May All Be Safe

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

If a stalker causes extreme stress or harasses a person and causes death as stress can, they should be charged with manslaughter. It it about time to make the the equality of all actual enforceable law stick. Never mind race, religion, politics or gender! We are equal and must be equal by law in order for our society to survive.

A true stalker literally is incapable of stopping. They fixated in a neurotic way and cannot stop their maniacal behavior. Cannot work, rest, or have a real life. It’s all fantasy. And they believe. Even make up other personas as to be believable and call in fake “friends” when needed. Sick behavior and always predictable.

 © copyright Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo all rights reserved

What is Non-Virtuous Speech?

The following description of the 4 types of non-virtuous speech are from “The Way To Freedom” by the Dalai Lama:

“ The next four negative actions are deeds of speech.

The firs is telling lies. This includes speaking contrary to what one has seen, heard, or knows to be fact. Lying can be motivated by attachment, hatred, or ignorance. The intention is to confuse the other person, and it can be carried out either by speaking or nodding the head and gesturing with a hand. Any action done out of the intention to confuse someone constitutes the negative action of lying. If the other person hears it, that constitutes completion of this act.

Next is divisive talk. The intention is to cause dissension between friends or people in the spiritual community for one’s own sake or for he sake of others. Whether one succeeds in causing dissension or not, the moment the other person hears the divisive talk, that constitutes the completion of this act.

Next is verbal abuse. The intention is to speak harshly, and the deed is complete when the abusive words are heard by the person to whom they are directed. Abuse includes insulting others, speaking about their faults, whether true or untrue; if one does it to hurt the other person, it is abuse.

Next is senseless gossip. It is frivolousness without any purpose, and it can be motivated by any of the three poisons. One’s intention is simply to chat without any reason, to just gossip without any purpose.The execution of this act does not require a second person. You do not need a partner; you can do this by talking to yourself. Idle gossip would include talking about wars, the faults of others, or arguing just for the sake of argument. This would also include reading unimportant books out of attachment.”


In our divided

clinging consciousness

In our ego-centered


we are bound.


Unaided, unable

to distinguish

The nature that is peace.


Imagining distinction

in the nature that

is form and formless


for we have seen

the difference

Between the crystal and the nectar

that fills it

with its emptiness


If we could

only taste

the soundless voice

that sings its silent name

In colors


Vairocana Holy Holy

Bring the blessed kindest

Wisdom of the Dharmadhatu

To this singer’s song


For we are angry

we are chained

In our self-righteousness

we are prisoners and wardens


No love in hate

No reason, no meaning

Hallucination, like a drug

we’re burning


with jaundiced principles

disjointed, numbed

We’ve sold our value

for a nightmare


and filled with venom

we are dead and dying

scratching at our eyes

that we might see


in form, in function

In making statements

meaningless in the silence

of our indivisibility


Vajrasattva Blessed Blessed

Bring the mirror wisdom

To the crying ones

who long to see your face


In our race

to nowhere

Pumped with

self value

Our holy war


With increasing tension

Structuring conviction

Deny that I am you

can’t see your eyes


And filled with dirty

hard distinctions

We are successful

We have sat our

hellish throne


In the gorgeousness

of reason

Reasons not to give our lives

Oh, take this life


We try so hard

to know the rapture of union

Impossible to know

with hearts so dry


Ratnasambhava Buddha Buddha

Bring the view

of equanimity

like holy wine

to this tired burning child


The force is boundless

the aching endless

It never ceases

We are obsessed


The fire burns us

Our lips are parched

Our eyes, our hearts

Know no release


The endless seeking

brings more of nothing

The suffering of suffering

has reached its peak


this restless searching

I think of babies


for the mother’s breast

Touch us

We need to feel it

It all seems

out there

Beyond our reach


Amitabha Purest Pure One

Cleanse our Perception

Bring the feast

of Pure Discrimination

to our hungry mouths


Worlds of wounded

Crying and helpless

No one to

hear them

Too much jealousy

and fear


Too tired and jaded

Sick and faded

Certain of my fix,

my gig, my sphere


Standing alone in

mute acceptance

Burden of proof

so heartless

That we are here

We are

I am


In righteous battle

I am unique!


Endless is my work!


