Moving Forward

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Hello, all in Twitterverse. I’ve been gone all day to meetings and glad to be back. I don’t like Baltimore much but it was necessary.

I returned to see the haters have come back to torment me, except for the main one, who is now gone. But I must leave it to the law. It is right to go, or they can drag one through the sewer they live in. I won’t be like them. I won’t. I can’t imagine being like that. So selfish when the world is in such awful shape and people are hungry for pure Dharma.

And thankfully most people want the real deal, not a show. So I will continue the best I can, maybe take time away. Certainly for the Palyul summer retreat, to continue my practice and peace of mind. Also this summer I will be training to offer Empowerment. The Tulku, Lama Lobsang  will arive soon. He is the one Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche had been arranging since a year before His parinirvana. I have wanted more training, have asked for years, and finally he is coming! His Holiness Penor Rinpoche chose him for his pure qualities, scholarship and complete disinterest in ridiculous politics and games. I love that. I have no interest in them either. Politics has always been part of every religion, sadly. Wars have been the result. If one calls themselves spiritual, they should abandon such ridiculous habitual tendencies and tend to their practice. That is what the Gurus of every Lineage tell us. It was His Eminence Ponlop  Rinpoche that said, when my dear Michelle G. asked him how to repair the lies and damage, he said “Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, the purest of Gurus recognized Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo. He has said she is a Pure Lama. Therefore go back to her and repair Samaya!” He would not teach her. He sent her back. What merit she must have! How pure Ponlop must be! Amazing!

Anyone can see the Sun again, it never leaves. It is we who are dishonest and turn our faces away.


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Discerning the Qualities of Awakening

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

To describe the precious state of Lord Buddha, and the other Buddhas in that miraculous state… When Buddha was asked “are you a God? Are you a man? A great Rishi? A saint?” “Who or what are you?” Lord Buddha simply said, “I am awake” so simple and pure. No bragging. Awake!

Of all the things Buddha ever said I think this is the purest and must succinct. Awake. He did not go on about “marvelous experiences.” He said that his mind, merit and meditation had ripened his mind completely. He proved his Enlightenment through the miraculous fruits of his life. That is how one knows about the qualities of Buddhahood. By conduct and evidence. One cannot simply decide. Unless the manifestations are there which concur, no way. We should never accept baseless claims, especially about spiritual accomplishment. It can ruin your life.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama says the Chinese are his Gurus because they taught him impermanence, by destroying Tibet and her people and faith. As a young monk he could not think such cruelty possible just for a land grab and power. He was so innocent! A true Buddha in every way.

I have never called myself a Buddha or “Enlightened Being.” I’ve taught of the need to follow a pure teacher with bodhicitta. What other people call me is of no concern. It makes me happy when my Gurus said these things, and I love the old stories which I sometimes recall. But what ordinary people say doesn’t matter much. I have students that support and love.

And there are those who hate, and I don’t know why or who they are. Yet they venerate themselves to the degree that people bow and scrape or they are banished and put down. That is not Dharma and it never will be until the darkest time. Then the glorious Buddha of the next age will be born. May it be soon! I would sing his Praise and honor his name, this Buddha of the future. But many people call themselves “His name” and praise themselves as the incarnation. I won’t contribute to that. It is delusion and self cherishing. That circus show is not helpful. We have a planet to save.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

The Nature of the Guru

The following is an excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo called “Guru Yoga”

According to the Buddha, the state that is the pure undefiled primordial wisdom state—this precious awakened state that is luminosity and emptiness inseparable from one another—is our true nature.  But since time-out-of-mind, we have been involved in the incorrect assumption of self-nature as being inherently real.  So due to our fixation on specific awareness and therefore our constantly defining and reestablishing the distinction between self and other, and the resultant attraction and repulsion that we are constantly involved in, we have never tasted this nature.  We don’t know it.

It isn’t that it’s far away. It isn’t that we don’t have it yet.  It isn’t that we have to grow it.  It isn’t like that.  That nature is right now!  It’s right here. It isn’t anywhere else; it isn’t far away. And yet it is beyond here and now, beyond here and there.  Due to our fixation on self-nature as being inherently real, due to the delusion of division within our mindstreams, we cannot taste that nature.  We are involved in the process of fixation, and that nature which is all pervasive is not understood.

