The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:
A peaceful mind is a precious jewel, more precious than any gem in the world. It is because jewels cannot make you happier for long, and they can be lost, stolen, or broken. That is not the case with a peaceful mind.
If one trains the mind in calm abiding, subdues greed, trains in Bodhicitta, gains view of the condition of samsara, and discovers its impermanence, then understanding will come. There is no gift, no wealth, no treasure like a peaceful, loving mind. Nothing worldly is worth striving for except the opportunity to serve others. If we do that, our dominating ego quiets, the endless craving, the endless hatred, the boundless confusion of pride, and neediness for attention, all gradually and gently disappear like an early morning mist. It does take effort, yet the mist will vanish and reveal the glory and beauty of our true face, the natural, unborn, yet completely fulfilled Primordial Ground of our nature – the Buddha nature. It is so present, so fresh, so now, yet seems totally out of reach. That is why we must study method. No good result can possibly come from poor conduct, and wild acting out with an unstable mind cannot bring satisfaction, love, peace, joy or character.
Here the nation is falling apart, losing freedom due to fear and negative intention. Our planet is being raped and poisoned by those who think, pridefully, that it is their right to do so. We are being crushed under the weight of our own twisted confusion. What we still don’t understand is that the main battle is within. If we wake up in time, as is the case with Occupy Wall Street, we must also understand that what we are doing in our head is also important. If altruism is not the basis, hate will rule. If kindness is not there, the result will be more of the same. If greed wins, we will have nothing.
So train well in spirit and heart-mind long before the time comes when we will see this new, brave world convulse itself into birth. This way we will actually contribute to a better world, rather than build a shiny new floor over the same old hate and societal insanity. We cannot afford this. Mama Earth cannot afford this. The bliss and joy of true accomplishment and awakened view is so immediate and beautiful in a new, pristine way. We have Buddha in the palm of our hand! The gift.
Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo. All rights reserved