Astrology for 6/14/2022

6/14/2022 Tuesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Fullness

Today is a particularly auspicious day to undertake tasks and activities that have wide benefit. With the full Moon in Sagittarius there is optimism, idealism and a focus on expanding horizons. Discipline grounds you today especially when your interpretation of reality is challenged. Contemplation and resting your mind are supportive activities.

Form is empty. Emptiness is form. Emptiness is not other than form, and form is also not other than emptiness. In the same way, feeling, perception, formation and consciousness are empty~Buddha

Astrology for 6/13/2022

6/13/2022 Monday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Energizing

You are more confident today in your abilities. With Mars involved confidence can manifest as having more zest and energy to accomplish tasks. Today Mercury moves into its home sign of Gemini sharpening thinking and clearing communication blockages. With the Moon in Sagittarius you can spread your wings and expand your horizons.

But flies an eagle flight, bold and forth on, Leaving no track behind.~Shakespeare

Astrology for 6/12/2022

6/12/2022 Sunday by Miranda & Wangmo 

Theme: Silence is Golden

Moon and Mercury are opposite each other and square Saturn with the potential for fruitful inner dialogue which would lean toward a quiet, reflective day, maybe a solitary walk in nature. On the other hand, if with others it will be easy to experience conflict by misunderstandings on both sides of the aisle. It’s a good day for research, intensive study or meditation.

If you aren’t feeding the fire of anger or the fire of craving by talking to yourself, then the fire doesn’t have anything to feed on.
~Pema Chodron

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST 5.40pm and 6.30pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 6/11/2022

6/11/2022 Saturday by Miranda & Wangmo 

Theme: Passions Abound

The focus is on Moon in Scorpio opposite both Venus and Uranus in Taurus, a powerful combination. Venus in Taurus will bring out our sensual side with a propensity for overindulgence and extravagance. Moon in Scorpio exudes powerful emotions and intense passion. Then throw the grenade of Uranus in the mix and you will definitely experience some surprises. Don’t get too carried away by the excitement… just saying!!

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

~W. B. Yeats

Astrology for 6/10/2022

6/10/2022 Friday by Miranda & Wangmo 

Theme: Reflective Thoughts

Today there is an Air Grand Trine involving Sun, Moon and Saturn bringing idealism and wisdom. Saturn can bring discipline to help channel our energies so that we can pursue self evaluation and tame our emotions. It brings inner peace, balance and serenity and puts us in a good position to begin preparation for the future.

“Why do I make myself suffer? … Why can’t I be happy when I really want to be happy?” And the answer is that we don’t know our own nature.
~Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST 1.36pm and 4.41pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 6/9/2022

6/9/2022 Thursday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Finding the right balance

With the Moon in Libra you can find equanimity in situations that test that very quality. It’s like a strong case of Goldilocks and the three bears: not too hard, not too soft, just right. Only it’s not about beds necessarily – it could be about anything. The Moon is in harmony with the Sun today so that’s good news for the Moon in Libra which also seeks harmony. However the Moon also opposes Mars, both testing and inviting patience. Transform reactivity into activity. Do not think about the past, do not worry about the future, do not become distracted by whatever arises in the present.~Buddha

Astrology for 6/8/2022

6/8/2022 Wednesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Shaping the blessings

With the Moon opposite Jupiter today there are plusses and minuses. You can harness the benefic energy of Jupiter for greater good if you keep any grandiose notions in check. As Venus approaches Uranus expect the unexpected and use that space as an opening to creativity and tapping into Venus the goddess of love, beauty and prosperity in new ways. The goddess comes, she moves divinely fair, Olive and laurel binds her golden hair: Wherever shines this native of the skies, Unnumber’d charms and recent graces rise. ~Phillis Wheatley

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 8.09 am and 11:23 am. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 6/7/2022

6/7/2022 Tuesday by Wangmo & Miranda

Theme: Moving forward

With the Moon still waxing it continues to be a time to plant and grow, especially with the Moon in Virgo. During the course of the day there is capacity for deep insights into your communication, and feelings. You have more reserves of strength than you give yourself credit for. Tensions during the day resolve more easily when you give time to your inner life and find cause for optimism.

Now, you may only see a pile of receipts, but I see a story. I can see where this story is going. And it does not look good. It. Does. Not. Look. Good.~Deirdre Beaubeirdra

Astrology for 6/6/2022

6/6/2022 Monday by Wangmo & Miranda

Testy communications continue – or differences of opinion if you want to be polite, which is not what you may feel right now. The Moon in Virgo provides some help with discrimination in communications plus with Venus in Taurus right now someone has to be really provocative to get you going. Of course with Mars in Aries you’re more inclined to attack as the best form of defense. So which will it be today?

Knowledge born of the finest discrimination takes us to the farthest shore. It is intuitive, omniscient, and beyond all divisions of time and space.~Patanjali

Astrology for 6/5/2022

6/5/2022 Sunday by Miranda & Wangmo 

Theme: Psychological Struggle

With Mercury at the apex of a T-square that has moon and Saturn all in fixed signs, it is important not to be too dogmatic or stubbornly adhere to opinions. If you can’t let go of old values and concepts, you may find yourself isolated from others and ruminating on how to improve your relationships for future discussions.

Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
~George Bernard Shaw

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST 7.12pm and 2.22am . Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

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