Astrology for 2/4/2025

2/4/2025 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Communication

Communications are more prominent today. Overall, you are more aware of the nuances of communication and are learning how you can communicate better. Moon in Taurus brings more routine into your daily schedule over the next two days. Mars is square Chiron bringing old wounds to the surface that are long overdue for healing. Venus has moved into Aries making you more direct in your interactions with others – with mixed results.

Any form of compassion must translate into action.~Karma Loday

Astrology for 2/3/2025

2/3/2025 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Self-initiation to assignation

With the Moon moving from the headstrong sign of Aries into Taurus there is a softening of your trajectory and blunting of forward motion so that you can self-care and ground yourself. In other words, rendezvous with the self can ensure you are ready to take the next steps in this waxing moon period. Fortunate alignments in key relationships help you move forward in your spiritual life, including working out how you can be of most benefit to sentient beings.

If your mind is relaxed and undistracted, you can stay anywhere.~HH Penor Norbu Rinpoche

The Moon is Void of Course from 5.19am until 10.33pm so it’s a good day for reflection, genuflection and working with the heart and your spiritual path. Avoid signing major contracts.

Astrology for 1/31/2025

1/31/2025 Friday by Jampal

Theme: Beauty and Transcendence

The conjunction of Venus and Neptune has great potential for selfless love. This will support prayer, meditation and compassionate activities for 5 more days. But it can also indicate disappointment in a close relationship. Are your ideals too high? This combination of planets is very good for creative endeavors as well. Generally this is a time of humanitarian action and spiritual pursuits of all kinds.

We have to develop the habit of putting some spaciousness into our minds in order to accomplish spaciousness at the time of our death. ~Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

Astrology for 1/30/2025

1/30/2025 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Enquiring mind

Mercury conjunct Pluto conjunct gives you investigative prowess and an ability to play detective into your own psychological machinations. Resulting insights help you avoid any tendencies to self-sabotage. Saturn is now trine Mars giving discipline to actions you take and steps to move forward. Plus it’s the New Moon, always a time to begin planning, start new projects and set intentions – and have more of a clear mind to do so.

It is in impatience that you waste the most energy! Calmness and patience strengthen vitality and prolong life … ~HH Dalai Lama

The Moon is Void of Course from 6.29am until 5.52pm. It’s a slower moving day and an opportunity for inner work and contemplation. Avoid signing contracts or starting major projects.

Astrology for 1/29/2025

1/29/2025 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Aquarian theme

Not only is the Sun in Aquarius but so is the Moon, Mercury and of course, now Pluto. It’s a day focused on society, community and definitions of freedom and rule breaking. Aquarius also brings innovation and friendships into the equation. Venus moves every closer to Neptune asking us to connect with heart-felt compassion. It’s a conjunction that reminds us we are not separate from one another.

A path is created by walking. It doesn’t just appear. You have to move.~Nigerian proverb

Astrology for 1/28/2025

1/28/2025 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Watching the Mind

It’s another good day to watch your mind as it’s more likely to be colored by your emotions today. It’s good to take reflective pauses before actions. The Sun is in beneficial aspect to Jupiter shining light rays of optimism and courage in difficult societal times. Similarly Venus and Mars are in harmonious connection enabling balancing of yin and yang energy within each of us.

Do not desire to fit in. Desire to oblige yourselves to lead.~Gwendolyn Brooks

The Moon is Void of Course from 10.48am to 2.31pm. Avoid signing contracts or undertaking major activities during this time. Look within for answers.

Astrology for 1/28/2025

1/27/2025 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Thinking wisely

As the Moon in Capricorn approaches Mercury conjunct Pluto you can put your mind to the test by dealing with challenging conundrums. Nothing is simple yet progress is made with effort: effort brings results. The Moon is also opposite Mars highlighting our sore points with others, but insights are made during these mirror-like times with others.

If we are at peace, friends, at ease with ourselves, it takes a lot to make us upset with other people; but if we are not at ease within ourselves, if we don’t really feel happy with ourselves, if we are very critical of ourselves, if we are tense within ourselves, then anything will spark our anger, and it will just flare up.~Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

Astrology for 1/26/2025

1/26/2025 Sunday by Jampal

Theme: Love and Discipline

On the one hand our emotions,and subconscious are cold and ambitious because the Moon is in Capricorn for a few days. On the other hand Venus is uniting with Neptune for the next week. This enhances our love and idealism. The Sun is also harmonizing with Jupiter which makes us lucky in our endeavors. The only danger is that we may idle our time away, just enjoying the good feelings, instead of making the most of positive opportunities.

To me compassion is not a feeling at all. It is not an emotion. It is logical. It is meaningful. ~Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo

The Moon is void of course today from 4:41 am until 8:44 am EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 1/23/2025

1/23/2025 Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Checking connections

There is more focus on your close partnerships today. Venus, the planet of relationships, is moving away from the confines and boundaries of Saturn towards the more idealized, romantic tendrils of Neptune. However, Venus conjunct Neptune is also productive for meditation and contemplation. It’s not a big decision-making today but it is a day to nurture and heal yourself and your relationships.

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.~Albert Einstein

The Moon is Void of Course from 7:03pm to 11:29 pm. Avoid major activities and signing contracts. Take time for contemplation and reflection

Astrology for 1/22/2025

1/22/2025 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Count to ten…

Mercury is opposite Mars for the next few days so you’re more likely to speak before thinking. To help with your reactivity count to ten if you are having a reaction to what someone said or did. The Moon is in Scorpio which bestows resilience; it also means emotions are more hidden so the underlying causes of peoples motivations are harder to discern. The Sun is edging away from Pluto and Venus from Saturn, loosening restrictions.

Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears.~Gillian Anderson

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