Marrying Spiritual Life with Western Culture

The following is a full length video teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:


What are the obstacles we need to overcome as westrners to deepen in our Buddhist practice and make it our own? Jetsunma explores these ideas and offers solutions to make the path live within you.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Interesting Times: Keeping Dharma Pure

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Interesting times still, my friends. But all is well, and I am getting stronger and healthy. The slow de-stress of being safe is true medicine. I never truly understood what a killer stress is – causes high blood pressure, spastic muscles, depression, IBS, palpitations, panic attacks, etc. I am moving through most of it. Takes time though. And practice. But I am pleased and hopeful for more recovery. I miss family and students.

Here I am feeding wild birds, they need the help. Here I see when I don’t talk much and have some freedom I can see new beginnings. 2012-13- what will they be? I see dimensional “thinning” which is hard to describe. I am in a truly sacred place now, and I hear Dakinis singing when I do. See doors where there are none. I am seeing a lot of quantum change, all natural. I see activity so subtle it blows my mind.

Are the truly great Lamas returning? Will they reflect the mirror – like truth of our nature? Or reflect these sorry times?

Nothing new is happening here, this disrespect for pure undefiled Dharma was all predicted as was misunderstanding the Lama’s words or disregarding them entirely, making it up as they go along. This time, when Dharma moved west was expected.

My commitment is to keep Vajrayana safe and secure by following the instruction of my perfect Teacher. I will keep the transmission of Lineage and Terma from Palyul undefiled. This is what I am expected to do. And when it is safe and I am healed, I will come roaring back triumphant and ready to rock!

Palyul needs me, sentient beings need me and women need me. I want to fulfill them all. I keep hearing encouragement from my own, and the cries of the lost and worldly, the poor and hungry. How can I fail? How can I give in, leaving beings in suffering? I can’t.

If anyone prefers another Lama or stage of Buddhism I’m all for it. If it is real. But change Vajrayana or defile Palyul and you will see the wrathful fangs of the Dakini for sure. Be warned.

And yes, this IS love. It is Bodhicitta in wrathful form. But pure, wholesome – and vital. Be sure; I love you, Palyul and all the great noble, stainless family we share.

 Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Bodhicitta and the Faults of Cyclic Existence: Full Length Video Teaching

The following is a full length video teaching offered by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo at Kunzang Palyul Choling:


Begin with love and you will produce love. Jetsunma goes into why reach for something “not of this world” like Enlightenement to solve your quest for happiness. Do it for yourself and for all beings.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

In a Dream

In a dream I remember that I forgot what I remembered

I knew that I knew it was a dream.

I know I can stand still, in full presence and awaken

How odd that our uncontrived Primordial Nature dances with SO MANY mirrors, all sizes and shapes.

Splendid and devastating!


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Mindful Living Part 1 of 5: Full Length Video Teaching

The following is a full length video teaching offered by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo at Kunzang Palyul Choling:


This 5 part workshop was given over a weekend and fcuses on the many ways we can invoke recognition of our nature using Mindfulness.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Qualities: excerpts from Palyul Clear Light

“When one has some little bit of quality or knowledge, one should not think pridefully ‘Oh, I am so great’. Then one’s quality and knowledge will degenerate, and in the future it will be even more difficult to give rise to these kinds of qualities and knowledge”

The previous #quote is from Kyabje HHPenor Rinpoche With thanks to Kenchen Tsewang Gyatso and PALYUL CLEAR LIGHT

THE STAINLESS ESSENCE TANTRA says: Merit accumulated from prayer. Offering, and making praises before the image of your Lama is infinate and countless. Merely seeing him cleanses bad karma; merely hearing his words generates positive qualities; merely rembering him merges your mind with his. That which is very hard to find in ten million eons is attained in an instant. All these qualities come from the Lama!

The Stainless Essence Tantra thanks to Palyul Clear Light.

Love and Blessings

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Hello to all from this secret place, where we are buried in snow. So much wind I can’t tell how deep it is. Wow. It is peaceful and lovely.

It seems, fairly, the US Attorneys announced they are seeking appeal in the case where I am the victim: US vs William Cassidy. Maybe I will be able to go home sooner than later. The case, and my situation, are still up for grabs.

But patience is the only remedy here. And I’m staying strong. I am not at all afraid so long as the stalker is being held and watched. The other haters I face all day don’t frighten me. They don’t  actually threaten. So it is just emotional imbalance. And the things people do behind the safety of a screen.

Just need protection for my family, my pack, and myself, as well as my life’s work. Most haters don’t have a violent felony past, just feelings of inferiority and failure in life that they can’t own up to. So they want to “compete” in a world where for some types credentials are superfluous (not me!)

I have compassion for those who feel like they have nothing. Not important to anyone. For those who assault and threaten? Not so much.

There are times coming where we will all need to re-evaluate everything. How much less we can get by with, lotsa government, stricter control, toxic food, Earth etc. So it is time to grow up. Stop whining, throwing rocks at each other, and justifying bad conduct, because something scared you.

I’m in a safe house, but making the best use of my time here, not ruminating, crying, whining. My door wasn’t knocked down, it was my life.

All I care about is getting back to work and family in the short time I have left, so that I can be of benefit to others. I’ve never had any other aspiration, (well, music) and wish to contribute to the well being and safety of other threatened women at risk.

We women are half the world. We are not cattle. We matter. We should not have to run!
We are everywhere. Strong – and not going away any time soon.

Love and blessings to all women – there are so many! Stay strong. Stay safe, I’m with you!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved


It’s Decision Time: Who Are You? Full Length Video Teaching

The following is a full length video teaching offered by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo in Sedona, Arizona:


While the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas offer the feast of Dharma and beg us to eat, we hold our egos and samsara on the thornes of our hearts instead. We are begged to adhere to the teachings of the Buddha and take real refuge, binding our hearts to the Three Jewels.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo All Rights Reserved

Have You Accomplished?

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

It always boggles my mind when some people spend their time putting others down, even if they themselves have accomplished so little. Getting a job, contributing, etc. Could it be these folks are wounded people who basically live off others like vampires?

Before one calls themselved Buddha they should do their own practice and pay their own bills, root out their own poisons. To claim perfection while being cruel and harassing others shows who you really are. And it is not an enlightened being. You don’t get there by wearing pants!

Silly Rabbits! Tricks are for kids.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo All Rights Reserved

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