Astrology for 1/11/2024

1/11/2024 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: The beginning of a new cycle

The new Moon, later in the day, brings a refreshing breeze of renewal, enthusiasm and the motivation to start new endeavors. The Moon in Aquarius highlights group activity, innovation and freedom of movement, but not before some intensity of emotions arises as the Moon conjuncts Pluto. When your buttons get pressed, remember to count to ten first. Today, your past and present connections with others are highlighted.

The Tibetan world for meditation, ‘gom’, literally means ‘becoming familiar with,’ and Buddhist meditation practice is really about becoming familar with the nature of your own mind-a bit like getting to know a friend on deeper and deeper levels.~Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST USA 9.330pm until 10.00pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 1/10/2024

1/10/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Closing the circle

It’s the last day of the dark waning moon today so you still have time to finish unfinished business. The element air is missing in the astrological equation today so be mindful that communications may be less objective. With the Sun, Moon and Mars in Capricorn there is a ‘can do’ energy in relation to accomplishing goals in the material world. With the Sun continuing in its trine with Uranus unexpected outcomes and a desire for freedom persist.

To make a wish that you become able to help all beings throughout space, you need a strong self; with a weak self such an intention is impossible.~HH Dalai Lama

Astrology for 1/9/2024

1/9/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Testing communication

With the Moon and Mercury square Neptune you will need to tread more carefully with communication: the results are mixed whatever your motivation. It’s good to find alternative ways of communicating your feelings through journaling and reflection. There is still energy for other personal activities, expanding your horizons and getting things done.

With devotion and compassion, there comes true Bodhicitta which leads to enlightenment.~HH 16th Gyalwang Karmapa

Astrology for 1/8/2024

1/8/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Connecting with heart and friends

With the Moon conjunct Venus in Sagittarius there is enthusiasm to cultivate good friendships and you are more able to connect with your heart and compassion. The Moon is also in it’s last phase so now is the time to tidy up loose ends before the new moon. There continues to be more freedom of movement and unexpected moments. Being flexible and unafraid of adventure put you in good stead.

What arises in my mind now is the thought to benefit others. On the other hand, I don’t cling to appearances as real, in the way that others do.~Ani Sherab Zangmo of Gebchak Nunnery

Astrology for 1/7/2024

1/7/2024 Sunday by Jampal

Theme: Strong, Excited, but still Retrograde?

We have 3 main transits going on for several days now. We have abundant energy with Mars trine Jupiter. We are also able to see the big picture as we act, and it seems like we are lucky. We continue to be looking for the new and exciting, with good results. But communication is likely to be confused because Mercury is square Neptune. Be careful in business negotiations, we may be seeing what we want to see. Spiritual activity is favored with this transit.

In today’s rush, we all think too much, seek to much, want to much, and forget about the joy of being. ~Eckhart Tolle

The Moon is void of course today from 3:23 pm until 4:10 pm. Do not make any major decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 1/6/2024

1/6/2024 Saturday by Jampal

Theme: Discover the New

For the next several days the Sun is trine Uranus which favors the new and exciting. This is a time for new discoveries and being true to ourselves. Sciences, technology and the occult are good subjects to study now. This is not a time to relax, but also not a time to pursue a highly disciplined endeavor. The balance of the elements is off now: 5 of 10 main energies are in earth, and none are in air. We are more interested in the material, practical concerns than the intellectual, social ones.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. ~Mahatma Gandhi

Astrology for 1/4/2024

1/4/2024 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Past connections

With the Moon conjunct the south node today your past connections with key individuals bears fruit. Even so, these connections also indicate a need to move in a different direction in your relationships. The Moon in Libra encourages us to bring balance into our lives. The Sun in Capricorn asks that we understand what is possible within the material limitations we are dealing with; and yet it’s important to be innovative, which the approaching trine between the Sun and Uranus encourages us to do.

If we look inside our own minds, – a wishfulfilling jewel is already waiting. No matter how long we may search elsewhere for it, in the end we come back to what was already present – within ourselves from the very beginning. ~The 17th Gyalwang Karmapa

Astrology for 1/3/2024

1/3/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Harnessing good

With Mars approaching a trine with Jupiter and moving away from the square with Neptune there is growing opportunity to harness the beneficial energy of Jupiter in more productive and helpful ways that turns Mars from being a mere warrior to a warrior helping others. Health and healing is on the cards today with Chiron aspecting the Sun and Moon: the challenge is to balance your purpose with your inner needs.

If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.~HH Dalai Lama XIV

Astrology for 1/2/2024

1/2/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Junctions

With a T-square between the Moon opposite Neptune and square Mercury you will have feel a bit at sea with your feelings, to the extent that you seek to externalize your experiences. If you can find space to explore your inner world you will have more insights in dealing with any confusion or anxiety you may experience – plus new ways to deal with subtle thoughts. However, with the Sun in Capricorn, the pragmatist, and Mars in Sagittarius you will also find different kinds of ways through any inertia or challenges. Overall, it’s a day when you will need to find a balance between the inner and outer self.

The Moon is Void of Course today between EST USA 6.36pm until 7:47pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care

When we develop a strong intention and make a vast and generous wish, a sincere and heartfelt prayer, this can snowball and eventually result in something that is truly meaningful and great.~Ringu Tulku

Astrology for 1/1/2024

1/1/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: An interesting day

You won’t be bored to day. With a grand trine between the Sun, Moon and Uranus the day flows more easily and more interestingly. The continuing square between Mercury and Neptune ushers in all kinds of inner and out themes – ranging from spiritual insight to spiritual deception, attraction to addictive substances and working with the unseen. It can even involve something as mundane as working with gas. The Moon is waning in Virgo meaning it’s a good time to tidy up and attend to details.

If you tame and discipline your mind, you experience joy.~The Buddha

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