Astrology for 3/10/2023

3/10/2023 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Organizing the Mystical?

Saturn, the planet of pragmatism and restriction, has entered Pisces, the sign of mystical transcendence. This will be a challenging 2 1/2 years. The best approach is to make practical changes in our prayer, meditation and compassionate actions. The pitfalls are despair, cynicism and cruelty. The Moon is at the apex of a yod with Mercury and Uranus in the middle third of the day. Be patient with ourselves and others as we negotiate our emotional, subconscious side.

I came into the world under the sign of Saturn – the star of the slowest revolution, the planet of detours and delays. ~ Walter Benjamin

The Moon is void of course today from 6:38 pm until 7:07 pm EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 3/9/2023

3/9/2023 Thursday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Merging

With both the Sun and Neptune in Pisces it’s an opportunity to tune into your heart and identify how you can learn to swim in the emotional waters of Pisces without feeling you are going under. Pisces can be a challenging energy when you avoid your feelings or escape from suffering. Now is the time to spiritually connect with yourself and the world you live in including connecting to nature and other beings.

All that we are arises from our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.~The Buddha

Astrology for 3/8/2023

3/8/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Step forward or step back?

With the Moon in Libra decisions are a little more challenging because you need more time to weigh up the pros and cons. Into the mix comes Venus in Aries and the Sun in Pisces. Venus in Aries is assertive and direct. Pisces is more retiring and needs more time to respond. Sometimes Pisces energy is hidden even to itself. The good thing about the Moon in Libra is that it does act. It doesn’t sit on the sidelines forever. It’s a helpful adjudicator in navigating the contrasting energy of the other planetary placements for the next few days.

In your practice and in your mind and in your heart, keep yourself innocent and keep yourself alive. If you think that spiritually you know everything, enough to tell others, then believe me, you know nothing.~Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

Astrology 3/7/2023

3/7/2023 Tuesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Swimming

With the Sun, Mercury and Neptune in Pisces there is a strong concentration of water element that brings a sense of being immersed in the journey of life. Feelings flow more and there is a sense of being interconnected with others. Through healing the past your faith in others is also being restored. The Moon in Virgo focuses you on details and while the Sun and other planets in Pisces provide you with a more holistic view of events.

… you can get space and put it in little bottles, saying this is individual space, but the fact is that inner space and the outer space are not really separate.~Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

Astrology for 3/6/2023

3/6/2023 Monday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Active communication

With the Moon opposite Mercury messages and information are flying in many directions. Short trips are definitely on the agenda. Helpful friends turn up to help. The Sun and Moon compliment each other today bringing more harmony between your head and heart. Flexibility and understanding remains the name of the game.

Only after perfecting his understanding of opposing views would he be qualified to refute them. Such debates encourage individuals to maintain flexibility of perspective and honesty rather than seek victory egotistically. ~R. Malhotra

Astrology for 3/5/2023

3/5/2023 Sunday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Stimulating

As the Sun approaches exactly 60 degrees from Uranus our minds are stimulated today. We can learn more than usual from everyday encounters. This is a day to act freely, not to be painstakingly disciplined. There is a nice balance in the 4 elements that the planets are in now. But there is a focus on spiritual surrender, Pisces, and immediate action, Aries. Can we act according to our values today?

If you believe that Enlightenment is the end of suffering, then that is your object of refuge. ~ Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

The Moon is void of course today from 10:20 pm until 10:40 pm EST. Do not make any major decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 3/4/2023

3/4/2023 Saturday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Well-Being

Especially in the middle of the day, the Moon is trine Jupiter, which is a very beneficial transit. We are broadminded, tolerant and generous. The restricting effect that Saturn had on our thinking and communication has lifted today as well. Our energy shifts late in the day as the Moon squares Uranus. We will be hastier, and jump to conclusions. We will also crave excitement.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

Astrology for 3/3/2023

3/3/2023 Friday by Jampal & Wangmo

Theme: Curiosity and Imagination

For several days the Sun sextiles Uranus which brings new discoveries to our daily encounters. This is a time for free thinking and making changes to our environment. For 2 and 1/2 weeks Mercury is now in Pisces, which also stimulates our imagination and ability to be compassionate. The pitfall is in thinking and communicating what you want to be true, being caught up in fantasy. Finally, the Moon enters Leo in the middle of the day so take some time for play or creativity if possible.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. ~ Albert Einstein

The Moon is void of course today from 9:24 am until 10:17 am EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 3/2/23

3/2/23 Thursday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Pillars and Posts

With Mercury conjunct Saturn and Venus conjunct Jupiter there is contrast between the rough and the smoothe – or constraint and restrictions on speech contrasting with a sense of expansion and peace. The Moon in Cancer is a creative space for reflection and imagination. What is home is the question. Is it with friends, family or something else entirely – or all three? The Sun in Pisces continually prompts us to be of service to something greater than ourselves.

When the realization of interdependence dawns in your mind, Your loving-kindness and compassion become impartial, And you come to perceive all phenomena as pure~Namkha Longyang Gyü

Astrology for 3/1/2023

3/1/2023 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Promise

With Venus and Jupiter almost exactly conjunct, and shining even brighter when paired together in the heavens, you can feel more optimistic about humanity and the world today in spite of all the challenges and suffering. To seek beneficial change for yourself and all beings requires setting an intention to be of benefit. Venus and Jupiter embody beneficial change shining a light in even the darkest of places. The Sun and Moon are both in water signs encouraging us to connect with our hearts rather than our head.

You can say that space is totally empty but what space is really like leaves words behind.~Tilopa

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