
From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

A few days ago I mentioned a new wind I felt coming. Well, today, metaphorically, it kinda blew the house down! In a good way. Sometimes one needs that. I do. We get too burdened, tired, weak, and often because we are out of balance, stagnant. Stress can also do that.

So it is good to shake things up a bit and see things with new eyes and a refreshed heart. Not in the sense of a vacation, but a deepening. As in re-connecting with one’s higher power, Buddha nature, “all-that-is,” each of us have a guiding spirit nature. Also to re-connect with Earth while recognizing again the “Primordial Ground of Being” we all share.

The whole world is out of balance, mostly because we are that way. We have forgotten who and what we are and we have forgotten all living things, as well as our Mother Earth. So I have been calling out for all sentient beings to awaken. And I am calling to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for help and healing. Finally, I am getting some knowing help is on the way, and change on its heels.

Since Wednesday is Dakini day I will do some retreat although I have appointments I must keep, I will spend as much time in prayer and meditation and chant as much as I possibly can. Wednesday is the perfect day to start, Sunday stop. But after that I will be focused on Dharma more than usual. It is time to put one’s body, speech and mind in order and open one’s heart to “the Way,” and to all creation. Anyone wishing to retreat at that same time will be helped and helpful. There is power in the prayers of those with pure intention especially when we all join together. I’ve been so happy to see so many join with us in Prayer at 7:00pm. Now let’s ramp it up a notch and rock the world with respect and love! You are invited! Please join!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Live From the Heart

The following is extracted from a twitter conversation between Jetsunma and a young student:

Student: Precious Teacher, what do you think of micronationalism?

Jetsunma: To be completely honest, sounds like a bunch of white guys pushing things and their boundaries around again. And breaking stuff like reefs and shoals, wrong. We need more caretakers, not buyers of Earth.

Student: It’s a hobby of mine and one that I try to operate by using the dharma, and a political stand for the poor and environment.

Jetsunma: How so?

Student: I try to be compassionate to all there, and help all the people I know from it, especially those who have problems in their lives.

Jetsunma: You could do that anyway…do you have lots of resources? Do people already live there? If so and you would only “help” them if you are President or King it is an ego trip and you have no right to put others in your personal domain. That would be a baby dictator on a huge ego trip. Do your subjects pay taxes? Do you? This seems silly. Maybe build a virtual world you can control. Had to be honest.

Student: No, it’s nearly just me and another once in a while. No taxes, no money is spent and virtual worlds cost money to own – money I don’t have or can use.

Jetsunma: As long as you don’t inflate your ego or hurt anyone (you can’t buy a video game?) Then let your time be better spent. Plant a tree.

Student: I can’t buy the ones used to build virtual worlds, I’m 16. And, that sounds like a good project for us to do, yes. Thank you, Jetsunma, Precious Teacher.

Jetsunma: Didn’t realize you were a teen. OK I get it. You are feeling around for your world. OK. Better to cleanse and re-plant the world. Feed birds. Just help! You sound smart, look around and see what needs doing. Plant, pick up trash, pray for the earth. Help homeless animals, find no kill centers. Collect blankets and tarps for homeless. Cans of food for hungry. You have a good heart, you can do so much good if you don’t do “la-la land.” Get out of your head, live from the heart! Be a community angel. You know, a few nails and a hammer just might fix your neighbor’s fence. USA government does not take proper care of her people. You can help!

Student: Thank you, I will do exactly that! All that which you have said, I will work to do.

Jetsunma: Hugs and big smiles!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

The Red Road: Living in Harmony With the Earth

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Hello to all! Have any of you noticed I talk about the movie Avatar sometimes? I’ve watched it in director’s cut (wow!) Prolly 15 times. This movie, about the planet and people of a fictional (?) Planet named Pandora. The people are “indigenous humanoids” called the “Na’vi” and are truly breathtaking in their appearance and their ways. Their planet is lush and green. Their water is pristine. Their culture is noble.

Their goddess is Eywa, “Great Mother.” They make ceremony to become non-dual with her at maturity. They depend on Her for all and since the planet is virginal and healthy She delivers. Our Earth must have been that healthy before we began living out of harmony with her. Hurting torturing and raping Her. Our Earth is quite ill. We hurt our Mother and her children mindlessly. How do we expect the Earth to provide?

The Na’vi people have a beautiful prayer at the time of hunting, and a human death. I can’t say it perfectly but it is like this, for hunt – I cry every time I hear it. “I see you, my brother and I thank you for your life. Now your body will feed and become part of the Na’vi. Your spirit will return to and be one with Eywa. Ah HO. During the feast the animal is cherished, and known. How achingly beautiful, please try to see this movie and take it to heart. It shows us what we do as disconnected humans and where we went off.

Hopi teach there are two paths, basically. One is the “White Path,” where we left and do not know our Mother. We build machines to chew her up. We rip her flesh. Then there is the “Red Path” which never leaves the “way of connection.” The people live in harmony with Mother Earth’s way. We do not dominate her, we listen to her wisdom and live in harmony. It may be too late, as She has been poisoned. We would have to grow up and evolve out of the “I’m number one” idea into “we are life and this is our only planet” idea. We’d have to “see” each other truly. When the Na’vi meet each other they say with a gesture of touching head and heart and saying “I see you.” And it means really see – who and what you are.

