Roar of the Dakini

It is not for ordinary sentient beings to alter Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism. It has been in this country, USA, only a short while. To decry the gifts of our great founding Lamas, Tulkus, also called Nirmanakaya Buddhas, these are jewels to gradually assimilate and practice, not to destroy with arrogance and pride. We may end up seeing some things differently here. But it should be gently and with loving concern.

Some people suggest we should destroy all Tulkus. And, naturally the woman who doesn’t play patriarchy goes first. If we have just ordinary people teaching, even from texts, is like the blind leading the blind. One can see easily that these folks have no profound wisdom, being so rude, hurtful and stuffed with pride. If sincere people follow ordinary people with no particular good qualities they will end up the same as them. These ordinary people claim supreme Enlightenment just because they believe it in a deluded way. If these people lead Vajrayana it is finished. They have no wisdom, do not know the pith instructions, and cannot give empowerment from a stainless source. Then we have nothing but a Tibetan flavored new age composite. Completely worthless. Some westerners don’t even do sadhana, or bother with empowerment. They just make up their own. Like a coloring book and crayons. Draw Superman and you can be him! No, really! Write it with the purple crayon so you can be on the purple ray!! Write “I AM THE SHYT! I am a Guru!” Then hand it in to your actual teacher and she/he may write “very creative!” Yet it is not correct.

Maybe someday there will be realization, when the pride is overcome, the arrogance, and maybe when the Bodhicitta is developed. No, it does not appear naturally without effort. You can’t do a little dance and Viola’ there it is. One must practice every day! Effort is essential. Intention must also be pure. Not to destroy, but to heal. I know of someone who says he/she has practiced for 30yrs and feels they don’t need any more but when you see them you know different. You see the hate, whining, selfishness and self absorption right away. No kindness. If we accept this as American Tibetan (?) Buddhism it is Kaliyuga for sure. The end. I have practiced and studied with great Masters for 30yrs also, and still do because of the intention to benefit beings, to dedicate the merit, and because I have faith and the wish to see all beings free of suffering. Until the bloated ego is pacified it is not truly possible to liberate and benefit beings. I am properly recognized, properly enthroned, and fully capable of teaching and helping sentient beings. But western wannabees crucify me every day. They will not stop this woman. And I will continue to keep my Lineage, and all Nyingmapa, the ancient ones sacred. I will protect my own and all beings.

And, yes this is the work if a woman! I will not crumble. And I am terribly sad for those who cannot see that wisdom. Yes, I am woman, watch me roar!!! Deal with it or not – your choice.


©Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Unwind Obsessive Behavior

If you can do nothing else, at least be kind and tolerant. You can do that. There is no excuse for being rude. Often, people are rude and hateful on twitter. I have pondered this for a while. I think it is that people hide behind computers, saying rude and terrible, hurting things because they cannot be seen. Even with skype, not the same. It is a kind of cowardice as one does not have to look their victim in the eye. To tweet, we may not be able to recognize them as human. Even if there are conversations, still we hide behind computer screens. This is both bad and good. We can use this format to connect and give info. Or it can be used to harm and hurt others. Why is that a pleasure to some? This hurting thing? Rage and obsession I think – he lack of ability to turn around and move on – fixation that one has no control over.

Now, I disagree. OCD can be treated with medicine and therapy. Another technique is Buddhist. The trick is to disassemble the whole thing. Of one is obsessed with a person, see them differently. Say, those lovely green eyes. Put them in your visualization in a glass of water. Their hair? How about the Christmas tree? What else do you like? Teeth? OK put them on a shelf. And those “special” parts? Oh, maybe the sink disposal. Then look at the mess and ask “where is this person? Glass? Shelf?” And which is the part I am obsessed with?”. As you can see, obsession is about conceptual proliferation. Common elements assembled by habit. And seen as real and solid. It isn’t about the object of obsession at all. It is habitual tendency. IF we recognize that we can change it with this technique.

We get obsessed with so many things! Cars, homes, mates, and also hearing oneself talk in a way that seems intelligent. Obsessed with sports (not as bad! Ha!) Clothing, anything. I am quite nearly obsessed with saving dogs. So we must ask: is this obsession reasonable? Wholesome? Does it contribute to society? Our planet? If not, if it goes contrary to the rules of society, let it go! What’s the point? There is absolutely no benefit. Stick with the good stuff- respect, kindness, health, spiritual growth. This is useful!

Now some people need medication and therapy to manage this, and something profound to fill their hearts and minds. Many times OCD is the substitute for something.

I feel it is good to stop demonizing psychiatric care. Be brave and honest. Get the medicine and treatment you need to be happy. And please do try and practice Dharma – Buddhism, face the illness and win! You can do this. You too can be happy! Just don’t fake it. And declare yourself superior to others. That is part of the illness. Delusion. You CAN overcome. Try compassion, love and respect, and you will be happy!

©Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

The Blessing

Hear my prayer, Beloved

The prayer of my heart

May you walk in freedom

May your way be filled with love

May the sun warm you and guide your way

And your way be gentle

For you and yours may there be peace

In all your days, food and drink

May your heart be blessed with dreams

And awaken to the nectar of compassion

May you come freely to the light

And know the nature of your mind

With the love and care

Of a mothers tender heart

I beseech you

Do not turn away

Oh hear this, hear this prayer

A whisper in the dark

Hear my love for you

Sweet, gentle, compassions play

Can you hear me?

I am calling you

Calling you

Beloved come forth!

©Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo 2009

You Can Start a War … Can You Stop It?

We are having some upsets in my house … But it’s all impermanent.

I have found if one stays totally centered, not letting confusion, sadness, or anger etc run the show it clears it out. Even if others insist on fighting, hurting, etc it is far better to ignore than to engage. I like to think of Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche seated on a throne above the crown of my head, blessing and protecting. And he appears as the Primordial Dharmakaya Guru Rinpoche, perfectly stable.

I also have always, since childhood, had a place in my heart I call my calm center. If I remain there, the undisturbed uncontrived state is like a soothing balm for a weary heart. When I was a child I practically lived there when there was trouble at home. And I’m still here!

It is always difficult to know why certain personality types prefer rage, hurtful behavior, vulgarity, etc as it brings no comfort or benefit and actually makes the mind more and more inflamed with bad qualities. In every religion or path it is taught that human kindness and respect are the right method. It is healthy for mind and body, and keeps us in a more joyful and reverent place; with right thought and right activity. So there really is no other choice if one is serious on the path. At some point one must take their activity and intention to task! And learn to look within to put our own house in order. Try to think of others first, be kind and giving, and happiness will follow.

Remember: you have the power to create war and conflict. Anyone does. The real issue is do you have the power to stop?

©Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Accomplishment on the Path

How long does it take to practice and attain the fruit of the path of Dharma? It takes as long as it takes. You cannot measure in time. Some say “oh, I’ve practiced 10 years” great! Keep going. 20 years? Great! Go on wit cha bad self!!! Keep going! 30 years? Super-dooper. A large chunk of life! Keep going!!! It is so easy to delude oneself into thinking that a number is the goal. Actually one should consider their own inner qualities as the watermark. To do this one must have self-honesty. Without honesty there is no way to judge progress. So we must learn to ob serve our own minds and stop relying on the approval of one’s peers. The need for approval is a sickness, not compatible with awakening. It is a deluded and neurotic display depending on separating, dualistic concepts. The desire to give and receive love is different.

Some find a lot of thrill from displaying many words and concepts to insure how well informed they are. This is not what I want. Not for me. I would rather display my efforts on the path as actual accomplishment that is of benefit; like Stupas. They’ll be there after I’m dead. So this result is of great benefit, as many healings and miracles happen, particularly at the great Migure Dorje Stupa in Maryland and the Amitabha Stupa in Arizona.

And here we have as well a monastery founded by me but solely offered to Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche. It will last until the day his Yangse Rinpoche is educated. Then it goes to him, Tsawei Lama. The property in Arizona and Maryland both will be his to put to use. It is for him. Only him! My Guru!

Since He is a Palyul Throneholder, that will keep it in our lineage after I’m gone, but under his command and none other. This is one of the greatest goals in my life. I want to be sure Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche is the beneficiary of it all. Lama Khyenno! Only he knows best.

He is my Guru, and his blessing gave rise to all of this by his wish. Once He told me I would find a big white house with columns in front. He said we should buy it, and that the money would come. We did and it did, exactly as he said. What a Lama he was! There was/is no space between us.

Since I first met him he has been the main guide of my life. Even now, as I meditate he is there, Pure Dharmakaya. No one moves me as does he. So I am waiting, hoping, praying for His Holiness Kyabje Penor Rinpoche to return. When he is able to take what I offer his Yangsi Rinpoche will be wealthy and set up to Teach and Empower here in America. This is my dream. When His Holiness returns and is ready, my life goal will be finished.

In my view this is the best way to keep Palyul safe and ongoing. Every blessing came from Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche. And all should return to him.

Refuge & Bodhisattva Vows

Refuge Vow   (Repeat 3 x)

I take refuge in the Lama,

I take refuge in the Buddha,

I take refuge in the Dharma,

I take refuge in the Sangha.

