The Caretaker Vow

This was composed and witnessed by Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo on August 31, 1986:

We the Caretakers of the Earth, dedicate ourselves to the liberation and salvation of all sentient beings.

We vow to work for the liberation of planet earth from the clutches of suffering, poverty, famine and death.  We vow to return in whatever form necessary, under whatever necessary conditions, so that all earth creatures can be liberated from the ravages of cyclic existence.

We vow to work for world peace.  We vow to work for the raising of all the nations of earth into a state of union and ultimately into the blessed state of supreme wisdom, the wisdom that is beyond all description.

We vow to work toward a great Universal Quickening of mind and heart, leading all beings to a state of clarity, a state in which Chenrezig, the Buddha of Compassion, is enthroned within all hearts and within the planetary heart.

We vow to offer as food and drink to all sentient beings the clear, sweet Dharma so that they may feast and be satisfied at last.  We offer our bodies, our speech, and our minds to be filled like bowls with Dharma that in our joy we will spill over into the waiting hearts of all our brethren.  May their suffering cease forever.

To all the blessed Tathagatas, to all the root Lamas, to all the Sangha, to all the caretakers, grant us the strength to continue, the clarity to overcome self-cherishing, the determination to return forever until we are the last, and finally, the grace to find our way home.

May the Dharma take root in the West, on the Earth, and in the hearts of all sentient beings.  So be it.

The merit of the dedication of these vows and of the building of this place of practice is offered

To our root Lamas:

His Holiness Padma Norbu Rinpoche, Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche

To our spiritual friends:

Ven. Khenpo Palden Sherab Rinpoche,

Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche,

And to His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche

And to all parent sentient beings who have gifted us with fire in our hearts and Light on our way.

I take refuge in the Lama.

I take refuge in the Buddha.

I take refuge in the Dharma.

I take refuge in the Sangha

With all beings equal to space.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

A Call to All Dharma Warriors and Spiritual People

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Dear Friends, I believe our prayers are bearing fruit. Please keep it up! It seems this nuclear catastrophe is slowing down (not going away!) – which is auspicious. Requests and offerings are being sent to Namdroling by KPC, and Pujas will be done at the great Drupchen. Many compassionate people are joining together, embracing the Earth in prayer. Thank you for this kindness!

Earth is our noble Mother, and our only home. Brother Sun, sister Moon, pray for our Mother! All Sentient beings, all with Divine nature, come together in a great roar of prayer and love as one. Let us step up and take this evolutionary step and heal our planet!


Let us join en force at 7:00 am and 7:00 pm eastern time every day together and change the world! A call to dharma warriors and people of all faiths!


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Song to Tara

A Prayer by Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Clear Mind, Holy Mind

The arguments we have used against you

Are like dust…

Against You?

You, who flow silently… eternally

In the well of our hearts.

Have we robed you in filthy rags

Hatred… greed… ignorance?

You have remained steadfast,


Today we lift you up

To the lips and hearts of

Beings without number

And are feasted forever.

Precious mind unchanging

Clear mind eternal.

The promise we have searched for

Is enthroned within our hearts.

Clear light, holy light

Stainless, precious heart.

Here in this clear place

We are robed in sweet scent

And victorious forever.

© Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Come Together and Pray for the Earth!

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Dear Friends, I want to ask- beg, really, for all to stop the busy work and pray in whatever fashion you are familiar with. The situation in Japan is spiraling out of control. Please pray for Japan and stay informed! Pray for the Earth as well, as this will affect our planet.

It is time, without self concern or ego to join hands, join hearts, minds, and spirit and encircle the Earth with love and protection. We are spiritual beings, all we see is a hologram projected by our “mind.” If we determine we have faith it is time to use it. Without holding back, without prejudice, please join together: Christians, Jews, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan, Sufi, Shinto, indigenous. Let our differences go and join together as never before.

The ground, water, sky, wind is filling with poison. We have the power to transform this poison. Love and compassion are stronger; our very spiritual nature has the power to transform. It must be done purely and without any negativity. If you pray to God, Allah, the Buddhas, Krishna, no matter, it is love and compassion that matters. We must empower ourselves to be “divine” in whatever way we can. It is within us to create the antidote to this.

If our seas are poisoned, our blood will be. If our wind is toxic our breath will be too. If our Earth is poison all our bodies will be as well. We cannot afford to take a vacation from guardianship of this planet. No one will save us but us. It is time to awaken. This is our Mother Earth and we are her children. We cannot fail. Awaken to spirit, to love, to compassion and to responsibility. This is what it is to be human. Human children of our Mother and we must honor her.

Pray for the Earth. Pray for Japan. Pray for human kind.




Embracing the Living Mother Earth

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I really want to watch this uberemergency in Japan. I have to know, and truly feel we should pay attention! It is our planet, our Mother. We must hold her in our collective arms and hearts so she can heal. This is possible only if we all work together. Our Earth- her winds are our breath, her water our blood, her ground our skin, her mountains and rocks our bones – she is heart of our hearts, flesh of our flesh, the Mother, our protectoress, now she cries out for help and we must not let her come to harm. We are inseparable from her, she from us.

