Practical Advice on Giving Rise to Love

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I feel as Buddhists we should not waste time making judgments about others. No grudges, no hate, no excuses.

As Dharma practitioners we should deepen in Bodhicitta and wisdom and abandon self-absorption and hatred. Or quit whining about your life.

As Buddhists, we must endeavor to help and love others, not just ourselves. Serve so others don’t suffer. Just love.

If we give nothing to anyone, do not respect others, need attention, are uncaring about other’s feelings and hearts, we are not Buddhists.

Never ruminate or whine if you are judged and slandered. Apply the antidote as the Buddha taught! Empathy and compassion for all!

As His Holiness the Dalai Lama teaches: one needn’t be Buddhist to practice ordinary human kindness for a better world.

Americans love to eat out, go out to movies, and then eat more. Fix a healthy meal at home and play chess. Take the money saved and feed the poor.

We must abandon the ivory tower of preening ourselves with big words and pride. Climb down and do anything to help all beings!

Bodhicitta arises when we contemplate the conditions and sufferings of all beings! In private, in our inner space, love is born!

On our way to a lovely meal and evening out, we pass the homeless, a mangy, starving dog, a bully beating a child. We don’t even slow down.

Humility is hard. We start by allowing others their dignity. We continue when we see it was never ours to allow. Ice the cake with generosity.

Humility is hard. First we lift all others above our own heads. Then we recognize the Buddha in them. The icing on the cake is love.

To all of you who earnestly seek awakening and the birth of Bodhicitta I love you! Weak or strong I raise you up. I am your servant!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

The Eighth Throne Holder

The Third Karma Kuchen Rinpoche,

Orgyen Do-Ngag Chokyi Nyima

(1854 – 1906)

The third Karma Kuchen Rinpoche Do-ngag Chokyi Nyima was born in Ahlo Khateng in the fourteenth rabjung year of the Wood Tiger (1854). His birth was prophesied by a letter left behind by Karma Gyurmed, which clearly indicated the location of the birth. As befitted the birth of a great lama, light of rainbow colors suffused the sky and awe-inspiring resonances echoed through the air.

The fourteenth Karmapa gave Do-ngag Chokyi Nyima the Refuge Vow and soon after he was enthroned as the eighth Throne Holder at the Palyul Monastery. After he received the full ordination (gelong), he was given the formal name Orgyen Do-ngag Chokyi Nyima. Transmission from many sources including those of the Palyul tradition were given to Do-ngag Chokyi Nyima by Gyatrul Rinpoche, Washul Lama Sonam Namgyal, Khang-nang Lama Tashi Phuntsok, Dzogchen Dorje Rabten, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, Lhatrul Pedma Garwang, Drubwang Drodul Pawo Dorje, and many other eminent masters of the time.

Do-ngag Chokyi Nyima’s mind was full of compassion for all sentient beings. Much as he wished to be in solitary retreat, he opted instead to follow his root guru Gyatrul Rinpoche’s advice and devoted his life to propagating Buddha Dharma. Regardless of how busy his schedule was, his personal practice started daily without fail at three in the morning. His successful attainment of having the mind inseparable from the four elements enabled him to perform many extraordinary deeds, which were deemed miraculous by others.

In the fifteenth rabjung year of the Fire Horse (1906), Chokyi Nyima dissolved into the pure realm of clear light. He was fifty-three years old. During the cremation ceremony, cloud formations resembling large tents manifested across an otherwise cloudless sky, accompanied by a mild shower of light rain. A large number of bone relics were found on the ground. These were gathered together and placed within a Stupa of gold and copper that was constructed to the left of the Avalokiteshvara temple.

Reference:  Pathgate Institute of Buddhist Studies

Finding a New Well Within

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Things are splendid these days. And I am thrilled to be able to say so at last! We have endured some terrible times, to put it mildly. But now the light at the end of this tunnel is clearly visible.

Have any of you gone through horrible stuff that seems unending? It is hard to stay centered, hard to not be afraid, it is debilitating, ruins your health, etc. When the end can be seen it feels like liberation from chains and shackles being removed, although it really takes time to heal. I thought when some relief came I’d bounce right back. Not so. Takes time passing, medical help, counseling, learning to see yourself as whole, good, worthy, etc. I’m working on this, and I want to reach out to all and tell you if you are violated and attacked, your person or vocation, it will end. Nothing is permanent! You will recover! You can get help, emotional support, medical support, legal help, and you should nurture yourself, give yourself the love and self-respect you have lost. It is still in there somewhere, I believe.

