Astrology for 7/10/2023

7/10/2023 Monday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: One of those days!

With the Moon in Aries there is always lots of activity and movement. The Sun in Cancer reminds us of the need to tend to the home in its broadest sense as a nourishing place for all beings. The water signs include Cancer and allow us to connect with our hearts. Pluto continues to lead the chart inviting deep transformation in response to challenging times.

How do I know this is true? I look inside myself and see.~Lao Tzu

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 7:11 pm until 7:56 pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 6/28/2023

6/28/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Counterpoints

When times are tough there are opportunities to be found. Today the Moon seals in these opportunities making a grand trine to Saturn and the Sun conjunct Mercury and Juno. Effort brings reward and the capacity to make links with key people today. Family and close relationship connections, can provide supportive advice. With a lack of planets in air signs today you are way more subjective than usual. With the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Scorpio, both water signs, it’s an ideal time to connect with your heart, otherwise you could be a bit of an Eeyore.

Could be worse. Not sure how, but it could be.~Eeyore via A.A. Milne

Astrology for 4/26/2023

4/26/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Strength

With a T-Square between Pluto the Moon and Jupiter, today there are strong transformational forces at play. You are not emotionally comfortable today but you can draw on your inner strengths and ideals in seeking beneficial change. The element of fire is low today meaning change is more likely precipitated by factors outside yourself, rather than initiated by you.

Nothing is intrinsically or ultimately bad. Any situation that arises is only relatively good or bad based on many factors, including—most significantly—how you perceive the situation and how you respond to it.~17th Kamarpa

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 7:41pm until 2:30am the next day. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time.. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 4/19/2023

4/19/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Introspection, Completions

As the Moon is in its last Balsamic phase and as Sun in Aries has it’s last day for another year it’s a wrap, as they say. So finish what you started, progress what you can and let go the old to usher in the new moon which is a day away. With the last and darkest phase of the moon you can really contemplate impermanence and the cyclical nature of existence. There will be a total solar eclipse 19 minutes after midnight today EDT USA. Any eclipse is a potent time for spiritual practice during the eclipse time, as the planetary energy intensifies.

You should bring to mind the thought of nonattachment to this life, the thought of love for all beings, the thought of giving up all resentments,…The Buddha 

Astrology for 4/13/2023

4/13/2023 Thursday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Finishing things

With the Moon Void of course for half the day it’s good to tie down loose ends and finish things. Keep a low profile if you can. In contrast, with the Sun in Aries, there is a lot of energy to start and initiate things. But as with all tasks, there is a beginning and an and end, so during the next five days of the waning moon you can focusing more on completing tasks rather than starting new ones.

What really pleases all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas is compassion.~Lama Zopa Rinpoche

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST USA 10.14am until 4:42pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 4/10/2023

4/10/2023 Monday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Opening your wings

With Jupiter continuing to strengthen your confidence and purpose you can open yourself to more opportunities, turning your small world into one big world. In this bigger world you are able to realize that you are more connected to others than you realized. Expressions of generosity cement and deepen your relationships. Take time out to let nature heal you, and contemplation to bring you insights.

Rely on the teachings on compassion, let it guide you. Don’t rely on your gut feelings.~Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Astrology for 2/16/2023

2/16/2023 Thursday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Grounded reality

With the Moon now in Capricorn you can plant your feet on the ground and, combined with the Saturn conjunct Moon, make steady progress on plans. Structure is important at this time. But with Saturn in Aquarius the structures can be innovative. A friendly connection helps you navigate your feelings at this time. Communication is not a straight forward enterprise but you can be creative with your thinking.

Is there a day called tomorrow?~Telugu proverb

Astrology for 2/13/2023

2/13/2023 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: One step at a time

The Sun conjunct Saturn enables the accomplishment of discrete tasks including fixing things and renovating. This aspect also favors the ‘one step at a time’ approach to accomplish goals: steady progress produces good results at this time. Emotionally however, you feel constricted and frustrated. Remain calm and seek an inner balance between your head and heart.

The unfortunate thing is that, because wishes sometimes come true, the agony of hoping is perpetuated.~Marguerite Yourcenar

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST USA 6.52pm until 8:431pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care

Astrology for 1/18/2023

1/18/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Insights

With Mercury forming a trine with Uranus over the next few weeks you have more insights and a sharper mind: communications bring unexpected tidings of the good kind. The Sun is pulling away from Pluto lessening the intensity of this annual transformative aspect. The Moon opposes Mars bringing more directness and sometimes heated encounters. It’s a good day for taking a long walk.

Generosity free from expectation is like the confidence of a sower: whatever needs to grow will grow, and nothing will be lost.~Drigung Dondrup Chogyal

Astrology for 01/09/2023

01/09/2023 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Integration

With the asteroids Aestraea and Vesta nestling close to Neptune you have the opportunity to tend to the health of your inner self and find balance at home. This means accessing an understanding of the universe that is less material and more spiritually focused. It can encompass wherever you find meaning. With Venus and Mars in harmonious aspect there is less conflict. Today you are feeling more restrictions and aloneness as the Moon opposes Saturn.

I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.~Hafiz

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST USA 8.52pm until 10:15am the next day. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

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