Guru Rinpoche is that nature.  In his Dharmakaya form, he is displayed as Lord Buddha Amitabha—the Absolute Nature, free of any contrivance, free of any distinction, that nature which is emptiness. In his Sambhogakaya form, he is considered to be Chenrezig, that Nature which is pure luminosity, free of any contrivance. seen in a miraculous blissful display—a dance, if you will.—that shows itself in an emanation form displaying Wisdom and Miraculous Accomplishment, Emptiness and Method, or Luminosity and Compassion. It is so hard for us to understand what that really means.

For us, what we see is the Nirmanakaya, the physical form. Through thinking about it, we can understand the great benefit that Guru Rinpoche has brought.  We can understand the extraordinary good fortune that we have to be able to do the practices that he has taught.  We can understand that this is compassionate activity.  We can understand that by the virtue of what he has done, we have a shot (if you will) at achieving some realization.  We have hope; we have a path; we have a method.  Through reliance upon his blessing, we come to realize that his very nature is the door to liberation.

If we go deeper, we realize that he is not only the Nirmanakaya form, but also, he is the deeper and more subtle forms.  In fact, he is the very display of enlightenment itself. We realize then that Guru Rinpoche is inseparable from our own nature.  How do you cut that nature up?  The Buddha Nature is the Buddha Nature.  And so, when we look at Guru Rinpoche, and we practice devotion in order to achieve a certain natural transmission, aren’t we actually walking through the door of our own nature?  Aren’t we actually looking at the true face which is our face as well?  Aren’t we actually doing what we do best—seeing something as external which is actually inseparable from us?  That’s what we do very well.  That’s all that we know how to do.

And so we practice Guru Yoga.  Ultimately, we understand that by receiving the empowerment of the Lama, and practicing deeply, to understand the nature of the Lama, is to understand our own nature.  That to meditate accordingly is to see the true face which is that nature.  Ultimately, we will practice in such a way as to dispel the delusion of separation. We will come to dispel such distinction.  We will come to realize that nature as our own nature,  an event that is not ordinary.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

What to Abandon and What to Accept

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

When an ordinary person decides they are Enlightened but hate, gossip and bad qualities show they absolutely are not. Be careful and watch. If one believes in a person who self proclaims Enlightenment and follows them in lying, hate, gossip they too will fall to a lower rebirth. If a person proclaims themselves Enlightened and has nothing to show for it their lives bear no extraordinary fruit and they should be abandoned. To hide one’s flaws and preach to others is a waste of time. Most people aren’t blind. And flaws will never be pacified.

How excellent, how wonderful to abandon pride, hatred, gossip, etc and attend to a pure practice given by a pure master from a pure source!

How sad when one does not know what to abandon and what to accept.  Anyone can talk. Dogs bark, cats meow. Compassion and courage to get out and benefit beings and our planet – this is what counts.


Come Together – The Great Mother Needs Us!

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Good evening all. Many feel this is our last day on earth. Anyone packed yet? Once in Sedona Arizona a large group packed essentials and stood waiting in a grocery store parking all night with their leader. Oopsey! No pick up. Now the end of the world is tomorrow. The rapture! At last some action! Were the teabaggers “in the know?” Hmmm. See this is what happens when you leave the heavy spiritual lifting to regular people, ordinary in their spiritual view? Always listen to the elders. They are the only ones capable of understanding and interpreting ancient mystical teachings from ancient times. If you follow the “pretenders” you will get the wrong info every time. Even Christian pastors follow the Bible like a recipe book because they have no ancient ways to guide them, to interpret. I as many feel the Bible (read it three times) is metaphor. We then miss out on the beauty and wisdom. In Buddhism we have one life practitioners who say outright they are enlightened. Just follow their (insane) ways and drop the care and kindness. Then we won’t care if we are dead or alive, so long as they have power over our minds.

