Astrology for 3/17/2025

Monday by Wangmo

Water themes.

The Moon has moved into Scorpio complimenting the Piscean Sun: both Pisces and Scorpio are water signs. Feelings both deep and superficial swim more actively in the mind, bringing a variety of emotions to the surface. Both signs are concerned with letting go, Pisces in terms of seeing beyond the ordinary to the numinous, and Scorpio in terms of letting go of past grievances in order to to be an agent of transformation and change.

But if we just look beneath the scars, the wounds we’ve experienced in life, we can rediscover that jewel, that basic, unconditional love.~ Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Astrology for 3/14/2025

Friday by Wangmo

Theme: Total Lunar Eclipse

The Total Lunar Eclipse begins at 11:57pm ESDT USA on 13th March and is at maximum eclipse at 2.58am on the 14th of March: the entire eclipse period concludes at 6am ESDT USA on the 14th of March. If you can spend any time during this period in reflection and contemplation it will be very beneficial. Virtuous acts are magnified during this time. Likewise, negative acts are also magnified so it’s an entreaty to mindfulness, compassion and ethical behavior during this period. The Sun is also conjunct the north node, and likewise the Moon is conjunct the south node, focusing your attention on your life purpose and the path of most benefit in your development.

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.~The Buddha

The Moon is Void of Course from 1:47pm until 2:59pm ESDT USA. Undertake small tasks and avoid signing contracts or beginning new undertakings. Time resting and reflecting during this period is time well-spent.

Astrology for 3/13/2025

Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Practical matters

With the Sun/Saturn conjunction and Moon in Virgo, you can focus on practical and achievable outcomes. The Sun in Pisces compliments the Moon in Virgo owing to the compatible elements of water and earth respectively. The earth sign of Virgo provides am earthenware bowl for the feeling and emotional realm of Pisces, thus giving form to the formless nature of water.

Without delay, whatever shakes you, immediately incorporate this into your spiritual path.~Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Astrology for 3/12/2025

Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Growing

With the waxing moon close to full and the Moon in the sign of Virgo, planting seeds is timely whether it be seeds in the garden bed or new ways of communicating and crafting. Virgo is a practical sign focused on the importance of detail but it’s other aspects include an inner wholeness that references the self-contained sacred self. The Sun conjunct Saturn is almost exact, reinforcing the theme of steady improvement through effort. The Moon in Virgo also encourages effort.

Even if the sun were to rise from the west, the Bodhisattva has only one way.~Shunryu Suzuzuki

Astrology for 3/11/2025

3/11/2025 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Steady accomplishment

Saturn is conjunct the Sun. There is no corner cutting with this aspect but if you have put in the effort there will be the reward of steady progress. Spiritual insights are more accessible with the north node conjunct Neptune. Thinking and relating go hand in hand with Mercury conjunct Venus. Communication is also improved and misunderstandings subside.

Examine thus yourself from every side. Note harmful thoughts and every futile striving. Thus it is that heroes in the Bodhisattva path apply the remedies to keep a steady mind.~Shantideva

Astrology for 3/10/2025

3/10/2025 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Learning the art of play

With the Moon in Leo, play and creativity can help lift you up. Engaging with children helps with both. Neptune is reaching the end of it’s time at home in Pisces (until March 30) but is still potent, enabling you to access your inner spiritual nature and gain new insights. Most of all it is a direct link to your innate compassion. With compassion the world can keep turning.

A bodhisattva is someone who has compassion within himself or herself and who is able to make another person smile, or help someone suffer less. Everyone one of us is capable of this.~Thich Nhat Hahn

Astrology for 3/6/2025

3/6/2025 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Expansion

The Moon is conjunct Jupiter today expanding your horizons and travel opportunities. The Moon is about how we sustain ourselves so Moon conjunct Jupiter often involves the provision of food. The Moon and Sun are square one another which creates tension for better or worse. On the one hand your equilibrium could be disturbed and on the other it’s an opportunity to break away from old patterns and find new ways of expressing yourself.

If you forget yourself, you become the universe.~Hakuin Ekakaku

Astrology for 3/5/2025

3/5/2025 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Communication Channels

Communications open up today with the Moon’s movement into Gemini. Short journeys, encounters with siblings and messages are also in the mix. Talking can achieve results with the Moon in Gemini as long as one’s position is considered and not shifting back and forth. The Sun is approaching Saturn turning the focus towards achievable goals at this time.

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.~Albus Dumbledore

The Moon is Void of Course between 5.53am and 7.29am. Avoid undertaking major projects. Instead focus on small and achievable goals with time for reflection.

Astrology for 3/4/2025

3/4/2025 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Flexibility

The Moon is conjunct Uranus today bringing a stronger element of emotional unpredictability and change to routines today. If you feel separated from others look within to make an inner connection. With Mars in Cancer you are more sensitized to early emotional wounds and tend to hold onto hurt and grievances: learn to let the past go. The north node conjunct Neptune continues to help illuminate a spiritual path forward.

Do what’s within your capabilities. Stay quiet in your corner! Just drop everything! That is the essence.~Patrul Rinpoche

Astrology for 3/3/2025

3/3/2025 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Healing ways

The Moon in Taurus is conjunct Hygeia, the asteroid associated with the daily routines of self-care, such as hydration, rest, hygiene etc. The sign of Taurus too is associated with caring for the body. Taurus adds a layer of desire to self-care routines that can sometimes slip into hedonism. Mercury is moving closer to Venus in Aries increasing social activities and spontaneity in relationships.

There is a kindness that dwells deep down in things; it presides everywhere, often in the places we least expect.~John O’Donohue

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