There must be something

Or maybe someone

Responding sweetly

But never me

For I cannot


Amoghasiddhi Sublime Dancer

Bring us the movement

The sweet activity

Of Perfect Love

© Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Love and Hugs to All

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

It is raining cats, dogs and Easter bunnies today. We needed it for spring flowers, too. Glad to see it pull pollen out of the air.

Shoutout to the OWS and Occupy D.C. and all Occupy friends who came to my teaching last night. Come back again! We love you!

Also happy to see old and new friends. Now today after last night’s teaching and yesterday’s Phowa I am exhausted, and sore as hell. But I’ll live and it was worth it! I was happy to see so many there on a Friday night. A good crowd and good feelings. And a shoutout to the PCD students, sooo good to see you! You guys are Palyul family. Pls come back! We should have a tea or something to catch up, no? Love and hugs from KPC to all! 



© copyright Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo all rights reserved


The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Tomorrow will be a happy day, I will teach. And I’m looking forward to it. It’s been a while, and I feel stronger again. I hope to meet Some of the people I connect with online every day.

Must warn you, my hair is graying and I’m getting old. But face it. It happens to all. It isnt the package that matters at this age, it’s the message. Mine is kindness and love, Bodhicitta, Palyul.

In getting stronger I can Teach often. I am grateful for that. I am happy to say we are being remodeled, Temple and Stupas are looking great. I am proud of the work my Sangha is doing. Today we had about 50 volunteers and tons of visitors, including college classes. Busses. Wow. The feeling is full steam ahead, joyfully. A joyful heart is part of the way. And we are feeling it. I miss my students and can’t wait to touch hearts.

One Disappointment is I cannot climb into my throne as my lower back and hip still hurt constantly. Oh well. We’ll put a chair in front of the throne. But I have my Zen and Chuba and I’m ready to rock! Will you be there? Hugs from Palyul, Buddhism and KPC!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

From “Buddhahood Without Meditation” by Dudjom Rinpoche: Illusory Phenomena

The following is respectfully quoted from “Buddhahood Without Meditation” by Dudjom Rinpoche:

On another occasion, when I encountered Orgyan Tsokyey Dorje–the embodiment of the magical illusion of timeless awareness–he bestowed advice for refining my perception of things so that I could see that they are illusory (gyu-ma). He said, “For me to introduce you directly to the interdependence of causes and conditions coming together, consider this: The cause is the ground of being as basic space (zhi-ying), which is pristinely lucid (dang-sal) and endowed with capacity for anything whatsoever to arise. The condition is a consciousness that conceives of an ‘I.’ From the coming together of these two, all sensory appearances (nang-wa) manifest like illusions.

“In this way, the ground of being as basic space, ordinary mind (sem) that arises from the dynamic energy (tzal) of that ground, and the external and internal phenomena that constitute the manifest aspect of that mind are all interlinked (lu-gu-gyud), like the sun and its rays. Thus, we use the expression ‘occurring in interdependent connection.’

“Here are some metaphors for this process: It is like the appearance of a magical illusion, which depends on the pristine clarity of space as the cause and manifestations through the interdependent connection created by the synchronicity of the conditions–that is, magical substances, mantras, and the mind that creates the illusion.

“All phenomena, which manifest as they do, are ineffable, yet appear due to the influence of conceiving of an ‘I.’ This process is like a mirage appearing from the synchronicity of vividly clear space and the presence of warmth and moisture.

“All sensory appearances of the waking consciousness, dream states, the bardo, and future lifetimes are apparent yet ineffable. Confusion comes about due to fixation on their seeming truth. This is like a dream that one does not consider false–thinking, ‘This is a dream’–but instead reifies and fixates on as some enduring objective environment.

“Due to the predominant condition of the perception of an inner ‘I,’ the realm of phenomena manifests as something ‘other.’ This is like the appearance of a reflection through the interdependent connection of a face and a mirror coming together.

“Because one is thoroughly ensnared by concepts of identity (dag-dzin), the realms of the six states manifest one after the other. This is like the cities of gandarvas appearing in one’s environment–for example, one a plain at sunset–as visionary experiences reified by the ordinary mind.

“While sensory appearances are primordially such that they have never existed, the myriad appearances that are seen, heard, smelled and tasted, or felt are like echoes–subjective appearances manifesting as though they were something else.