Bodhisattva Vow  (Repeat 3 x)

I dedicate myself to the liberation and salvation of all sentient beings.  I offer my body, speech, and mind in order to accomplish the purpose of all sentient beings.  I will return in whatever form necessary, under extraordinary circumstances to end suffering.  Let me be born in times unpredictable, in places unknown, until all sentient beings are liberated from the cycle of death and rebirth.

Taking no thought for my comfort or safety, precious Lama (Buddha), make of me a pure and perfect instrument by which the end of suffering and death in all forms might be realized.  Let me achieve perfect enlightenment for the sake of all beings.  And then, by my hand and heart alone, may all beings achieve full enlightenment and perfect liberation.

©Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Empowering the Feminine

It seems to me the only way to end abuse of women worldwide is for us to stick together in solidarity. When I see a female throw in with patriarchy, I think she isn’t a woman at all.

Perhaps we bear children, perhaps not. We may wear pants or dresses and lipstick; that is not what makes us women. It is our capacity to love. Sure men love too. It is different, like shades of color. But women can bring life! We are supremely equipped to nurture.

When I see a woman play patriarchy it sickens me. Who are we, then? Do we have any self respect? No, so we learn to hate. Have we nothing to offer? Do I think we should have a Matriarchal society? Hmmm. Maybe for a while, so we can balance out. I hope we have a world of freedom for all. Where women and men support and nurture each other, that is perfect. It will take time. Most folks don’t know true nurturing, so we must learn.

Women who are dominated by men tend to lose their gifts. If the man is a Svengali type she can lose her ethics, and her mind. Women can never put their trust in sweet talk and promises, they may be a con. Look for character, compassion, ethics don’t sell out. Women are worth far more than they know! If we honor our worth we will never again put up with abuse, lies, disrespect. You can’t have a world without us!

One of my favorite things as a child was the sound of women working in the kitchen talking quietly and kindly to each other. I felt safe.

Women and men alike, please hear me. Never live a lie. Never walk on eggshells for anyone. Never delete your dignity, or self respect. Don’t carry water for anyone! The greatest gift you have is honor, a wholesome mind, ethics, compassion, character and good intention. Give your heart those gifts now.

©Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Longing For His Holiness Penor Rinpoche

Everyone knows Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche was a living Buddha; the signs at his Parinirvana, his huge body of accomplishment, His great Kindness in establishing Palyul in India and the west. His determination to nurture Palyul, the extensive adornment of all capacity! He was a father to so many, ordained so many… Still stunned by His life… Still reeling from his passing. One never gets over that. Like the sun leaving the sky with only fireflies to guide our way.
I remember being told stories by the monks of how when Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche went to Tibet his people would follow behind Him, eat the dirt His footprints were on, for the blessing. These simple folk would do anything. Their faith in Him was powerful! And He gave every last drop every time.
When I would go for advice He was always ready to give the most profound. When I asked about our activities (KPC) He always said do what you think is best. You know. These students are yours and you know. The confidence He showed me was over the top!
I’ve been contemplating Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche’s teachings from New York. I have all, I believe. He was so profound. Deep like an ocean! Lama Kyen no!
I miss Him like the desert longs for rain… Like flowers long for sun… Like a mother longs for her child, like a child seeks her Father’s embrace. Kyabje Rinpoche was and is my North Star guiding me! Precious nectar that nourishes me! He lives, sitting a diamond throne within my heart!
He is every face, flower, all that is wholesome. He is the trees, the beauty of nature – my world! He is pure Dharmakaya, as I meditate, pray, if only I am still, silent, unperturbed, He is there. All phenomena, every display is Him! As uncontrived luminosity He is my prayer, my mind, my heart; Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, while keeping all vows purely, was and is my love, my purpose, my Tsawei Lama. HE is the great and only love of my life.
Stumbling in sorrow I patiently await His return. Guru, grant me the blessing of looking in your eyes before long! I wait like a butter lamp in the window of a chapel. Calling and weeping for the sound of His steps, ready to wash your feet, Beloved! Return to me, for their sake, for my children.

©Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

A video of the Compassionate Activities of His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche with permission from Pathgate Institute of Buddhist Studies, and special thanks to Lama Dondrup Dorje

Lineage and Transmission

I truly feel it is arrogant to change the Dharma to make up your own, or to say “this is what he meant.” The worst is “the Buddha never taught”.

So where does Buddhism come from? Ask those arhats that held his teachings perfectly in their minds. Shariputra, Ananda, etc then wrote the Buddhas teaching for all. Ananda had a particularly clear mind for perfect recall. His mind was pure, undefiled by ordinary existence.

As with Guru Padmasambava, also called the second emanation of Buddha, the teachings were preserved perfectly. Guru Padmasambava brought a host of peerless translators also realized and with excellent training to do the job. Tantras from India, Pali Cannon, and what was useful from Bon, Tibetan Shaman, was considered as well.

