Astrology for 5/14/2022

5/14/2022 Saturday by Miranda & Wangmo 

Theme: Energetic Day

The Moon moves into Scorpio today which can bring an intensity of emotions and reactions. With two planets in Aries as well you will have more focus and energy than you have had in awhile. A good time to join friends and community in outdoor projects.
Gardening could be top of the list with all this spring fervor.

The earth laughs in flowers.
~ Emerson

The Moon is Void of course today between EST 4:07am and 6:34am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 5/13/2022

5/13/2022 Friday by Miranda & Wangmo 

Theme: Black Friday

A conflictual situation might arise, where what you would really like to do is restricted by responsibilities. But you are able to persevere under considerable adversity, which builds patience and reserve. You may well find yourself shouldering the load alone. Be mindful of your health as your energy may be quite low.

Responsibility is the ability to respond.
~Lucille Ball

Astrology for 5/12/2022

5/12/2022 Thursday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Promise

With the Moon in Libra opposite Jupiter and Venus you have a reason to be more optimistic and able to deal with what the day brings. You can act as a diplomat in dealings with others. The Sun moves closer to the north node crystalizing your purpose and direction. Remember to read the fine print and re-read instructions.

How little can be done under the spirit of fear. ~Florence Nightingale

Astrology for 5/11/2022

5/11/2022 Wednesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Passing refrains

With the Moon opposite Mars and Neptune today you will feel out of sorts for whatever reason presents itself. Self-reflection and patience brings insights into the causes. Refraining from reacting is a practice, along with drawing on your underlying strengths. The Moon in Virgo, along with the Sun in Taurus provides good grounding in challenging moments. It is necessary to cultivate some discipline of mind, for an undisciplined mind always finds excuses to act selfishly and thoughtlessly.~the Buddha

Astrology for 5/10/2022

5/10/2022 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Communication

Mercury goes retrograde today in its home sign of Gemini. The fact that Mercury is in Gemini is an advantage. Nevertheless, Mercury retrograde invites us to focus on the details and double check those details. Don’t just rely on your own expertise. Get expert advice. It’s not a great time to buy electronics but if you have to it’s not the end of the world. Just say a lot of prayers! With the Sun so close to the north node you have the opportunity to align your inner goals with a new sense of purpose. All the delightful things of the world-sweet sounds, lovely forms, all the pleasant tastes and touches and thoughts-these are all agreed to bring happiness if they are not grasped and possessed.~The Buddha

Astrology for 5/9/2022

5/9/2022 Monday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Restrictions pass

With Saturn opposing the Moon early in the day there are degrees of frustration if you try to do things differently. Stick to the plan until this aspect passes when you will have more opportunity to align your inner and outer goals. With Mars approaching Neptune there is less physical energy at your disposal. Find alternative ways to achieve outcomes. Reflective time is very beneficial if you can avoid a tendency towards escapism.

Without stirring abroad one can know the whole world. Without looking out of the window one can see the way of heaven.~Lao Tzu

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 8.39am and 6:53 pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 5/8/2022

5/8/2022 Sunday by Miranda & Wangmo 

Theme: Changes and Challenges

Be careful not to be too hasty and jump to conclusions today. There is a lot of tension in the air that may bring surprises, not least surprise reactions from either you or others. There is a potential for disputes with authorities and a wish to break out of perceived restrictions. If your emotions are well balanced it will be easier for you to have clear convictions and embrace change.

Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.
~Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

Astrology for 5/7/2022

5/7/2022 by Miranda & Wangmo 

Theme: Joie De Vivre

Today is such a lovely day with the Moon moving into Leo encouraging our warm, generous creative side. The Sun smiles on Mars to increase our vitality and physical prowess. A time to enjoy friends and chatting with new acquaintances and a lot of love to be shared.

Love is the wish for beings to have happiness in the present and the future.
~Bokar Rinpoche

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST 6.25am -7.50am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 5/6/2022

5/6/2022 Friday by Miranda & Wangmo 

Theme: A Big Moon Rising

The Moon opposes Pluto which could precipitate emotional conflicts, and deep habitual tendencies can surface. You may come to a deeper understanding of yourself and others when the dust settles. You may also experience dreams that revitalize and stimulate the imagination.

The conflicts between people are a reflection of our own inner conflicts and fears.
~Jack Kornfield

Astrology for 5/5/2022

5/5/2022 Thursday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Home is where the heart is

With the new Moon in Cancer it’s time to renew, refresh and nourish yourself through tending your home and family in small and large ways. With the Sun sextile Mars you have more energy to realize your goals. If you are working on team goals it’s important to remember that cooperation will bring the best results. Conversation flows more easily today as does your willingness to compromise. Follow the wise, the intelligent, and the awakened. Follow them as the moon follows the path of the stars.~Dhammapada

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