Elders of any long rooted Lineage know what the bottom line is. They live it. In Buddhism we go to the “Elder” Tulkus who do know from lifetimes of practice and learning plus teaching. And the blessings of their “Elders” in an unbroken line. The Hopi elders know. The Mayans know. The northwestern Tribal elders know. Indigenous people know, as they watch and care for the earth. Who tells you truth? Those that have wisdom or those that read? Rapture will not come tomorrow. Unless you are high. No, the earth suffers and dies bit by bit.

Those who try to have power through opinion do not know. And they convey that nobody needs to do anything to help. Cop out! It isn’t over. It is time to get off our lazy deluded butts and help. Get political. Pick up the damn garbage. Quit dumping sewage into our water. Get into Japan’s face and make them trade their pride for earth’s safety. Stop whaling, feed your ego to the hungry (they need. You don’t.)

America is fat mostly because we are gluttons who do not help sentient beings. Selfish. Gotta have all the bacon. Too bad, you don’t need it and half the world is hungry.

So- how do we wake ourselves up? Prepare for difficult times. Learn how to grow food. Learn to pray. And how to make offerings. Learn how to learn. Learn how to shelter. And please, most of all come together, stay away from divisive people. All faiths must join together to save, not destroy Mother Earth. The Great Mother needs us to wake up!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

The Honest Truth


An excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo called “How Buddhists Think”

The first step in achieving the cessation of suffering as prescribed by the Buddha is to understand samsara, or cyclic existence.  This tends to be difficult for Westerners.  They often come to the path assuming that it’s all about “love and light” or about being positive.  This is not Buddhist thinking.

As Buddhists wishing to attain knowledge, we must examine the faults of cyclic existence fully and completely.  We must understand why cyclic existence doesn’t work. We Westerners don’t want to spend any time on that: we tend to fool ourselves into thinking we’re happy until we get old and die. “There is just too much to do,” we say.  “We can’t sit around being sad all the time.  Shouldn’t we just think positive?”

That is really how Westerners think when they come to this path.  “I’m okay,” they say, “but now I want to figure out how to be better.  I want to be spiritual too.”

According to Buddhism, that is absolutely wrong thinking.  In order to attain awareness in the Buddhist sense, one must understand the faults of cyclic existence.

The Buddha’s teaching is extremely logical, and very real.  So we must enter this path not with blind faith but with our eyes wide open.  If you think that to practice the Buddha’s teaching is about coming into an amazing place with exotic wall hangings and sitting around being bliss-ninnies, you’ve got it wrong.  Here you’re going to get real, very real.  You’re going to look at cyclic existence, and you’re going to face the fact that some day you’re going to die.  And it’s up to you whether you waste your time, or whether you use this life in a way that you will see as beneficial.  And you will have the capacity to make that distinction.

When you see beautiful, youthful bodies, you will understand that, yes, this is nice, but soon these bodies will sag and become wrinkled; soon they will get sick and die.  You have to get real about that, because it’s the truth.  No one has ever beaten that rap.  When the Buddha teaches us to make use of this precious human rebirth, he doesn’t do it in an exotic, far-flung way.  He teaches us to be very honest, very courageous, very real.

Copyright ©  Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Stay Real

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Hello all- I’ve been sick all day yesterday and today, that’s why I haven’t been on. Been rough, but I hope there is some good purpose. I always pray and ask that this illness result in health for all and Mother Earth. That this imbalance will provide balance for all. I hope so. Time is short, and we just don’t know.

Just ate the first food today. Tasted good, hope it stays that way! Still little energy. OK, done whining for now. OM MANI PEDME HUNG! I also think some solitude, a trip, some change would help. Shake the sillies out. Work out the bugs outta the system…. Right now, however I am needed here, stuff to do, projects going on. Later, and sooner than later would be fine.

Seems like many Speakers, Lamas, Gurus, Earth protectors, Shaman, etc are having difficult times, because we work to protect Mother Earth. And here is a hard cycle. We, Bodhisattvas, all must do all we can, including supporting the strength of each other, and all beings.

