Who Will Captain Your Ship?

When Vajrayana teachers point out the importance of Guru Yoga and View, these teachings arise from their clear understanding of the nature of samsara. The nature of how we, ordinary beings, are seduced by our habits of mind, how we are each ensnared in our own dream, unable to recognize the truth, ceaselessly creating our own world of suffering. The teachers see this clearly, while we ordinary beings, for the most part, are totally clueless. We fall for the deception so completely we mistake our habitual concepts for “reality.”

Even in our ordinary perceptions we rarely perceive what is actually happening. In a recent teaching on twitter Jetsunma points this out:

“Even scientists find that once we have seen an object with our eyes, the brain files it away. When we ‘see’ it again we actually fill in, once we ‘decide’ what it is, almost all the detail from memory. We may, in fact, never see the same object twice. Once we identify we fill in the actual ‘seeing’ with our own habitual thinking.” – Waking from the Dream

It takes courage to face this within ourselves, to accept that maybe we really don’t have all the answers, or worse, that maybe we don’t even know how to find them. However, if we, as students on the Vajrayana path, are tempted to deceive ourselves into thinking we can “teach ourselves” the Dharma because sublime and profound teachings have been published in books, we run the risk of “filling in the actual ‘seeing’ with our own habitual thinking.” An example would be the famous Rorschach Inkblot Test, where psychoanalysts have patients report what they see in a series of inkblots. If we were able to perceive what was actually there this test would be useless, everyone would see the same thing, everyone would agree on the meaning. But this is not the case. Simply because something has been printed in words, does not mean we can arrive at a true understanding, even if we agree on the words. The inkblots don’t change from person to person, but the interpretation does.

Yeshe Tsogyal lamented as Guru Rinpoche was leaving Tibet:

“The luckless Tibetans have lost their eyes.

Now who will lead us when we are blind and alone?

Now we can only guess as to the nature of things;

now we must look to books for teachings…

now a grievous time has come!”

From “Mother of Knowledge: The Enlightenment of Ye-shes mTsho-rgyal” by Nam-mkha’I snying-po translated by Tarthang Tulku

Yeshe Tsogyal was already accomplished at the time she called out to Guru Rinpoche, yet she, like all Vajrayana teachers, never ceased to cherish the Root Guru above all else.

If we are sincere in our aspiration to cross the ocean of suffering that is samsara, to attain Enlightenment in order to be of true benefit to beings, we must swallow the bitter pill of acknowledging we don’t know how, that we don’t even have a clue as to how, and learn to rely on a captain that has navigated this ocean many times.

We have the extraordinary fortune to have a teacher such as Jetsunma available to us right here, right now. When she teaches on the supreme importance of the Guru it isn’t for any other purpose than to help us discern the difference between sublime Wisdom, and our ordinary understanding, to guide us to the truth.

For those who visit this blog, or follow her on twitter, you know that Jetsunma offers kindness and practical guidance to everyone, whether you wish to become a serious student of Vajrayana or you just want to understand how to live a happier life. It is my hope in writing this post, however, that if you are serious about the Vajrayana path, that you may gain confidence that Jetsunma is able to nourish everyone, at every level, up to the most sublime.

Whether it is Jetsunma or some other qualified teacher, may you find your true and unwavering guide.

May any merit or virtue generated by this effort be devoted to the liberation of every being lost in confusion.

Ani Sonam


2/16/2011     Wednesday

This is an excellent day for forward motion.  You feel good, confidence is on the table, and you are ready to get going with what you need to do.  You move forward happily, and the optimism that you bring helps all the rest.  As the sun brings light to our world, a leader who shines is an inspiration to others.  Put on your best face today. Benjamin Franklin said, “Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen.  Keep in the sunlight.”  The sun plays a major role today, find some if you can!  And continue working with the team.  Something wonderful is growing.  Group activity is excellent.  Stay in the middle of the group, no wandering off on your own.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


2/15/2011     Tuesday

A worry in the night may have happened, but unless you’re a very early riser it’s probably over.  It’s still group activity time, and someone in the environment is cheerful and upbeat.  This person is an inspiration to everyone, and it is important to integrate this one into the team.  In “The Seven Samurai” one person made all the others happy with his cheerful disposition. Someone like that is in your environment too.  Determine who that person is, and recognize the role that is being played. It’s the reason teams have cheerleaders.  W.R.Inge said, “The happiest people seem to be those who have no particular reason for being happy except that they are so.”  Are you that person? If not, why not?

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


2/14/2011      Monday

Creativity is married to action and imagination.  Three very different partners are working together, and each offers something special.  Someone with power is acting with a person who knows how to initiate things.  A visionary, a person with far-seeing ability, assists these two.  If each person sticks to what s/he does best, it’s a go!  No switching talents mid-action.  Know who you are and who you aren’t today.  Which role are you playing?  Igor Sikorsky said, “The work of the individual still remains the spark that moves mankind forward.”  Be yourself, and work with a team for success.  Don’t get bogged down in emotionalism, which is the main obstacle today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Thank You for Your Support!