As for myself I don’t feel I will ever the same. I will be well, but a different but it will have to be a new well. After so much hate and abuse it is not possible to be your “old self” again. It is damaged. So a new inner person must emerge. Again, it is still oneself. But changed. I feel, for me it will make me stronger. Must deal with bitterness, grief, rage, self hatred, feelings of betrayal, of being violated. That done we are free again to craft a good, wholesome, valuable life. One of benefit.

I want it all back, and will do all it takes to be well and real in every way! Thanks for listening!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Extraordinary Blessings – What Is a “Tulku?”

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I am frequently asked about my status as a tulku, and throneholder for the Palyul lineage. It means, for one thing, that I have been reborn into my lineage many times. Even to the point that my predecessor Ahkon Lhamo first helped found this lineage. This is one reason I defend my lineage, Palyul, as though it were my mother and my child. It is both. So many lifetimes I have practiced and prayed with Palyul, and been part of its growth.

Further back, my rebirths can be traced to Lhacham Mandarava, the spiritual consort of Guru Padmasambhava, and supported His life and strength as is the duty of a consort. Now in this life I am a tulku and throneholder for Palyul, which I will never abandon at the cost of my very life.

So the question I am asked is, “What is a tulku?” And “what is unique about them, and their blessing?” I’ve been taught that a tulku is accomplished for many lifetimes. But the bottom line is a tulku in considered a Nirmanakaya form of the Buddhas. They are awake and in a state of pure recognition of the primordial wisdom ground of being. There are other levels of the Buddhas such as Sambogakaya and Dharmakaya.

At the time of Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche’s parinirvana there were so many signs of his accomplishment! It was undeniable. Buddhas appeared in the sky, rainbows. His body remained supple, luminous and scented. It was known that he clearly was then Dharmakaya Lama. Here in USA and other western countries this is not well understood. In fact, westerners disparage tulkus, not seeing that their very appearance depends on the student’s view and karma! Many want to do away with tulkus entirely, and would prefer the scholars lead. Not necessary, we have many scholarly intellectual types. What we need are the accomplished with the signs and legitimacy of Lineage and accomplishment. If westerners try to do away with their tulkus, (and some “out there” Buddhists even deny Buddha’s supremacy and method) then the Vajrayana from Padmasambhava and Tibet would be finished.

What was whole and afire with wisdom and compassion would then be an empty sack filled with air. Ordinary, just a bag. We would have students with some knowledge and no wisdom would be teaching those with neither. How sad! The lineage of puffed up egos would be what is passed forward. Lineage would be meaningless, and the last stage of kaliyuga would be here. Where the awakened Buddhas would no longer be found, and if they were, would not be seen or understood. That would be the dark time, waiting for the next Buddha, a mighty “Lion of Dharma” to appear. After so long wandering in a state of non-recognition, due to the blessing of this king of Buddhas would surely awaken; under his mighty tutelage the next turning of the wheel of Dharma will occur. EMAHO!

Yet we still must be mindful and cherish the treasure of Dharma, of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas (with real Bodhicitta) that we have now. They are the spiritual treasure of the world. Our heritage! We should protect and treasure what we have. And respect what it took to bring this sacred gift to the world, to the “relative cosmos” we share. Learn to see what is your greatest jewel in this life. Never abandon the blessing and purity of Dharma! Homage to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas! Homage to Palyul!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

This Precious Opportunity – What Causes Are You Creating?

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Sometimes I surf twitter to see what’s up, who is where and what is going on. It is really interesting to find new friends, people with similar interests or those with news.

There is one thing I have noticed and is fairly common. Here I see people who are amazingly rude or cruel, abusive. Then after that they turn around and whine about how people are mean to them. There seems to be no awareness of cause and effect. No thinking in full equations, or understanding “if this then that.”

Then, of course there are so many who “get it” but don’t live it and swear therefore that compassion and simple kindness is not helpful to them. It reminds me of people who practice Dharma and re-work the methods Buddha taught, and then cry when Dharma does not “work” for them. Or they remain unchanged, their minds hard as stone. I often wish to reach out and help them understand or show them how to apply method correctly. It doesn’t work though – most that practice like that have so much pride they cannot hear. So much ego-cherishing they don’t want to transform one bit. Yet they suffer due to their habit and qualities.