What is sad, is that even in these times when we so need each other- false dark minded “teachers” do not help with compassion. Yet they speak of accomplishment while spewing hate, gossip, arrogance, toward all. That is accomplishment? Buddhists are Sangha family.

If anything causes suffering it is innocents watching “teachers” wallow in mud and shit. This is what causes the downfall of Buddhism, USA. For our own purity we must avoid such types. They only lead to more downfall. As we are all taught, stay clear of samaya breakers. Stay real. If we cannot keep our vows and guard our purity, everyone gets hurt. We all suffer as we see. Japan lies and the world is at risk. For all. We must be less selfish, more ethical. More loving, less hateful. More spiritual, less material.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Happy Mother’s Day: Offering Prayers of Love and Healing

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Happy Mother’s day to all motherly sentient beings! Here in Barnesville it is a beautiful day for Moms to enjoy, and I’m also praying for Mother Earth, in my mind I wrap silken brocade around Her and hold Her deeply in my heart in love and healing. I wish I could gift Her with a planetary awakening to Her nature and Her preciousness! Perhaps the time is coming. Keep praying!

So Happy Mother’s Day to all!


Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

Confronting Ignorance

From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Hello Twitterverse. I’m back, sadly unable to do much retreat, had a double root canal with a major abscess. Hurt bad, as did treatment. And I have two more, maybe three. Two more abscessed teeth. I hate pain pills with a purple passion but I had to get hammered with them. Now still sore, but only mind blowingly so when I hit it while talking. Nice. So I’ll type.

Problem is I let it go for way too long. Not good. If I could cut out the last three-ish years of my life I would. I couldn’t accomplish anything and it just wasn’t worth the pain to keep going. I so wish I could cut out the abscess in my emotions like we can with teeth.

Right now I see, for one thing, that our Mother planet is in deep trouble. Very few bother to learn what the issues are. And don’t care. It breaks my heart to see it. I search for caring people and can’t find them, even in my Sangha. Why do people find ignorance so appealing? Does it make you blond? (Woo-hoo) will we be moving to another planet? I hadn’t heard. Do we think angels will fix it? More likely than us, I guess.

You see, a culture of commerce needs you to be stupid so you will believe them. They depend on your self-absorption. And you kindly oblige. Nuclear Japan will not stop. You didn’t see Osama bin Laden got deep sixed. Did you see it? Did you hear? And tell me, how can big gigantic “Buddhists” go out to eat and “nosh” with starvation in their own communities? How have we become so selfish? Our rescues have little funding and no one will raise money for them. Our Stupas so precious to us all? Yeah, so we can’t manage to pay off the land they are on. I feel mangled. Did I do any good? Will any benefit last?

The crap we chase after is embarrassing. Chin tuck anyone? Could’ve fed a lot of hungry with that. I’m not a judge or jury. I’m just sad and so disappointed. I really tried. And we just don’t care. I am so sorry for us. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for and we just don’t care. I love this planet. And her people. But for the life of me I do not understand. Why do the rich do nothing? Why are the ignorant so willing to be that way? Why do we play “bliss ninny” thinking mellow is sweet like jello? And there is always room for that crap. Sweet and fake!

Will we save this planet? Naw. Will we go out for lunch, brunch, and dinner? Sure, why not, right? We are entitled to enjoy, right? Bullshit! At least “Micky D” is cheap. Leave some change for the homeless, will ya? Enjoy your dinner…

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

What Will You Do?

The following is from a twitter conversation between Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo and two other twitter users:

Questioner: My heart is with the future. These are not the end times but times of a new beginning.

Jetsunma: Good, but there is transformation going on. If you can’t see the shadow of that (Japan!) How will you help? Many suffer now! The Earth suffers. Will you make passionate statements from your chair? Or face it and help others? For us to survive, and Earth too, we must join hands and hearts. What will you do? Must be part of the solution, or if not, you are part of the problem. Dead in da head! Use the heart! Oops, looks like I just got unfollowed. Nobody wants to hear we must do something. No one wants to change.

Peeps: People should be inspired to help initiate change, but resentment is mostly the reaction I see…

Jetsunma: It’s true. And so sad! We need all of us!

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo.  All rights reserved

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