I’d give my life if only we could be natural again. Respect and love again. Heal our Mother. I’d give it in a “New York” minute. I am currently trying to restore steep land, clear cut. It is already registered as sanctuary, and I want to give the wild beings their space back. Restore the natural land to food and shelter. This is my deep prayer:


Mother Goddess Earth, holy mother Tara, grant the blessing that I may have help and strength to provide for your babies, and grant blessings that I may give this little broken place back to you, whole and healed. KYE HO!

Hear this cry and accept these tears from a Dakini who is your daughter, your servant and your lover. May you recover, and may those who see “The Way” join hands as one people. Let us pay it forward. Eh Ma Ho!


PS. Once I was led to Hopi land and found prophesy rock. Behind it climbing down, I saw a place of offerings. I made an offering, then found a perfect green valley, so lush in the desert. I saw light beings there. Working the Earth. Water. I never found it again, though I looked.

When I met with Hopi Elders, Grandfather David was still alive. I told the Grandfathers and Mothers what I’d found. Grandfather David said only people of pure intention could ever find these places. He then said “you are welcome to go to any place in Hopi land you wish.” Then a beautiful Grandmother jumped up and rattled as she spoke to me. “You must never abandon the Red Road!” With deep eyes and blazing heart. I see you, my Mother!

May I never disappoint you, and all beings!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Lions and Tigers and…

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

This weather is like a freight train today! Going on and on, gale wind gusts, thunder, lightening, and it is raining brass monkeys, from the sound. I think my dogs have gotten scared, we are so quiet. This is so the lightening can’t find us. And the pack needs me to walk the deck and check stuff. Then they know I’m in charge. And they will not go out to pee. That’s so they don’t get wet. Check. Get mops out, since we could get some bladder bursts. Closed dog door to deck, wind blows it open meaning all kinds of jungle animals will come in and kill us all!

Now we have Tesla “pitty,” Barrymore “Dufus Coon Hound,” and Ricco the big “Pansey Hound.” Thing is, the big guys are hiding. So it’s all up to me. Now if I call Tesla she’ll come, tail tucked, head low with shame- “Need me Mom? I’m here but I don’t want to fight Lions ‘n Tigers, K? So I’m going back to my hidey hole now, K?” BOOM! Big thunder! ZIP! Tesla the pit bull at her best. My Pekes are better gladiators! Oh, and the cockatoo, she has turned into garden statuary. She is so straight and still! Cockatoos don’t do still well. Or quiet either.

I sure hope it stops soon. I want a shower and the dogs won’t all fit in the tub. Sigh. Stay dry, folks!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Pure Intention and Healing

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I am beginning to see that in order to heal from three years of trauma, it is necessary to forgive oneself for allowing it. For being gullible, a total “chump” if you will. I can now see I am angry at myself for not seeing through the game from the first. I see the best in people, to a fault, I think. I just never expect people to be evil and cruel. Or, conversely, do sense wrongdoers but think I deserve to hurt. Once I see it all and forgive me, I can forgive them, I am still working hard on that.

I actually find forgiving the hurters easier than forgiving myself! But without nurturing and forgiving myself, forgiving others will be shallow and weak. I don’t want that. When we (my peeps) and I walk away I pray it will be clean, loving, compassionate, and strong, knowing a disaster has been corrected. Motivation is everything; and I know it is, has been, and always will be pure, to protect Dharma, Palyul, virtue and in general all sentient beings from harm.

So as I study the situation it is very hard. Hard truth to face. Nothing requires more strength than confronting one’s own weaknesses. Nothing is dumber than to blame the hurters without taking into account all sides and factors. I always said about this event that I can forgive but never forget. Not good enough! My wish is to bring this into my practice so thoroughly that I can forgive and forget. To feel innocent again, renewed and confident. I know I will never be the same. Never, too much damage. But maybe I will like and trust this newly empowered “me” I intend to give rise to. And maybe I’ll be older, wiser, etc. I think it is possible for all of us. I hope whatever has happened and will happen here will be of benefit to all who are hurt and alone. I’m on my way now, and others, I hope will follow, and heal.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Miraculous Display of Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche’s Power

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

This is a picture from Hong Kong of Puja offered at anniversary of Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche’s Parinirvana.

Note how butter lamps have spontaneously formed starburst and floral patterns. This is naturally occurring.

This is a close up of one such pattern, a starburst. This is considered a miraculous sign of Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche’s power.

Here we see that every butter lamp is so adorned. Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche is peerless in every way! EH MA HO!

I request one and all, especially my students to “tweet” and share this evidence of a fully awakened Master, and a true Buddha!


The following comments were tweeted to one of Jetsunma’s students, Ani Sangye, in response to this story:

We have no history in western culture of long term Lineage, we see things short term because our culture is so young. Tibetans have much experience and history to rely on. Westerners think it’s been 2000 years since last one. 🙂 All awakened beings have signs of some sort.