You see, if one is kind and generous, compassionate toward others, develops empathy, is humble – that will work if practiced long and well. Then the same kinds of good people are attracted to the kind practitioner. On the other hand if one has the habit of self-serving meanness with the intention to harm and hurt others you can bet your life that karma will play out in an exacting way. One will draw the same kind of people, mean spirited and self- serving. That is why people remain, then, unhappy with what they end up with in life. If one is harmful to others the karma ripens in the next life rather than this one; it is almost impossible to recognize the truth when someone is cruel to you. You earned it. Maybe this life, maybe in a future life it will appear with no warning or apparent reason. So it is necessary to practice Dharma correctly and to purify the defilements of mind, heart, and body. If not done there is no result, no true recognition of awakening as opposed to dream walking within one’s own mindstream, or karmic bubble, if you like. Still an ordinary sentient being caught in the net of Samsara.

Some think developing Bodhicitta is for beginners. Ridiculous and ignorant. Some think purifying inner poisons is only for those “less evolved” just Dharma nobodys – so beneath your “highness!” Could not be more wrong than that. It is a trap to avoid completely.

Compassion, or Bodhicitta, and Wisdom, or recognition and view are the two legs upon which Dharma stand. If one does not accomplish both there will be no precious awakening any time soon. These are the hallmarks of success in Dharma; this is recognition. This is what Buddha taught. And the Buddhas are those who have crossed the ocean of Samsara, and went to that other shore. At that time they return for our sake. EH MA HO!

You must work the path, as we never know when the opportunity will be taken away. Soon I’ll be offering Phowa for a young man who just died of a heart attack at age 20. 20 yrs old. So take this life, turn it around, practice Buddha Dharma well! It is your precious life, and the brass ring, the gold ring is the awakening. You have been given the teaching. Work out your Liberation for all our sakes!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Walking the Talk When Times are Tough

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Want to let you know my new rescue Barrymore is – um – making progress. I have never seen such panic and abandonment issue in my life. Pitiful boy, barks constantly unless he has company, whines the rest of the time. He fears being left alone in a box. He does not understand houses or stairs. He is out of control. I can see why they wanted him put down. We are working him. Dr “Vet” gives Valium and another new anxiety med.

He doesn’t rest unless every light is out. His poor body is frazzled. We are also doing holistic care, homeopathy, pulsatilla and aconite. My heart bleeds for this guy. I want all you rescue people to know I will not give up or abandon him.

He cannot blend with my pekingese’s at all. No dog issues; he just can’t see them, steps on everything. Not blind or deaf, I tested him myself.

Here is a question for you veterinary experts out there: If Barry were human I’d feel he has ADD and bi-polar rapid cycle. Any one seen this in dogs? At any rate, he is exercised, I have a farm with good fences and plenty of room, he Tesla and Ricco run for hours and have adventures in the grove.

He will not be a quick fix. But with such fear I am even more dogged (pun) to help him. I feel that way about the neediest ones. Gotta fix them, then let them go to forever homes. I’m wondering- he is happiest with other larger dogs. When he bonds with the pack I don’t know if he can tolerate another abandonment. We will see. Riggs is committed totally. This dog is gorgeous, great lines, sleek and postures very well. A hunter would love this one. But many hunters don’t treat their dogs well. Like- if they don’t catch animals they don’t eat.

Compassion is not easy. When we see something like this it would be so pleasant to walk away. Let someone else handle it. I can’t do that. How could I live with myself? Anyone else would have him put down. But I won’t. I will stick with him. As will Riggs. Sometimes it is hard to do the right thing. But there are so many suffering sentient beings, we just have to start now! There are plenty of needy beings and no reason to wait. So it is work. Duh, so is life! Anyone’s! So dig in and help. Dear Barrymore has decimated his bachelor pad. That’s OK. Stuff can be fixed, or bought. Barrymore is one cherished life, not replaceable. He will die and be reborn, like us all. Meanwhile, he is one precious life. I love life, and compassion. This is a no quitting zone!


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Valentine’s Day Message: Not “Be Mine” – but “Be Yourself”

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Tomorrow is that day, Valentine. Most people think about romance. I will be having a “Happy Loner’s Day” instead. At this point in my life this is exactly as I want it.

This time of year lovely things do happen, weddings, engagements, romantic beginnings – roses and chocolate and the diamonds! Rings! Jewels! The funny thing is how these lovely heartfelt gifts have such a high price tag. It is the expectation part. The jewelry and gifts often are meant to brand your partner as yours. You wear the same rings, therefore – commitment. I believe in family and commitment in relationships – but not the branding kind.

I think it pays to contemplate this whole “romance” thing. Romance is fun. It is hormonal. We are wired to connect to the genes. Studies show compatible genetics are often paired or attracted to each other. It can be very compelling. In general, however, that compelling part doesn’t last. So more important than the ring is the friendship. Often when there is great passion it is difficult when it naturally ages into comfortable love. Maybe we forgot the friendship part. Or forgot to think what you both will do as friends when the bedroom is actually a place to sleep.

