
You look good in public so be sure to go out today.  Dress formally and observe every courtesy with others. This is not the day for casual dress or manners.  You are being noticed, so look and behave in a pleasing way.  Purchases beckon, but be careful.  You can buy things that seem wrong later.  Or you can be misled in terms of value and feel hoodwinked after the fact.  Don’t confuse goods with emotional security today. Ralph Waldo Emerson said “Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” Think carefully about what it is that you really want; it may not come from a store or carry a price tag.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


You almost can’t fail in your objectives today.  You act with precision, knowledge, decorum and good financial sense.  Emotional stability highlights the day.  An unusual combination of down to earth stability merges with an overarching philosophical question.  This seems incongruent, as though your gardener or stock broker wished to discuss the meaning of life in the middle of a job.  You feel the energy too.  Do the two things at different times. First, do your job.  When that’s done, discuss philosophy over a cup of coffee. If you mix the two you won’t be satisfied with either.  Mary Ellen Chase said “Work to my father was not only good and decent for its own sake, but, as he was given to saying, it straightened out one’s thoughts.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Nothing much happens early today, so bide your time.  As the day progresses, an excellent purchase or deal is there for the taking, so pay attention.  Beware of committing to anything brand new.  It must be a pre-considered thing.  A man or power figure takes a philosophical or ethical stand that is absolutely correct, the right thing to do.  Personal happiness is paramount today, and higher ups are amenable to reason.  Ask your question, if you have one.  Go out for a meal, relax and smell the roses.  You will enjoy time with women whose approach to life pleases you, and any association with family or children is a good one.  If you’ve been involved in a project it is slowly and steadily falling into place.  Do some early seasonal shopping.  Your taste is excellent. John Milton said “Good, the more communicated, the more abundant grows.” Be good, see good.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual
charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people
differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in
finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are
many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


A zippy, frenetic energy is in the air.  It’s a good day to be up and at ’em, out and
about, first thing.  You want to be active.  At the very least, do some exercise or tear into a work project before noon.  A disagreement or misunderstanding may have occurred recently, and you will want to do your best to mend fences.  At the very same time, a work project is humming along and things are going well.  Spend special time with old friends or associates; they really care for you.  You’re still tending to issues from the past, and that’s exactly where your best effort will be placed.  Annie Dillard said “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”  How are you spending our life?

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


If you get through today, without confronting authority or telling someone off, consider yourself the lucky one.  Stay away from the boss and authority figures, you’ll be seen as an upstart.  It’s a great day to begin a revolution, but it will come to a bad end, so please refrain.  The boss (authority, government) is stronger. What is excellent is the exchange of ideas, the broadening of thinking that is happening.  You are becoming more intelligent, philosophical and thoughtful.  The ability to see the big picture is critical today.  Use it, and don’t drive too fast.  Caution is the watchword of the day. Franklin D. Roosevelt said “Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Go to the beach, a movie or a concert today. Visit a sick friend or relative.  Tender feelings drive you; you are easily swayed by suffering and you want to help. Remake a decision, recommit to a cause, and you will be happy.  An edgy irritability is in the air, so don’t challenge others.  Apologize promptly if someone complains and you’ll head off trouble.  Of course, you don’t want to.  You, and others, are in the mood to lecture and debate.  You want to tell people how they should feel and what they should believe.  Don’t bother.  Instead, enjoy your good reputation and good friends.  Epictetus said “Seek not good from without; seek it within yourselves or you will never find it.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Tender feelings are present today.  It’s best to keep them hidden and only express them in  private.  Relationships are tricky.  Some folks will joke and tactlessly hurt feelings, and others will criticize everything and hurt feelings.  Be aware of the role you are playing in this. This is the worst possible day to tell someone how you “really feel.” If the dilemma already happened, carefully explain what you meant if you’ve done the wounding. FaithBaldwinsaid “Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations.”  Make alterations today. Once this is over get back to work, which is still the best game in town these days.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Dreamland!  You wish you could stay asleep all day today, but alas you can’t.  Give yourself a slow start.  It’ll take a while to get going.  Try to remember dreams or intuitions that come to you early in the day, they can give you an important hint about your life.  Do all you can to sidestep a disagreement with someone who is worried.  Listen carefully and patiently, and be sure you understand the facts.  This person may just need to talk and air concerns.  Speaking of worries can let them dissipate naturally.  If you offer pointed advice, expect to have to eat your words later. An obsession or attraction is growing stronger.  Joan Crawford said “Love is a fire.  But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell.”  Be careful, and be respectful of the relationships you already have.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


An agreement can be negotiated, but be careful!  It must be something you have discussed and considered previously.  Anything brand new will come to nothing.  A solid relationship can be formed with a woman, a child or a family member.  Partnership potential is present.  One side is a visionary, a dreamer and a healer.  The other side is solid, steady and down to earth.  Both sides gain from the association.  A magnetic attraction is growing slowly and steadily. Obsession is a danger. An authority figure or boss is turning on the charm, and you are vulnerable. Don’t become too open, and don’t tell your boss your problems! Cynthia Nelms said “Nobody really cares if you are miserable, so you might as well be happy.” 

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Harmonious relationships characterize this day.  Groups and friends are supportive, and others help you keep the big picture in perspective. A disagreement is looming.  If it’s already happened, it won’t come back.  One side is fussing about the details and the other side is looking at the grand scheme of things.  Each side needs to give a bit and to give assurances of good will.  Messages from a distance keep changing, and it’s important to stay flexible.  Emotionally, you’re in the right place to do this. Consider your own faults and you’ll be fine.  Ethel Barrymore said “You grow up the day you have your first real laugh at yourself.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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