From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo (@jalpalyul)
We must reach for a planet with no violence and no hate. We must learn to respect. We are the western Tibetan Buddhist community. If we cannot display love and compassion, tolerance and understanding, who will?
From the first time the Buddha sat, he taught not to harm others. The first turning of the dharma wheel – purify. Do no harm. The second turning – the Bodhicitta, both relative and ultimate. The third turning of the dharma wheel – establish view – emptiness of phenomena, the nature of mind.
At any moment on earth there are always 80 great Mahasiddhas. Always pray and make offerings to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas!
In Mahayana the two “eyes” of method are relative bodhicitta and ultimate bodhicitta. Both are necessary and essential. One is like giving what is essentially built from samsara. The other, ultimate, arises from Buddhanature. If you could feed poor folks and care for them for the rest of their lives; if you were that rich; it would still be relative and ordinary, although fabulous! To attain supreme enlightenment and return to teach others how to exit samsara, that is the ultimate bodhicitta and the ultimate enlightenment. To return until all are liberated, this is the ultimate aspiration and result!
© Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo