Prayer to Be Reborn in Dewachen

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Prayer to Be Reborn in Dewachen

With a longing to benefit beings who are sick and dying, Jetsunma created a song called “Prayer to Be Reborn in Dewachen.” This is a traditional prayer to Amitabha, the Buddha of Limitless Light, from the P’howa practice of the Longchen Nyigthig tradition. P’howa is the meditation practice for the time of death, and Amitabha is the deity to be visualized in that meditation.  “Dewachen” refers to the state of consciousness in which one experiences a pure land and the opportunity to accomplish liberation.

Jetsunma said,  “When I listened to this tune, I realized that it was like a mother singing her child to sleep, which really was my motivation when I sang that song.  I know that everyone that I love, I will be parted from someday.  Everyone that I meet will die some day.  I wish there was some way that they could be guided through the bardo individually.  And the best response that I know of is this prayer.”

Any being who listens to this prayer receives a blessing, whether Buddhist or non Buddhist, human or animal.  It is especially soothing for those who are chronically or acutely ill, or who are on the precipice of dying.  You can help beings by making this prayer heard by as many people and as many animals close to their death as possible.  It is available here:  Prayer to Be Reborn in Dewachen

Some “Italian Wisdom”

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

There is no one more miserable than he who cannot love. And nothing more vulgar then lying about it. When faced with many sides of one story, I look at the history, then observe the result. It’s easy to see, all in full equations.

Were I to fail at all else, I know I have loved, and made others feel safe and happy.

For reasons unknown to me, some people enjoy being immature, making fun of others, lying, hating, hurting, a sick soup of mental illness. In time, all suffer from this sickness, not just the hater, but his victims too. In the end the sickest suffer.

And so I must pass on some ancient Italian wisdom. “Never shit where you eat.” (Or out the same pie hole.)

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Sweep, Sweep: Cultivating Compassion

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I sincerely pray for those with bitterness and hate and very little hope.

For you who have lost your way in the sublime Ati Yoga and abandon Guru Yoga, I dedicate all merit in the three times. OM VAJRASATVA HUNG I pray for you.

For all who have failed to contemplate the suffering of Samsara, you have abandoned the true reason for the path. Develop Bodhicitta. OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA!

I pray for those who are incapable of developing a good heart. OM MANI PEDME HUNG. Try, for the sake of sentient beings.

One doesn’t have to be a Buddhist to have my respect or be my friend. It takes ethics, character, kindness, honesty.

When you consistently harass or malign someone they have won – whatever battle you think you have is over. Your hate has defined you.

One can define a “Master” by their complete inability to hate and abuse others. The hate only defines the hater.

To the victim of such abuse, remember: the ignorant and blind will follow their kind. They cannot distinguish a fake from a diamond. What you see is a broken mind needing to hurt you for reasons you may never know. But they have only defined their lives around you. You win.

In brief? Study and practice the path of Dharma. Sweep, sweep, pay the dirt no mind. Be happy.

Blessed are Those With Heart

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I needed a day off twitter today, please forgive me. My friend’s dog is dying and she cannot accept. One of my monks needs attention, always.

I walked two days in a row while healing, so it was a pain killer and flat out day. I had nothing left. Meanwhile the utterly cruel “people” that hate and beat me up every day have taken this time to show what high-minded people they are. Wow. Some days it makes no sense to try.

I won’t be stopped. If I can benefit sentient beings I will have to be satisfied. People can be so selfish and cruel. They need help. I wish there was magic. But there is only miracle (earned through merit) merit itself, (like gold to trade) and Mentor (guide: Buddha, Lama et al.)

So I rest today, but it is painful to see what we have come to. All you workers of the way, the light, I salute and love you. Wrap you in my arms. Occupy Prayer, Peace and Occupation I adore you for your strength and gift. May I take the pain for you. You are the crown of creation, lovers and peacemakers, shelters from the storm. The gold of humanity. You who love – I love you as my children. Blessed are those with heart! May there be kindness and goodness for you. OM TARE TUTARE TURE PUNYE PUSHTIM AH YOU PUSHTIM KURU YE SOHA! Long life and peace to you!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo.  All rights reserved

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