“All sensory appearances are not other than the ground of being, but are of one taste with that ground itself, like the reflections of all the planets and stars in the ocean that are not other than the ocean, but are of one taste with the water itself.

“Due to the concept of an ‘I,’ self and other manifest as though they truly existed within the panoramic sky of the ground of being, expansive basic space. This is analogous to bubbles forming on water.

“The pristine lucidity of the ground of being as empty basic space is forced into the narrow confines of the subjective perception of consciousness based on conceptual mind (yid-shey). The influence of this entrenched habit causes sensory appearances perceived in confusion to manifest in all their variety. This is like the appearance of a hallucination when pressure is applied to the optic nerve or when one’s nervous system is disturbed by an imbalance of subtle energy (lung).

“Sensory appearances manifest from the ground of being in all their variety in view of a consciousness that conceives of an ‘I,’ yet they do not diverge from or occur outside of that ground. This is like the case of an adept who has gained mastery (wang gyur-wa) over states of meditative absorption (ting-nge-dzin) that permit the emanation and control of phantoms. Although a variety of phantoms manifest when such an individual is engaged in this process of emanation and control, in actuality these phantoms are free of any basis and have never existed as real objects.

“Ah, my incredible little child, meditate progressively in this way and, having realized that all sensory appearances are illusory, you will become a yogin of illusion.”

Saying this, he vanished.


The following is an excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo called “Nature of Mind” given in 1988, one month after her enthronement by His Holiness Penor Rinpoche:

Do you remember when you first started to seek the spiritual path?  The innocent sense of longing that you felt.  You must have felt in at one point of another, or you could not be here.  You could not, you must have longed to purify suffering.  You must have longed to be of benefit to someone, sometime.  You must have longed to attain the end of suffering.  And there must have been somewhere in there, the desire to do that in order to help others.  There has to be.  So that innocence, beautiful longing.  Remember how happy you were at that time.  There was a time when you were really happy, when you thought that.  Now, of course we’re too sophisticated.  We’re on the path and we’re already practitioners.  So we tend not to continue that thought in our minds, but we should.  We should constantly, with great longing.  And we should make prayers in that direction.  And that’s how you begin aspiration Bodhicitta.  You begin to make prayers of longing.  I long to benefit beings.  I pray with all my heart than I can take whatever form necessary in order to bring peace to the world.  In order to benefit beings.  In order to end the suffering of beings.  You should cultivate that, really and truly, you should do that until there are tears in your eyes.  And you will find that when you begin to develop that ability, those tears are not sad tears.  They are the happiest tears you’ll ever cry and they are heck of a lot more happy than going to the shopping mall and buying something new.  I mean, really, that sounds like a superficial comparison, and it is.  But, we spend much more time at the shopping mall than we do longing.  And we should long constantly to end suffering.

So you begin in that way.  And then you begin to think of the emptiness of self nature.  Begin to, even if you don’t know how to meditate, if you haven’t the technique, then you might begin, or contemplate at least, think of the emptiness of self nature.  And it goes hand in hand with that living the extraordinary life with that idea of compassion.  They are inseparable.  Because along with the emptiness of self nature, is the understanding that all suffering is born of delusion.  And the antidote to that is the annihilation of that delusion.  It’s the same as the meditation on emptiness.  For instance, let’s see what do I need, we used to have a crystal ball up here, do we not have it anymore?  How can I make a demonstration that I really want to.  Well maybe I can come over here if my little wire goes far enough.

Look here, if you see this crystal, it looks really really clear and you may not, this may not be a good example.  Oh here, can you see my hand coming through this crystal, can you see that?  Okay, then can you see the blue.  okay.  Okay look at this crystal.  This crystal is exactly like your mind.  It is exactly like the nature of your own mind in this way.  It is clear.  It is in its natural state, it is free of any form.  There is no form in there.  It is said that the nature of mind is clear, self-luminous.  That it exists in such a form that once any distinction is made, it is not understood.  It is free of any contrivance.  In the same way that this crystal is free.  You look in there, and you see only clarity.  A better example, of course is a crystal that is perfectly clear without any flaw.  Because that is the crystal that is exactly like your mind.  Perfectly clear, without any flaw.  You in the natural state are that.  You are pure suchness.  And the moment you began to appear as you do now, was the moment you began to make distinction.  But, in the natural state it is not so.  The mind is clear, self-luminous, free of contrivance.  Completely relaxed.  It is not gathered around itself, because it has no conceptualization of self.  It’s completely relaxed.  It is suchness.

