Untamed Mind

If a person is deeply obsessed with someone daily, and for a long time unrelenting, that indicates no accomplishment and a disturbed mind. That sort of person, the obsessive one, can potentially turn violent, hurt their victim and themselves. Much easier to get treatment. It is demonic, truly, to hate others who honestly and truly try to benefit others. Especially if one tries to harm them to the point they cannot accomplish their spiritual vocation, I feel it is criminal.

We all have the right to accomplish what we came here to do. Some have no such commitment. It is the Bodhisattvas who return only to benefit sentient beings. It is their responsibility to practice and teach others to practice Bodhicitta, the “great compassion,” the essence of awakening to Buddhahood. All is done to heal and help. That cannot be stopped; nor can it be accomplished by those who only want to bring harm and cry in pity for themselves. Senseless to remain so infantile. And cry for justice when one’s ego has been threatened? No. Justice when one’s life and livelihood are threatened. That is the way.

If one has no mission, no livelihood, and a damaged brain filled with hate and blame, it needs healing. That is the way. A life of generous display and heartfelt caring is the nature of the Bodhisattvas. They are true Buddhas in the flesh. Kindly support them, and leave them to their great and beneficial works. Find something else to do, other than cry.



The Trap of Delusion

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Nowadays so many people describe themselves as Buddhist but aren’t, as they do not practice what the Buddha taught. And don’t understand. I hear it is like that with other religions, philosophies, as well. It is easy to use the words, and much more difficult walking the talk.

It seems to me that if you have an enemy you fight with, then in truth, you have already lost the war. That is because the “enemy” is actually within; the real problem is our own poisons. Hatred, pride, greed, ignorance, jealousy, doubt, these are the true enemies, the real cause for all wars. I dare say that if we all conquered our “inner demons” our outer troubles would be defeated also, as what we perceive “outwardly” is our own consciousness, our own mind stream. Cause and effect, karma. We literally are trapped in a bubble of our own delusions.

Yet, people call themselves Buddhist with no attempt to pacify their own hurtful and negative tendencies. Some deny rebirth saying Buddha never taught it. Some feel that even though in Buddhism the path is considered “life after life,” Enlightenment can happen instantly, with no causing factors. Nothing happens instantly with no cause!

One guy I read sits under a tree every day, thinking he is Buddha. Yet if anyone disagrees with his words he is rude and hateful. And the rant begins. There is seemingly no understanding that compassion and kindness have anything to do with practicing Dharma. I enjoy watching this kind of thing as a “case study,” wondering how a person could fall down so far. And how it can happen that Buddhism is so misunderstood by people who call themselves great practitioners, scholars, etc and never look in the mirror to see what is really going on. These are the prisoners of their own, self-made war.

The prison is samsaric delusion. Even in a jail cell a person can be free. If the situation is such, change the mind to dissolve the bars that harm us all! Altruism is the way, charity, love, ethics and a genuine caring for the welfare of all beings equally. The inner jail always falls before the “outer” jail ever does!



Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Renunciation – A Feast of Opportunities

From The Spiritual Path:  A Compilation of Teachings by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

In order to know the Precious Teacher, you must become a renunciate. This is not a sacrifice, however. You should not sadly enumerate the things you have to give up. Think of it as a privilege, because the very things you renounce are the ones that are killing you. You are only saving yourself. Taking vows (either as a lay practitioner or as a monk or nun) should be understood as a feast of opportunities. Look at the things that renunciates give up: hatred, greed, ignorance, self-absorption, blind faith in the five senses, a love of impermanent things. You are being asked to give up poison. Understand, once and for all, that there is no old God on a throne, forcing you to do something you dislike and grading you at every turn. Instead, you are weaning yourself from the things that have betrayed you. You are making contact with your true nature.

Discipline yourself to come to terms with your life. Take responsibility. Try to deepen. Take sincere refuge in the one unfailing source, and renounce that which keeps us wandering in samsara. The realization of your own nature—the awareness of true mind, the precious Root Guru, Guru Rinpoche will be born. At that point, the teachings that come to you will be the very voice of the Dharmakaya, the very voice of the Root Teacher.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Cultivating a Sense of Humor

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Did a dog bite you? Did food poison you? Did a gun face your face? Did you suffer? Do you suffer the suffering of suffering? Did you burn? Did you freeze? Did you starve for love? Did the FBI or the police or the mighty wolf blow your house down? Got a cold? Welcome to the glorious gift of duality.