To honor a new, (or aging) love think about your partner with empathy and compassion. Try hard not to judge. Try not to make your lover over into your “creature” or creation. Learn about them rather than demanding from them. We are people, on this relative level. Not toys, or objects to complete someone’s world. Many lovers do not talk about goals; like will we have kids? Will we give them a faith that we can join? Will we support each other if the relationship changes? What about money? Will we help each other get ahead? And the signs, do we read them? Is my love selfish? Am I? What secret motivation does the partner have? What are mine? In other words, there is more to it than rings and roses. There are ever-deepening layers in which love lives, and in which it can grow.

As we celebrate the day for Lovers, remember love is not a toy. It is a path to travel with great respect joy, and compassion. And if you end up raising your family with your best friend, like two comfy old slippers, you are blessed. You two have grabbed the brass ring in love. Respect, love, understanding, that is the prize. Please consider this when you “Put a ring on it.” Look your love in the eye and promise a life of caring and a life of love. Happy Valentine’s Day to all. You know those candy hearts? NEW MESSAGE: not “Be mine.” “Be yourself.” LOVE.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

The Root Teacher: Cutting Through Concepts and Giving Rise to Compassion

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

It never ceases to amaze me how many meditators and Buddhists continuously argue that altruism and compassionate activity are not part of the Buddha Dharma. And that one need not develop virtuous qualities or purify in any way. That one need not do charitable good works or even offer even ordinary human kindness. In Vajrayana Buddhism conduct is just as important, and going beyond that one must pacify their inner poisons. So this is harmful thinking and will only muddy the waters. There is a kind of arrogance that has students thinking there is simply no work to be done on the path whatsoever. Or worse, that one has learned many intellectual concepts about Dharma (and can quote them over and over) so that one is “locked in” to their own learning and intellectualism and cannot see they have totally lost their way.

Then there are those who have decided that the practice of Guru Yoga is not necessary to achieve liberation. Not so. Guru Yoga is the heart essence of Vajrayana. Compassion and altruism are the very heart of Buddhism. If one tries to change that one is no longer practicing the Vajra path. If one guts the Dharma as it was passed purely from Guru to disciple there is a terrible breakage of the Buddha’s great intention as re-installed by Guru Padmasambhava when he brought Vajrayana to Tibet.

Now the newest “fad” (sad) in Vajrayana is to throw out the Tulkus and Lineage Masters entirely. How then, would the teachings and traditional wang transmissions be passed on? From student to student based on their promise to keep it free of defilement? That is a joke, if you know American Pride and self love. Have you seen what passes for wholesome Dharma on the internet? Some pure ones are there. Mostly there are self-serving people looking for adoration and praise while offering nothing.

There are many who feel one can truly understand Dharma from books. Books and traditional text is needed and most be studied. However the Guru, the very root of accomplishment is the greatest necessity in order to achieve any result. And it isn’t enough to repeat like a parrot the quotes of one’s teacher. How shallow! One uses only the quotes one likes best. You know, that fit the old lifestyle, and are hip.

Re-making the Dharma is the most heinous breakage of samaya with the Three Jewels, and with the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the ten directions. Upon bringing Tantrayana; Vajrayana to Tibet, Guru Padmasambhava said “I will appear as your Root Guru, and will remain as you call for me.” How does one do away with that blessing, that method, so sacred? Not without consequences, and dire ones at that. It is like feasting with a hollow gutted corpse, instead of sitting to the feast as the bride of the precious Guru in honor and dignity. Unwavering in pure love!

And how does one tear the heart out of Dharma by having no pure intention, just another bloated ego to feed. Without Bodhicitta there is no Dharma recognizable to any Buddha! The two precious eyes of Buddhadharma, Mahayana, are wisdom and compassion. If one neglects kindness and compassion one has forgotten the instruction of every qualified Guru since Guru Padma at the beginning of every teaching or empowerment: motivation. “This I do for the liberation and salvation of all sentient beings from the endless wheel of death and rebirth.” This is why we practice Buddhism – to benefit all sentient beings. This can never change until all beings are liberated.

If one has to climb up over the corpses of those weaker to feel special or precious, if this sticks here in the west in these modern times, we really are at the crossroads, where blessings are lost; where corruption is the flavor of the times. And we are lost, utterly lost. We cannot allow this. One should follow the Root Guru purely – even at the cost of one’s very life. I take this seriously. So I will never stop, never shut up. Plot against me? Okay. But I will never stop preserving the Dharma for the future. I will never break Guru Padmasambhava’s great blessing. I am for you, beloveds as He is. Until all are free!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

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