Now you look at the crystal and you think that the crystal is like that also, and that the crystal might be understood as a symbol of that suchness in this way.  Now you put your hand behind it, and look, you see blue.  Has the crystal become blue.  Well, you have to look at it on two levels.  Your looking right now, this crystal looks blue.  So, in that sense, the crystal appears to have become blue.  But, if I take it away, does the Crystal change?  Is it blue now?  So what is blue?  Who perceives blue?  Look at that, you can see this hand.  See the flesh tone in there.  It’s very, when you look at it, do you see flesh tone?  Do you see it?  So the crystal has become like that, hasn’t it.  But, then you take it away, and the flesh tone is gone.  The crystal is the same.  It is the same, it is completely unaltered.  Who perceives the flesh tone?  What is the flesh tone?  This appearance of blue.  This appearance of this tone.  This appearance of phenomena in general.  This appearance of phenomena in general is merely conceptualization.  Who is it perceived by?  Think for instance about this.

Here is a very crude example, but then I told you I was born in Brooklyn, I’m not making any apologies, that’s it.  Okay, let’s take two objects, we have two objects here, we have chocolate, and we have shit, yes shit, you heard it right.  We have chocolate and we have shit, okay, there both brown, I mean, I’m sorry but we have to do this, there both brown right?  They both have a creamy consistency.  So sorry.  They both have a strong aroma.  What make one chocolate, and the other one shit?  Who determines the difference.  Who is the taster?  Who sees this?  Who sees that?  What is happening here?  All conceptualization, all phenomena arises from the belief in self nature and from the compulsion at that point to make self appear separate from other and to make a reactive relationship necessary.  All of your mind consists of the phenomena of hope and fear.  Of discrimination in a subtle and dense way.  But, the nature of mind itself remains steadfast, clear, uncontrived and when there is no concept of self it is just like that, pure, perfect, it is only suchness.  Only that.  And it cannot be altered, it remains unchanged.  And the weird thing about is the minute you that start talking about it, you’ve removed yourself from the potential to understand it.

How do you get free then of distinction between shit and chocolate.  How do you stop seeing the hand?  How do you stop seeing the blue?  How do you perceive that true nature?  Little by little you have to dis-engage the idea of self and you have to meditate on that.  And you can begin in this way, and I recommend that you do this.  Whether you are a dyed in the wool, or dyed in the cotton, I don’t know which fabric is, dyed in the cotton Buddhist, or whether you are person that has never even heard of any of this before.  You can begin to do in this way.  I don’t recommend that you taste both shit and chocolate, but you can try, let’s say, honey and lemon juice.  And you can look for yourself, who is the taster?  You say, I taste.  Where am “I”?  Well I’m right here.  Okay, where here?  Okay, let’s take you apart.  Let’s take you apart.  Let’s find out where “I” is.  We’ll look first in the feet, we’ll start low and work high.  Did you find “I” in there?  Take it apart.  Really, you have to make slides of everything.  You have to buy yourself a microscope and make slides and see if you can find “I”, okay?  Go all the way up, look everywhere that you can, examine every single molecule.  Go all the way up to the heart.  Everybody thinks hearts are big these days.  Let’s look in the heart, see if we can find “I”.  Then we’ll look in the throat.  What part do you identify with the most.  You have great legs?  We’ll look at your legs.  You have beautiful figure, we’ll look at every part of it.  Look at everything.  Let’s look in the brain.  Everybody thinks they come from their head right?  So we’ll look in the brain.  Where is “I”?  You can even look in your eye, eyeball.  See if you can find “I” there.  No matter how hard you look, if you make microscopic slides of every single part of it, you will not find “I” in this body.  You will not find it.  Well you say, there must exist an “I”, because how can I go from lifetime to lifetime?  And, I’m telling you that the idea of “I” is only that.  It is a conceptualization that has built around it so much karmic flagellants that the profundity of it has managed to exists for lo these many eons.  And at that point you can begin to understand that essentially, nothing has happened.  In truth, nothing has happened.  You can begin to mediate on the emptiness of all phenomena.