Samsara- we are here together only relying on our own karma. Suffering of suffering, because we cannot let go. No use to complain, I found. Better to go on strong, find your way. Why feel sorry for yourself? He who learns to laugh at himself will never cease to be amused! Haha!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Indestructible Compassion: Awakened Bodhicitta

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

This is the 23rd Anniversary of my Enthronement in the Palyul Lineage. My students celebrate this day, but me? Not so much.

Tulkus take rebirth for the sake of all beings. Not to play video games or ice skate! Ha! Most Tulkus come back with a mission. Pre-ordained, and ready for a life much different than most people would choose. When His Holiness Penor Rinpoche enthroned me, His Eminence Gyaltrul Rinpoche said to me: “Now you are in jail!” So true. As Palyul Lineage Holder, I have responsibilities that I would not have if not enthroned. I must propagate Dharma and protect Palyul from harm, which I have worked extremely hard to do. From corruption, from villains, con men, thieves, and have done my best at every fork and twist in the road. So I see this day as a marking of this life’s effort.

If there is merit, there will be more effort, and more lives of service. It is all that matters to me. Service. And when have we needed it more than we do now? Mother Earth is sick, crazy people and ideas abound, the older, experienced Bodhisattvas are passing, and Kaliyuga is upon us. So we must be prepared to keep on for the sake of those still revolving in samsara. The sick, hungry, those filled with rage, the deluded. The abused, the poor, and the jealous and ignorant. Each one is a Buddha, having the seed of Buddhahood. But most are asleep, locked in the dream that reflects their mind and their karma. It is for them I will return. May I be the last to cross to that state beyond, so I may be the one to see the end of all suffering. Everything is impermanent. I pray that all suffering is too.

From my deepest heart I dedicate all virtue in the three times, past, present and future, to that end. May all who are sick be healed. May all the poor, hungry, abused dysfunctional, homeless, unloved, without exception be healed. May all find the path of Dharma and love. May we end war, and give rise to ethics and peace.  Whatever merit I have ever gathered, and all I and my students have ever done, as well, be dedicated to the liberation and salvation of all!


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Honoring the Promise: the Palyul Family

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I feel like I have my confidence and courage back. I can’t explain what this visit by His Holiness Karma Kuchen Rinpoche and His Eminence Muksang Rinpoche has done. It has bound my wounds, stopped the bleed, and healed my heart. Like a beaten child given food, warmth, comfort and love. Only Palyul can do this, as I have no other family besides my kids.

I’ve given my entire life to Palyul, since enthroned. All I do is now by authorization of Palyul for the sake of all sentient beings. And that is what I need. I wanted many things- we all do. But for me, Lineage is all I’ve ever really needed. I thought romantic love was needed, a mate, (I have the 2.5 kids) and the dog(s) all by myself. And I have learned to protect myself and my Lineage, and the kind of love that, while not romantic, fills my heart like nothing ordinary can. I’m amazed at that, and wonder why anything else has ever interested me. Yes, in every family there is a bad apple or two. But Palyul is wholly stainless, and amazingly, life after life they have found me, raised me up so I can help and be of benefit to all who need. Or want. And I can also benefit my noble family by increasing Palyul’s miraculous activity. I respect and love all traditions that include compassion, wisdom and respect. But I am committed to the precious method and glorious Lineage Masters of Palyul. They alone can honor the promise of the Guru within my heart, Padmasambhava, to find me every time and point the way to the cessation of suffering through Vajrayana method. EH MA HO!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved


Tsawai Lama


The colors of Autumn in full measure
Bring to mind the ultimate pleasure
A great Mandala, an offering treasure
I offer to the Guru, gone beyond.

If my eyes know beauty, it is His.
If the scent is sweet it is His.
If the sound is lovely, it is His.
If the breeze is silk, it is His.

He who brought to me in this life
The ancient wisdom again, that Light.
The root of accomplishment, that One.
Only He warms my heart like the sun.

He will come again in glory
To sing His precious, ancient story.
Never mind the time of tears.
I cannot doubt that He is here

Young Throne Holder


Prince of power this is the hour
This is the time when you must shine
I see it on your face, in your mind
You awaken right on time
To honor our Guru, our Lord Sublime.

You alone are well prepared
This time would come, you were  aware
He gave you his essence with such care
I would have known Him anywhere.
You mixed your minds like water and wine

I hear His song in your mind.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

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