Astrology for 12/20/2021

12/20/2021 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Today is both fractious and inspiring. With the Moon Sextile Uranus and Mercury Trine Uranus there are unexpected outcomes to the day. But with the Moon trine Neptune there is also inspiration to be drawn from daily activities and connecting to the larger world. You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of a difference you want to make.~Jane Goodall

Astrology for 12/17/2021

12/17/2021 Thursday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Emotionally on course

Today you are emotionally aligned with your life direction and there is a feeling of being more connected to your heart. You have much to give at this time. Pay attention today to not over-reacting or stressing out because you’re feeling over-loaded. Find time to catch up with someone who knows you well. Overall you have more focus and energy. The sage does not hoard.~Tao Te Ching

Astrology for 12/15/2021

12/15/2021 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Continue working with the past in the present

With Mars opposite the North Node it’s a good time to identify harmful habits that prevent you moving forward. This includes heightened reactivity and seeing the enemy as outside oneself. All habits have a flip side. Sometimes change is a change in perspective. The Sun and Mars in Sagittarius encourages adventure and exploration of other places and people, and physical activity. The Moon in Taurus produces beneficial routines and stability. How does one practice the recognition of the empty nature of all phenomena? One of the ways we can do that is pacifying reactivity through a deeper understanding and discrimination. Reactiveness is an inner enemy. In a very profound way, it’s probably your worst enemy. It is the throne, the seat, the source of all suffering.~Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Astrology for 12/14/2021

12/14/2021 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Inspiration and flow of ideas

Today ideas flow and flexibility brings results, even if your confidence is not as strong as it usually is. Work can be rewarding and with the Moon in Taurus a steady pace brings rewards. You are deepening your understanding of your inner psychology at a time when you need to draw deeply on your own resources. It’s a time to let go of what you think should happen and deal with what is happening. Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today.~ Ernest Hemingway

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT 9.43pm and 11:58pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 12/13/2021

12/13/2021 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Intensifying Focus

With the Moon Square Pluto conjunct Venus you are forced onto the back foot emotionally but in the bigger scheme of things you can identify more keenly your own suffering and those of others. Compassion is the golden key which unlocks hearts. With Mars moving into Sagittarius and Mercury into Capricorn there is more openness about differences and more need to ‘walk the talk’ and be direct in communications. Like a star, hallucination, candle, Magical illusion, dewdrop, bubble, Dream, lightning or a cloud—Know all compounded phenomena to be like this.~The Buddha

Astrology for 12/8/2021

12/8/2021 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Courageous intention

There are harmonious aspects today that give you more emotional balance. This balance helps with challenges. With Venus and Pluto conjunct you can dive deeply into your connections with others to the point where you can transform your fears and deeply ingrained habits. You can also develop more lasting courage in the face of suffering of yourself and others. Everything is circumstantial And depends entirely on one’s aspiration. Whatever prayers of aspiration people make They will gain results accordingly.~Mipham Rinpoche

Astrology for 12/7/2021

12/7/2021 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: See-saws

Today is a mixed blessing day. Jupiter and Venus, the good fortune planets are constantly being challenged by the more unforgiving energy of Mars and Saturn. The way around this tricky combination is to be mindful in word and deed, and engage in virtuous activity. The Sun in Sagittarius reminds us to keep learning, and not to lose heart. The Moon moves into Aquarius today bringing a more objective approach to events and a focus on working with groups to achieve beneficial change. Through study we come to understand phenomena, Through study we turn away from negative actions. Through study we give up what is meaningless. Through study we reach the state beyond sorrow.~The Buddha

The Moon is Void of Course today until 6.49am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 12/6/2021

12/6/2021 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Jammed tightly and yet room to move

There is a lot of fluctuating energy today, so it’s a case of learning to balance rapid change. Don’t read too much into what is passing but give yourself enough time to pause. You have more energy to accomplish until the 18th of December as the waxing energy of the moon continues to grow. Do not alter, do not alter. Do not alter this mind of yours. Do not grasp, do not grasp. Do not grasp at this mind of yours. Alter and alter, and you will stir up the cloudy depths of the mind, and a mind that is altered obscures its own true nature.~Longchenpa 

Every Day


I load a box like this every single day. If you have a little, give what you can. If you have a lot, give more. Never forget compassion. There’s always something you can do to help.

Some people tell me they can’t do anything because they are poor. I pose the question, how did you get that way? I was born poor. I know hunger. As a baby I was hungry. Now I am not. Because I took care of everyone around me. And if I eat, the hunger goes away. But in a strange way. It doesn’t just drop away. It falters. Because the causes are not there for it. It’s not strong enough to change that. And I still feed others. Always. That is my dedication.

What is yours? True love? I laugh at that. What a ridiculous idea! People love yeah. But we make such romance about it. And we use it to shape ourselves. It is actually all just conceptualization.

I have several people I would like to send this to. But they would probably arrest me.

I love this world. Stay clean. Stay pure. And benefit beings!

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