Human kind must learn this lesson at last- you simply cannot shit where you eat. Hear her call! Wake up! There is so little time.

Prayers recommended for Japan and the Earth:

Please Pray for Japan

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

The fact is I am devastated by so much death and destruction, fearing as well for the release of nuclear material. The last two shakes were huge. They have reissued Tsunami warnings. Geologists now wondering if this mother earthquake was only a pre-shock!! This clearly demonstrates, in Japan, the fragile preciousness of this life, and just how impermanent it is. I wish more folks would pay attention.

As we see this disaster in Japan will we notice and apply this to our own lives? Will we finally see that all is impermanent? Will we learn to care about our planet and our fellow human beings? And to be proactive about these issues? Will we wait until the nuclear cloud poisons our own shores? I pray we will wake up and participate in the healing of our precious and only planet and all her inhabitants before it is too late. If you have a Stupa near you please make offerings, prayers, circumambulations, mantra. If you have any place to pray please pray for Japan.

Earlier Jetsunma recommended the following prayers for Japan and for the earth:

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Pride and Ego: Dangers on the Path

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

All karma is the culmination of various activities. Therefore sentient beings possess various types of karma. Whosoever believes that one’s actions do not produce specific causes and results maintains a nihilistic, atheistic view. At the moment of death rebirth will be taken in the lowest hell realm. Such a view is self-destructive and detrimental to others.  ~ The Great Perfection: Buddha in the Palm of the Hand – Nam Cho Ngondro

In this view, one is unable to discern what to accept or what to reject, which is a necessity in practicing the path purely and with comprehension.

It is never possible for the maturation of karma to be deceptive. Whatever negative karma one accumulates does not ripen instantaneously like being pierced by a weapon. When the time of death arrives one’s negative karma will produce the result of whatever was caused.  ~ The Great Perfection: Buddha in the Palm of the Hand – Nam Cho Ngondro

What is amazing in these times is that no one believes in cause and result. Not really. Even some Dharma students don’t grasp it. We all continue to revolve in the cycle of birth and death, yet do not ask why we cannot be free from this endless wandering. We think, I suppose, that enlightenment is instant, a piece of cake. And therefore one is no longer susceptible to these irrefutable laws.  One is above it all. So it is the ego and pride that defeat one’s efforts. One simply does not have the power to walk the path of Dharma as it is.

Having failed that, then one makes up one’s own path and cannot see that there is a difference. Therefore, without the proper path one fails to attain, and lives under the delusion that one has already attained. This is the method for the destruction of the Dharma. And this is the destruction of purity and method. This will end the potency of the method eventually.

Do not abandon wholesome, pure Dharma! If one abandons pure Dharma, one will harm oneself, and be of no benefit whatsoever.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Contemplations on Love and Compassion

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Imagine! The iron in our blood and planet both came from a dying star. A sun! We consist of that.

Imagine! The light in our eyes, the Bodhicitta, the sweetness of love, this is the essence of Primordial Nature; Buddhahood!

Just suppose we were fully awake – would we see that we are the seed, the path and the fruit? We are the gift to be given.

If we could abandon pride and ego would we finally be the light of the world? What stops us from turning it over?

If we knew the future Buddha to be in the far future would we follow the Buddha Dharma without snark, do our best?

If we for some reason experienced hatred and judgment can we still keep the commitment? Can we still love?

As His Holiness the Dalai Lama says, can we see those who make war with us as a blessing? If we contemplate Karma we can. All arises within mind.

If we treat animals and sentient beings as inferior we demonstrate that we are dull in our practice and have poor qualities.

Today I saw Jada, my sweet Queen Pekinese has cataracts and is nearly deaf. Impermanence is happening now. Commit virtue!

I respect, love, cherish and would do anything for those who love and respect those less fortunate than us!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Shining Lake of Crystal Tears


Arya Tara, Noble One

We bow down to your Lotus Feet

And beg you to remain enthroned

On the Lotus Throne within our hearts

We, your daughters and sons

Offer you the essence of whatever purity we may possess in the three times

Please accept the nectar of our pitiful practice

Please bless the potential of all our hopes and aspirations

And guide our lips and blind eyes

To suckle at the breast of the Sublime Bodhichitta

Mother Tara, protect us, now and at the time of our death.

Sooth and cleanse our minds of the sickness and fever of worthless distraction.

Hear us, Holy One, even though our very voices are tainted

With fear and slothfulness, weakened by Samsara’s spell.

Oh Mother, when we have caused you sorrow

How will you then appear for us in Nirmanakaya form

Through endless aeons for our sake –

How, Mother, will this occur

When our hearts and minds turn inward

With darkness and lack of caring for the suffering of others?

Oh Mother Tara, Holy One, Perfect One

We are lost.

Now more than ever darkness comes

And we are overcome with our weakness and poor view.

Yet you remain for us

Blessed Mother, Holy One, this very day

We make our hearts and minds your home

We beg you to come in glory

And to remain with us

With your Supreme Beauty, Sublime Power and Faultless Light

Until we are inseparable

And Samsara is emptied

Colophon:  Written by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo, August 24th, 2004 Sedona, Arizona, when one of Tara’s daughters herself had fallen under Samsara’s dark spell

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

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