You want to look at cup, look at cup.  Find cup in there.  Take it apart.  Grind it up, find cup.  Cup is the idea of cup.  And you can continue with everything, your house, family.  You can’t practice Dharma because you have a family.  Ok, let’s take your house.  We’re going to take your house.  We’re going to examine your house.  Let’s take it apart, we’ll put it all under the microscope.  Find family.  Then we’ll examine the people that you are calling family.  Which one of them is family.  We’re going take them all apart, just the way we took you apart.  Where are we going to find family.  Family is a concept.  Who made it up?  You did.  Where are you?  I haven’t found me yet.

It’s crazy, but it’s a good way to start practicing.  It’s a good way to start practicing because your going to find that everything you live by, the things that make you suffer, the things that you bust your tail trying to do, everything that you do is based around an idea that you made up.  You did, you made it up.  And it has effected you for all this time.  So you can begin there.  It’s true that it would take sometime to achieve realization by meditating in that way.  But, it’s a really good place to start.  And meditating on the emptiness of self and on the emptiness of phenomena as well can give you the foundation and the strength to live the extraordinary life of compassion that I’m talking about.  And it’s that kind of extraordinary life of compassion and with the profound prayers that you will return in whatever form necessary in order to benefit beings and that even now you will able to benefit beings if you consider that that is the utmost important thing in your entire life and you yearn for that.

You actually have a little side benefit there that I’d like to tell you about.  And the side benefit is that you are purifying your mind of the garbage that we have gathered around it associated with self and desire in such a way that you will be able to actually move closer meditating on successfully and knowing that profound nature of mind.  That uncontrived natural state.  Just through the virtue of considering things in this way.  Considering yourself to be only important in as much as you can benefit beings.  And to begin to function in that way.  But, I tell you, the more that you get on an ego trip about this, or anything else.  I’ve done this, and I was ? in my last life, you know that kind of thing, the kind of thing.  The kind of thing that we do, and your ? is doing it.  The more that you do that kind of thing, the more you are creating the causes of suffering and the further and further away you get from perceiving the natural state.  Because the natural state, is as it is.  Remains unpolluted.  Untarnished.  Untainted.  And the only thing that makes us perceive something else, is that we have stuck the blue in the back of the crystal basically and that blue symbolically is conceptualization.  The way to liberate the mind from the belief in that phenomena of blueness as being inherently real is to meditate on the emptiness of phenomena.  The emptiness of self nature and to live a life that causes the purification of the mind.  And actually cleanses of discursive thought.  That is the ticket.  And no matter who your teacher is, if you really could talk heart to heart with any profound, profoundly realized teacher of any religion.  I believe and I’m willing to say this publicly, any teacher, any time if they are profoundly realized, no matter what religion they started, if they are profoundly realized, will tell you that the answer is the end of ego and all of it’s desire.  And the conceptual proliferation’s that come with it.  That the realization of the natural state is the answer, and that that state is uncontrived, unchanging, unborn and infinite.

So, that’s your Kellogg’s cereal boxtop nature of mind teaching for today.  Complete with Brooklynese language and I’m afraid that that happens to be on a regular basis.  I sort of slip back into Brooklyn, Jewish, Italian mode.  But, anyway, I hope that you enjoyed that.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Nang-jang from “Buddhahood Without Meditation” by His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche

The following is respectfully quoted from “Buddhahood Without Meditation” by Dudjom Lingpa:

First, to reach a definitive conclusion (tan la wab-pa) regarding view, the sacred key point is to come to a definitive understanding through four topics — ineffability (med-pa), oneness (chig-pu), openness (khyal-wa), and spontaneous presence (lhun-drub) — and realize these just as they are.

In the first of these topics, the process of reaching a definitive conclusion regarding ineffability has two divisions: coming to a definitive conclusion about personal identity (gang zag gi dag) and a definitive conclusion about the identity of phenomena (chho kyi dag).

