Apparent Phenomena

The following is an excerpt from “Buddhahood Without Meditation” by Dudjom Lingpa:

Apparent phenomena manifests in dreams and the Bardo. “Some people hold apparent phenomena to be mind. They might wonder whether all external apparent phenomena are actually discursive thoughts and therefore their own minds, but such is not the case. This is demonstrated by the fact that while apparent phenomena change from the very moment they manifest, ceasing and passing away in a succession of later moments following former ones ordinary mind does not take on the nature of these passing phenomena and thereby become itself nonexistent as mind. “Buddhahood Without Meditation” – Dudjom Lingpa

For All Our Sakes!

Jennifer Lopez in "Enough"

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Hi all! Still hiding, and all is going well. I’m making progress on my Health Rider, and I’ve started to learn self-defense.

What the law won’t do for me, I’ll do for myself. What other choice does this system give women?

I have a heavy bag, gloves etc. And I’m gonna be a warrior. I’m tired of feeling like a victim, or wronged, or weak. I would never attack someone who didn’t attack first. This training is to be sure 1) I don’t need it 2) I won’t fold. I feel stronger already, more confident. I feel tougher. This is great!

Wait for the law to do the right thing? This patriarchy? Don’t think so. So many women die while running. I will stand my ground. No one else will.

I once had every confidence in the government and it’s laws. No more. I trust myself. I feel I can be both healing and loving, and impossible to take down. What a combo for women!

And gals, we are forced to take this rout because there is no law for us. None. And the restraining orders? As if paper will stop a psychopath. My mother had one, but she always let him back. He’d buy candy and flowers. But the real reason is, she had no money and would have to go on welfare. One day he broke her nose with a glass ashtray. Once he threw an axe at my brother, missed and cleaved a tree my brother hid behind. One day he shot and nearly killed a man. He was crazy and dangerous and he got five years for attempted murder. So did they care about the wife and kids? No.

That won’t happen to me. Sometimes women know when trouble is coming. I have good intuition and I’ll depend on myself if others don’t believe me. I won’t accept any opinions. This is my life and I’m gonna save it.

It hurts to know the law doesn’t care. You all need to learn this. There are excellent classes, mentors, non lethal equipment. Or lethal as well with proper training and a license. Believe in yourself; in your worth. Even just living in urban cities can make you candy for some freak with a lot of hate. You don’t have to be candy. Get trained. Stay alive. Change the game. Be a force to be reckoned with.

See you soon. When I “emerge” I’ll be a warrior. Join me! For all our sakes.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved




Choosing Your Guide

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Buddhism doesn’t need you, you need Buddhism. Lama doesn’t need you, you need Lama. There are many more students than teachers.

To climb Mt. Everest one needs a Sherpa (guide) to show the way. A map or book is useless. You can only trust a guide who has gone before.

If you have a dental cavity, you need a professional dentist: trained, credentials from school, with many patients and experience, not a mechanic with pliers.

If you are hungry and don’t know how to cook a book helps. But an educated cook will show you how to use it. It will be edible!

OK, so you have a blown tire, and all the tools. Jack, lug wrench, etc- but no one has ever taught you how. You still aren’t going anywhere.

Is your TV broke? Don’t leave it to a plumber to fix. The plumber may electrocute himself and your TV will look like shit.

If a child needs to blow his nose it won’t be the tissue that teaches. It will be the parent.

How many ways can I say this?

If you are getting fit, walking works. But the real deal is weights, resistance, warm up cool down, flexibility and you need to train with an accomplished trainer. (Clue – check their bodies). A couch potato simply won’t do.

Whatever your goal, make sure you don’t choose a slacker with an ego. Choose a teacher with a track record and credentials.

Spiritually, choose a Lineage and stay strong. Don’t dabble. Or quibble. For truth don’t choose a liar or cheat. Learn from their past and from your own mistakes. Gather merit, love yourself enough to do this right!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved



How to Handle the Negative

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I read a report that people naturally negative, hateful, and generally have no regard for others, often attract others of like mind. Then the haters begin to hate each other. Petty war ensues, and the groups split, hate grows. Eventually these folks, in sociopathic resonance feed each other’s hate, then all take turns hating and insulting each other. Once in a while someone wakes up and escapes it. Most not. And it is a shame.

Sure we all have some negativity and moody days. The proper practitioner will clean it up and move on. Maybe perform good works and balance the scales again. Others spiral down so quickly it is mind-boggling.

I saw a woman who outwardly seems all saintly who, when called on some crazy gobbledygook teaching went hateful, rabid, incredibly insulting. Never disagree with someone like that. The fangs and talons emerge: suddenly your beating heart is consumed. Chewed up and spit out. Kinda hard on a tender heart. Hard to watch. But bearable if you consider the source and totally ignore them.

You can learn to get by. I do. When someone tells me what’s going on with gossips or disrespect or hate…I just say, “Honey, talk to the hand. Or take it to the judge.” Either way. kindness is the way!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


The Meaning of Lineage Empowerment: Full Length Video Teaching

The following is a full length video teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:


Empowerment comes directly from the stainless compassion of Guru Rinpoche himself. Allow yourself to be changed and ripened by this gift of compassion.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

A Strong and Precious Refuge

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

My visit with His Eminence Mugsang Rinpoche is over now. I feel such love for him. We talked about KPC and long range plans and programs.

I’ve dedicated my intention to accomplishing Empowerments, hopefully in English. I hope to become most proficient in Palyul ritual and Sadhana and look forward to the excellent Lamas and tutors lined up. KPC will grow strong and be a precious refuge for all beings.

Now His Eminence Mugsang Rinpoche goes back to California and His Holiness Karma Kuchen Rinpoche is in India. Monlam is soon. They are Pure Throneholders, EH MA HO! So Precious!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Understanding Offerings

The following is a full length video teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo offered at Kunzang Palyul Choling:


Taught on Lha Bab Duchen in 1989, this teaching explains how the practice of offering helps purify our desire and grasping. It also, if done purely, can move us toward the state of pure enlightenment.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

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