will still hear the Dharma from the space, from the sky, or from the wall, or from other things. You can also receive the teachings from the trees. I know some of them they took from the wall. The history is there. Actually there were treasure revealers like this before Shakyamuni, but they are not called treasure revealers. This kind of name is not there. They would just take it and practice it. If it made sense, they kept it. If it didn’t make sense, they let it go.
During this three years, Tulku Migyur Dorje revealed all the treasures that we have right now. He started revealing all these different things. Then they completed three year retreat. From fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, and half of seventeen, he was out of retreat. Then he started to teach. He traveled. During those years, he also revealed some of the Earth Treasures, and also opened some of the sacred places. Also within those three, almost four years, he taught many people the Sky or Space Treasure Dharma. Especially there are 13 karmically connected people. Although in his lifetime, he taught many people, these thirteen are the main disciples. They’re called the 13 main karmically connected, or fortunate, people.
There are so many people’s names in that history. Let me give you one, Nyemba Tulku. Nyemba Tulku is one among the 13. There are so many people. It seems that during that time, Rigdzin Kunzang Sherab was not there. Tulku Migyur Dorje was giving teachings to all these other karmically connected great persons. When he was seventeen, again he went back to retreat with Karma Chagme. When they did retreat, there were so many signs of siddhis. I will tell you about one when they were practicing in accordance with Sky Treasure, doing the Heart Sadhana of the Bishuddhi, Yangdak, one of the eight Herukas.
During that time, this was a sign of the achieved siddhis during this sadhana that occurred. In the front, there was a red and yellowish lotus flower and upon that was a golden wheel with a thousand spokes. That wheel was turning toward the right, clockwise, for a long time, adorned with the wish fulfilling jewel, which is mostly benduria, blue in color. That wish fulfilling jewel had a wooden handle. Tulku Migyur Dorje had the experience of being given these kinds of things in his hand. This was one sign when they were doing this sadhana in their retreat time. It continuously happened all during these three years. Whenever he started some new sadhana, some sign like this appeared.