Let us begin by defining “personal identity.” The impression that an identity (dag) exists, whether in waking experience, dream states, the bardo–the intermediate state of conditioned existence between death and rebirth–or the next lifetime, is termed “personal identity.” Immediately following this first impression, there is an underlying consciousness that takes this impression to be an “I” and that is termed “subsequent consciousness” or “conceptualization.” As attention is given to this, it comes to seem stable and solid. For these reasons, by trying to locate the source from which this so-called I first occurs, you will arrive at the conclusion that it has no authentic source.

In searching for a place where this identity might dwell between its origination and its cessation, you should examine in the following way to determine whether, for this so-called I, a location and something located there exist as anything that can be individually identified and characterized.

The head is called “head”; it is not called I. Similarly, the skin of the head is called “skin”; it is not I. Likewise the eyes, in being only eyes, are not I. The ears, in being only ears, are not I. The nose, in being only the nose, is not I. The tongue, in being only the tongue, is not I. The teeth, in being only the teeth, are not I. The brains are also not I. As for the muscles, blood, lymph, nerves. blood vessels, and tendons, in being referred to only by their own names, they are not labeled “I.” From this you will gain understanding.

Furthermore, the arms, in being only arms, are not I. The shoulders are likewise not I, nor are the upper arms, the forearms, or the fingers. Moreover, the spine, in being only the spine, is not I. The ribs are not I, the chest is not I, the liver and spleen are not I, the intestines and kidneys are not I, and urine and feces are not I.

As well, this label “I” is not applied to the legs. The label “thighs,” is applied to the thighs. Similarly, the hips are not I. The shins are not I, nor are the insteps of the feet or toes.

To summarize, the outer skin is not labeled “I”; the intermediate layers of muscle and fat, in being referred to as “muscle” and “fat,” are not labeled “I”; the bones within, in being referred to as “bones,” are not labeled “I”; the innermost marrow, in being referred to as “marrow,” is not labeled “I.” Therefore, you can be certain of emptiness in the absence of any location or something located between origination and cessation.

Similarly, you should come to the decision that all final destinations and anything going there are transcended. In actuality, as with impaired vision, there is the appearance that things are what they are not. Moreover, using all these labels is like speaking of the horns of a rabbit.

Second, to reach a definitive conclusion that phenomena lack any identity, you must search for some basis on which labels can be applied, abolish your concepts of the seeming permanence of things, confront the hidden flaws of benefit and harm, and collapse the false cave of hope and fear.

To begin with, if you search for something with ultimate meaning that underlies the application of all names, you will find that this amounts to nothing more than labels being applied to what, in being ineffable, is simply the natural glow (rang-dang) that underlies thought. This is because it is impossible for any phenomenon whatsoever to have ever existed as self-sustaining in terms of being a basis for labeling. For example, what does “head” refer to and why? Is the label applied because the head constitutes the first stage in the growth of the body, because it is round, or because it appears uppermost? In fact, the head is not the first stage in growth of the body, the label “head” is not applied to everything that is round, and when you examine the concepts of “upper” and “lower” there are no absolutes of upper or lower in space. Similarly, the hair of the head is not the head. The skin, in being skin, is not labeled “head.” The bones, in being called “bones,” are not labeled head, and the nose and tongue are not the head.

You might suggest that, if we isolate these parts individually, they do not constitute the head but that their collective mass is called “head.” But if you were to cut off a creature’s head, pulverize it into molecules and subatomic particles, and then show it to anyone in the world, no one would say that it was a “head.” Even if the particles were reconstituted with water, this mass would not be labeled “head.” So you should understand the situation–that there is no object that is the basis for the expression “head,” which is merely a figure of speech.

Let us take a similar case, that of the eyes. The label “eyes” does not apply to spheres that exist in pairs. The sclera is not the eyes. The fluids, nerves, vessels, and blood are likewise not the eyes. If you analyze these components individually, you will see that none of them is the eyes. Nor are the particles of their collective mass or the mass that would be obtained by reconstituting these particles with water. That which sees forms, in being a state of consciousness, is not the eyeballs, as is evidenced by the fact that it causes seeing to take place during dreams and the bardo.

