“As human beings who live for about 80yrs, we have been sleeping for about 40 of those years. Of the 40 years awake we spend most time on worldly activity where we accumulate the five poisons of the afflicted mind. There are very few who spend any time at all on Dharma Practice. Even if we spend 5 out of the 40 years on practice we still have not done a good practice. But whatever benefits we have in life and whatever positive things happen are all really based on that practice” From Kyabje His Holinesss Penor Rinpoche
When, I ask, will such a Lama as His Holiness Penor Rinpoche come again? Whose life given to purity, every word the nectar of Bodhicitta- when? Tsawei Lama!
No one can substitute, no one else can speak to my heart, no one else opens my eyes, empowers my speech, matures my mind. Tsawei Lama-Return!
Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche is Buddha. Since his Parinirvana I feel even closer to him. Calling from afar, he answers, he is here he is BUDDHA!
Wow. I’m crying, deer are gathering in the field, a powerful storm is coming, and Kyabje His Holiness Penor Rinpoche appears, I am not alone. E ma ho.
Om Ah Hung Vajra Guru Pema Siddhi Hung!