Then at the times Guru Padmasambava was with Yeshe Tsogyel and Mandarava both, Tantric Treasures were hidden for future times. They were hidden in a mystical way so that it was certain that the right Terton (revealer) would appear at the exact right time. Guru Padmasambava was able to predict the rebirth of every Terton, where they would be found. Some revelations were hidden in the sky, some hidden in water, some in rock, others in mountains, and some were passed to the Terton of the future directly in a vision!

Terton Migure Dorje was one such Terton. He died very young. Yet as a child he saw Guru Rinpoche dancing in the sky while giving the entire Nam Cho Terma Cycle which we now practice in Palyul. Among the heart students of Terton Migure Dorje were my predecessor, Genyenma Ahkon Lhamo and Palyul’s first Throneholder the great Vidyadhara Kunzang Sherab. All revelations from Nam Cho have been strictly passed down in Palyul from Guru to disciple in a Stainless unbroken chain, so no blessings were lost.

It is from the Nam Cho Cycle from Terton Migure Dorje that I will train to confer. If my predecessor was heart student of Terton Rinpoche, and my earlier predecessor was the Consort of Guru Padmasambava, then with training I feel it would be a gift if I could make that circle of blessing complete. I intend to do so, for the sake of sentient beings!

Oddly, my personal practice happens to be the Chime Tsok Dik which is the Tantra from the glorious accomplishment of Immortality, the rainbow body. That was Mandarava and Guru Padmasambava’s intimate practice. It was later revealed by His Holiness Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, who Himself practiced With his Consort (SangYum.) But it connects directly to the venerable practice of Guru Padmasambava and Lacham Mandarava! EMAHO! Oddly, decades ago I dreamed that I flew through the eyes of a baby Dudjom Rinpoche, and through His eyes I saw the cosmos, and space. It was there I knew I’d find freedom!

Lastly, my great gift was to receive the Empowerment for the practice two times from Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche who got it from His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche five times and from His Eminence Venerable Gyaltrul Rinpoche two times. See how it works, this karma, this cause and result? It all comes back home. Perfectly!

© Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Warrior of Compassion

To hate is irresponsible. Not only does it taint one’s own mind, but harms all others who touch it. It is unethical, as it poisons our world. I resent hate on twitter, not just the idiotic stuff thrown at me, but in general too. I have great hopes for twitter to exchange info and bring the world closer together, like a world community. Tweeters often offer love and support to each other, care.

Other types only want to rabble-rouse and stir up the war consciousness in everyone. Mostly failures in life, they feel better when they make their victims hurt. My sense is that they do not understand people who build their lives with skill and care. Their hatred of other’s success is due to feelings of inadequacy driving them. Not understanding the mechanics of a wholesome life, peaceful life, they hate those that do. And blame others for their difficulties. Actually, it is their own attitude and reaction that harms them. I say it over and over. Your Karma and mind are yours alone!

Therefore it must be oneself that manages and minds one’s own non virtue. Oddly enough, these are just the people who project their hate onto others. Example: a person commits a crime and goes to jail. Then commits more crime while on parole and blames the person who caught him red-handed. A narcissistic criminal with sociopath mindset will blame the person who caught them. Never seeing that the problem was the crime itself, and therefore their own chosen lifestyle. The bible tells us that to live by the sword is to die by the sword. True.

Buddhists call it karma, cause and effect. The same principle, I think in that we must take responsibility for the harm we cause others. If the criminal ends up being punished (say-like-Prison) that isn’t harming. If the criminal does the crime, that is the result. And they have created the cause. Though a deluded person may think they are right they still have committed a crime. And beings are harmed.

The amazing thing about Buddha Dharma is that there is always a way to confess, purify, and “go right” according to the methods of the eight-fold path. Correcting course and following what the Buddha taught, similar to 10 commandments, there is a body of material in ethics according to the Buddhist traditions. And since it is the bones of the body of Dharma it prevails through all its forms. In truth it is the ethical, warm-hearted and generous heart that provides the happiness, joy and stability on the path. Through meditation as well, we find peace and sweet relief!

Conversely when the me me – me mantra is in the driver seat, and the ego is immensely puffed up there is never any satisfaction or lasting happiness. The body then reflects the qualities of mind, and all is lost.

If you want to fight a war, the only one worth fighting is the insightful one against one’s own poisons. In the way the Buddhas see, it is not even truly possible to fight an external enemy. The enemy is war, our own soldiers are our own root poisons. And the true enemy is within, our own egos, and habitual tendencies. Therefore fight your own war, pacify hatred greed and ignorance, enjoy the happiness it brings, and live to bring benefit to the world!

© Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

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