Likewise in the case of the ears, the auditory canals are not the ears. The skin is not the ears. The cartilage, nerves, vessels, blood, lymph, in being referred to by their own names, are not the ears. The powder that would result from pulverizing them would not be the ears. The mass that would be obtained by reconstituting them would not be the ears. If you think that label “ears” applies to that which hears sounds, just observe what hears sounds during dreams, the waking state, and the bardo. It is ordinary mind as timelessly present consciousness, not the ears.

Similarly, all the component parts of the nose–nostrils, skin, cartilage, nerves and blood vessels–in being referred to by their own names, are not labeled “nose.” Since that which smells odors is a state of consciousness, you should examine what smells odors during dreams and the bardo.

In the same way, if you analyze the tongue’s individual components–the muscle, skin, blood, nerves, and vessels–in being referred to by their own names, they are not called “tongue.” The powder that would result from pulverizing them would not be called “tongue.” Even the mass obtained by reconstituting them with water would not be labeled “tongue.”

The same reasoning applies in all of the following cases: In the case of arms, the shoulders are not arms, the upper arms are not arms, nor are the forearms, the fingers and knuckles, the flesh, skin, bones or marrow. Likewise regarding the shoulders, the skin is not the shoulders, nor are the flesh and bones. Neither is the collective mass of molecules or the mass that would be obtained by reconstituting them water. Any basis on which the label “shoulder” could be applied is empty in that it does not exist as an object. When you likewise examine the upper arms and forearms, in being referred to by their respective names–“muscle” for muscle, “bone” for bone, “skin” for skin, and “marrow” for marrow–none of these has ever existed as a basis on which labels could be applied.

By examining the fundamental basis of the expressions “body” and “physical mass,” you can see that the spine and ribs are not called “body.” The heart, lungs, liver, diaphragm, spleen, kidneys, and intestines, in being described by their own names, nevertheless constitute emptiness, in that any basis on which the labels “body” and “physical mass” could be applied is empty since it does not exist as an object.

When you examine the legs in a similar way, you will find that the hips are not the legs, nor are the thighs, shins, or feet. The muscles are not called “hips,” nor are the skin, bones, nerves, vessels, or tendons. Moreover, the skin, muscle, bones, nerves, vessels, or tendons are not called “thighs.” The same is true for shins. Such terms cannot be found to apply to the powder that would result from pulverizing these tissues, nor are they used to refer to the mass that would be obtained by reconstituting the particles with water.

If you search for some basis on which the label “mountain” could be applied in the outer world, you will see that earth is not a mountain, nor are the grasses or trees, the rocks, cliff faces, or water. If you search for some basis on which the labels “building” or “house” could be applied, just as the earth-works are not the house, neither is the stone or the wood. Moreover, as for the walls, in being called “walls,” they are not labeled as “house.” Thus, “house” has never existed anywhere, externally or internally.

You might search for some basis on which such labels as “human being,” “horse,” “dog,” and so forth could be applied. Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, flesh, blood, bones, marrow, nerves, vessels, tendons, and attendant consciousnesses are referred to by their own names, but no object exists as a basis on which the label “human being,” “horse,” or “dog” could be applied.

To take another example, among material objects “drum” does not refer to the wood, the leather, the outside, or the inside. Similarly, “knife” does not refer to the steel. None of the component parts–the blade, the back of the blade, the point, or the haft–has ever existed as an object that could be so labeled. Moreover, names and functions change, as when a knife is used as an awl and its designation changes, or when an awl is used as a needle, and these previous labels all turn out to refer to what have no existence as sense objects.

Relying on what my guru, the noble and sublime Supremely Compassionate One [Avalokiteshvara], said to me in a dream, I came to a thorough realization concerning two points–that which is called “personal identity” and the search for some basis on which labels could be applied.



Sacred Home Coming

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Since I’ve come back to KPC I see the dramatic changes and hope they continue. The Stupas look terrific! And the feel of the place- Wow!  It feels like one is constantly in meditation and prayer. And that is the point, isn’t it? To awaken!

I’m glad I came home. Yes, my stalkers know where I am. It would be dishonest to say that doesn’t scare me; but I’m doing better with PTSD. I can see what is dangerous and what is not.

The blessing of being in my appointed place is healing. I’m stronger here. Also I’ve found that my life is less important than the temple, monastics, Stupas, pechas, images, relics. These are treasures that will last longer than I will, so – I’m home. Come what may.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


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