This evening Jetsunma tweeted the following:

“Goodnight sweethearts, sweet dreams. Rumors of my demise on twitter are greatly fabricated as are rumors of my own blog being on its way down.”

The “staff” here at Tibetan Buddhist Altar (TBA) wanted to reassure our audience that readership is up, growing by 10% last month with over 6,500 visits in January alone.  Jetsunma is teaching nearly every day live, in real time, on twitter, and we post those teachings here on TBA the same day. We are also working to edit more than 20 years of archived teachings, and offering teachings from other Lineage Lamas.  There are “new” teachings offered here daily!

We are grateful for the support of all our readers, and for all the comments and questions. It is Jetsunma’s wish that this blog become a virtual Dharma community where people around the world can be provided with the resources they need, whether they wish to practice Buddhism or are simply seeking practical advice on how to live a happier, more fulfilling life.

Jetsunma is available to all, openly, on twitter, almost every day. She offers her insights,  guidance and sense of humor, as well as engages in friendly discussions with people from all walks of life. On January 9th Jetsunma had 3,863 followers, and today she has 4,552, and continues to seek connections with new friends around the world.

Those who do follow her on twitter may be aware that she, like many public figures, also encounters some opposition, but we wanted to share these “stats” to let readers know, as she tweeted, reports of her demise are indeed fabricated.

She took this opportunity to share the following advice:

“This is an opportunity to learn to focus on this point in the time and space grid. I totally recommend living in the particular “probability” your body is floating in.  Rest well, wake up shining! Love to you all!”

It is our sincere wish that all these efforts bring some benefit to those that come to share these blessings.


1/3/2011     Monday

You meet a secret today, and you can feel you’re in over your head. Winston Churchill said, “If you are going through hell, keep going.”  It could seem as though a hellish situation is present.  Do not stop or stay still, keep going and you will come out the other end.  This could involve a mental process, a dream, or a physical situation.  Keep your wits and keep going.  Love, good humor and attraction continue to play a powerful role in your life.  Inspired investing, purchasing and spending can happen today.  If you have a good creative idea, go for it!  All creative pursuits are favored as are all medical cures.  Something can be invented that is a major improvement, and at the exact same time you could say something that makes you feel like a raving fool.  Be philosophical.  Tomorrow is another day.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

How to Face Adversity

From a series of Tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Good afternoon Twitterverse from Barnesville MD where the wind is blowing and gusting hard. And it is freezing cold. We never got any good snow, either. Booo. At least the sky is blue and the sun is out. Hard to believe the year is almost kaput. Let’s hope 2011 is less stressful and much kinder and more giving.

I am paying no attention to the stalker but the Avatars just whine, threaten, lie. I still feel the best method to deal with it is to never watch, never answer and stay true to the Bodhicitta always. I intend to be like water. Powerful but not resistant, so when a sword is stuck in I will not be bothered. I will not be hurt. I will be strong and true to my vocation. This is my vow and promise. I am not going there and will remain stable.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Family: What Is the Purpose?




Family making offerings at Kunzang Palyul Choling Temple
Family making offerings at Kunzang Palyul Choling Temple

Family:  What Is the Purpose?

By Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Since ordination is so central to Tibetan Buddhism, I am often asked what the point is of marriage and family.

First, I will say that the status of householder is well recognized. A Buddhist householder who upholds Genyen vows is committed to the path to the point that there is a certain degree of renunciation. Not to the degree of bikshu or bikshuni, but still present.

From that description, one can see that the modern ideas of love and marriage are not helpful. Generally we “fall in love” due to strong attraction, sexual desire, the wish to be connected in a profound way. Often there is the biological need to procreate and pass our genes on. Due to strong attraction and desire, we are often compelled or driven to be with someone.

Actually, those are not good reasons to get married. The best reasons are shared goals, shared path, shared capacity both spiritual and intellectual, and the love that is born of respect for one another, understanding of each other’s needs, and a willingness to share life’s ups and downs.

The superior way of marriage is when both parties are committed to the path and to living the life of a Bodhisattva together. The best marriage is the one that supports both parties in such a way as to enhance their spiritual life.  To interact with kindness and a respect for each other’s efforts on the path, and to catalyze true effort and result. An example would be one parent “holding down the fort” while the other is in retreat.

In a marriage, both parties should encourage each other to develop their very best qualities, and support each other in uprooting their poisons and abandoning them. The quality of a relationship born of faith and compassion is much different from an ordinary marriage based on material goals. The mutual embrace of a sacred life is deepening, and bonding. And satisfying in the long run.

Such a marriage is capable of bringing into the world children of great promise. By their parents’ teachings, they will come to know truth. By their parents’ example, they will learn to love and respect. These are the children who will be empowered to stand for truth, inner peace, strong wholesome values, and faith.

In short, marriage and family can be powerful agents for creating a better, more balanced world.  From generation to generation, therefore, this is a blessing that keeps on giving.

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