Blessings and Opportunities

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

I made it to the Stupa today, difficult for me, and was happy to see repair continues. Joy to my heart! Weeding and gardening too. Gratitude.

It’s hard to express how important the Stupa is. So many blessings, opportunity to gather merit, a righteous life.

We need clearing too. All invited to come help, please, help is needed. We are aging fast here, and some are too old to do outdoor labor. But there are buyers needed to gather supplies, painters, mowers, etc. Who wants to change their life doing good works? It works when you work it.

I went to the aviary too. Such joy watching macaws and other wild beauties fly! Riggs gives them a good life. We always need help there too.

Now my back feels pretty sore.

I kinda hoped I’d see workers there to thank them. Maybe next time. Maybe I’ll bring pizza and fruit and nuts next time. I always bring offerings. And happily.

I love you all but especially those who help others. Don’t forget the Occupy folks and the homeless. The system is hurting us all.

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