From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:
Today I received a gift- a metal detector. I wanted one because I’m interested particularly in meteorites. And old things. I know- geek!
I am feeling better, but not quite enough to go hunting for treasure yet. I think of the treasure we all embody, the seed of Buddhahood. Some of us don’t know to search. Some know, but don’t try. Some see a bit of view and fake that they know more. Some find the treasure.
The point being that in this “precious human rebirth” we can find the treasure. The human rebirth, as Lord Buddha taught, has the correct measure of the awareness in this realm.
Animals have such fear; their minds consumed with it, and they are less developed in the brain. Their flesh used for food, skin for leather, etc, they are victims.
The hungry ghost realm contains those filled with grasping, desire. They cannot be satisfied, therefore they cannot awaken.
Hell beings are locked in their own misery and drama. Every suffering is intense, so there is no space in the mind to awaken, or to be free of obsession.
Other realms: the god and goddess realms for jealous beings. Constant warring and competition prevent calm abiding. No space to awaken.
There are also Long Life gods and goddesses who are beautiful, replete with bliss and satisfaction. They have no reason to attain Buddhahood until their karma is exhausted. By then it is too late. There is no merit left, having carelessly spent it all, they fall to the lower realms. How sad!
Lord Buddha taught this human rebirth is the precious one. Because we have our array of faculties remarkably complete; and space in our lives and minds, humans alone can abandon samsara as we alone are capable and, hopefully, inclined to utilize the exquisite path, the method the Buddha set for us. Extraordinary! When I see the wasting of this life with gossip, endless intellectualization of what is fundamentally simple (with faith and kindness,) endless bragging and ego centered living I want to cry. To see this wasted. And the arrogance to think awakening can be accomplished by affirmation and wishes.
I know that is not the way. And I pray we can awaken from this sick narcotic dream. We can, you know. But it takes an enormous commitment; great selfless commitment. I am afraid to tell you and ashamed, too, as I am Buddhist. But those out there now, other than Vajra Masters, Throneholders, are selling you pie. Pie is good. Sweet and tasty. You get that sugar (ego) high. But I tell you as I would my own children, born from my womb and heart; this ego quenching nonsense is to be avoided like steaming, stinking, stupid shit. It is not what you think. In a cakebox, still I tell you it is not pie. It is not food. And it is not your friend.
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