Even our precious little Venerable Ani Palchen! 🙂 Maybe I’ll light a butter lamp for her and see if she comes out to play!!

Understanding Our True Nature

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Here we are in Barnesville Maryland where it is really pouring hard. Bird feeders just filled so seeds will clump. At least the little guys can stay dry in their little birdie houses. Too bad we don’t have a “Sunflower Seed Tiny Pizza” delivery service. And a tweetie bird to share with!

But I digress. Mostly on days like this I feel so bad for those without comfortable homes be they birds or humans. So wet out and chilly! For so many life is a constant struggle, and eventually it is lost. That is the condition of sentient beings, without exception. Even if we are now comfy, dry and nourished it may not be the case later. Health can fail, bank take the house, no food. So we are all the same in our needs and are the same in our nature. We all have this potential for Buddhahood and yet we cannot say we are all enlightened, awake.

Think of Buddhahood as a clear crystal, pristine in every way. But crystal can vary, in size, shape, and it can get dusty and dirty. One can spill their soup with it. Take it to unclean places. Then the appearance of the crystal is different but it’s inherent quality is still the same undefiled nature. We can mess up our crystal in uncountable ways, yet our Buddha nature remains. Under the dust, soup, grime it remains pure. Nothing to fix.

Yet when we look at each other we see mostly grime, dirt, dust and rotten soup. That is because we ourselves lack the purity to see it in others. Our own crystal is dirty and soupy and everything is distorted. Some even say they got instant enlightenment, no fuss, no muss. Then why are Buddha-like qualities not seen? Why is there still hatred, grasping, ignorance? Why the meanness and petty arguments? Could it be the work was not done, practice not serious, and your crystal nature is still filthy from shallow non virtue? Well, unless your instant enlightenment was in a tub of Windex I bet there is a lot yet to do. But if you insist that perfection is already yours, that you have the “great accomplishment” without actually accomplishing anything – well go ahead. It is your time to waste until death and then there is no time at all. At that time our own eyes will tell the story, and all will be revealed. Just as it is.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Overcoming Fear

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I have always ground my teeth since childhood. Called Bruxism, especially at night. Last three years it has been out of control even with medicine. I use a night guard, and got caps. Now caps are chipping and abscessing.

Last few years have been unbearable stress, had a threatening stalker, causing so much pain and fear. Now I’ll have to find a way to fix them all. My psychological and physical health are profoundly wrecked as well. And when I feel a wreck the people around feel they are suffering as I normally look after them. Tough here right now.

I want to look after my health so I can go on with my vocation. But I feel like I’m climbing a steep mountain from the very bottom. I haven’t seen a proper doctor for three to four years. The stalker had me too fearful to do anything and I feel awful about it. My students have watched their “Alpha Leader” go down, and so have I seen my own weakness. I’m working to get it all back, and at least I can get to appointments without fear. So if this treatment takes a long time, so be it. Payback for my dumb old fear. At least I’m on track! I am going to beat this thing, and I am so grateful for the courage returning, and the opportunity. Just wish it hadn’t taken so long.

And I wish authorities would take such life destroying stalking behavior seriously, much quicker. Now we wait until lives are ruined.

I pray for all women who are harmed because they are women who have succeeded in life.



Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Would You Know?

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

It’s not just me and mine. Respect and view toward Lineage Lamas has tanked in western centers. Reminds me of a song I love by Art Garfunkle:

“And if you watch the stars at night, and find them shining equally bright- you might have seen Jesus and not have known what you saw. Who would notice a GEM in a Five and Dime store?”

Perfect example of lack of view in a material world!


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Anniversary of the Parinirvana of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche

From Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo on the Parinirvana of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche:

It has been two years since His Holiness Kyabje Penor Rinpoche’s Parinirvana, and we will be remembering Him while praying for His return. Most Palyul centers worldwide will be gathering at the same times for Puja, Ceremony, etc. His Holiness Penor Rinpoche is so widely, deeply revered and cherished.

It would be my great joy and wish that every accomplishment in Palyul brought by His Holiness Penor Rinpoche be left exactly as it is, waiting for His return. Sadly, that may not come to pass. Even though every blessing we all enjoy came from His Holiness Penor Rinpoche’s own vision, heart and precious hands. Many things are being changed around. It will not be the same if it is not as His Holiness Penor Rinpoche envisioned. But Palyul is ancient, strong and powerful. The sacred visions of the peerless Master Tulkus of Palyul will re-assert itself. Like a river too mighty to be thwarted it will remain.

I have learned well since the Parinirvana the strength and consummate skill of my Root Guru, what He had to deal with. I am awed by Him. I remember so many times hearing “if you follow His Holiness Penor Rinpoche’s instructions perfectly all will be perfect”. In my mind that has not changed. Therefore with sadness and joy I await His Incarnation, when all I have and have worked for for over 20 years I will place in His beloved hands. May I always be reborn in His entourage, life after life, for the sake of all sentient beings. May all be Liberated by this great Buddha!

Download PDFs of the following:

Extensive Prayer for the Swift Rebirth of His Holiness Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche

Concise Prayer for the Swift Rebirth of His Holiness Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche

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