Astrology for 7/17/2024

7/17/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Examining the shadow

With Juno conjunct Lilith, the dark moon, it’s a good time to investigate the shadow self in relationships, and turn the light on the hidden recesses of your engagements with others. The Sun square Chiron invites past emotional wounds to be set free through self-honesty. With the Moon opposite Jupiter there is also a light shining on maternal relationships, and being open-hearted.

Shadow owes its birth to light.~John Gay

Astrology for 7/16/2024

7/16/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Tension and dissolution

The Moon in Scorpio is opposite the conjunction between Uranus and Mars today so this aspect another reminder to be mindful today, and if you’re provoked to ‘unprovoke’ your response. In other words press the pause button. Mars has moved past Uranus so the inherent tension in that aspect is waning. Venus is in Leo inviting us to access our inner dignity and afford the same to others.

Faith is like a lamp and wisdom makes the flame burn bright. Carry this lamp always and in good time the darkness will yield and you will abide in the Light.~Dhammavadaka

Astrology for 7/15/2024

7/15/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Water element

With the Sun and Moon in the water signs, Cancer and Scorpio respectively, opportunities lie in identifying your feelings so that you are not bound by them. Instead, by acknowledging the feelings you can connect more deeply with yourself and others. Today is the height of the Mars-Uranus connection sobe mindful in your activities, including driving, working with mechanical or technological items, and physical activity.

Things falling apart is a kind of testing and also a kind of healing….The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for frief, for relieve, for misery, for joy.~ Pema Chodron

Sunday 7/14/24 by Miranda

Theme:  U Turn

The prominent transit today is a T- square between Venus, Pluto and the Moon, bringing a great deal of emotional volatility. There is a potential for conflict with or about others. Manipulation may be rife, so keep silent counsel and use this transit to turn inward. Contemplate the change you would like to see for yourself that obstructs depth in your relationships.

“ Turning inward is very simple. It is only since you have been looking outward for too long that turning inward appears far away.”

Saturday 7/13/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Mars conjunct Uranus

“ No other transit is more conducive than this one to sudden upsets, rash behavior and surprising incidents.”
Robert Hand. ( Astrologer)
The build up to major transits are often felt days , sometimes weeks before cresting and conjuncting each other (7/16), at which point there is a release of energy and an outer or inner experience will occur. How this impacts us is dependent on whether we have natal planets at that exact degree. In this case 26 degrees Taurus.
If you have planets between 24-28 degrees in Taurus, Scorpio,Leo or Aquarius this could be a very challenging time. Challenges will assist us and sometimes, force us to change, particularly if we are resistant.
Uranus has the role of waking us up from our deep slumber and because it is an outer planet it affects us more on a universal level than personal.
If we are open to change, this could be an inspiring time, particularly if we follow the path of least resistance.

The Moon is Void of Course today from 6.49pm until 10.53am (7/14) EDT.
Do not make any big decisions during this time period

Friday 7/12/24 by Miranda

Theme:  Let it Be

The Moon moves into Libra today and brings a strong sense of fairness. All sides are being weighed and pondered in many situations on a national and world level.
This transit can affect you on a personal level too. With Moon opposite Neptune it’s easy to feel confused and misunderstand issues at hand. If possible delay making any firm decisions until after the weekend.
Libra is a very social sign so it’s not all doom and gloom. Enjoy harmonious relations with good friends and let the clouds of doubt dissipate of their own accord.

“ Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than hanging on.”
Eckhart Tolle

Astrology for 7/11/2024

Theme: Receiving support

It’s a harmonious period in which you can lean to receive more including support and love from others. You have more space for joy and expressing gratitude, and more drive. Having said all of that you will feel frustrated today in juggling responsibilities and duties, and pushing too hardcan backfire. There is an opportunity with Sun square Chiron to tackle past painful events through self-honesty.

…come together and help and support one another.~Gyatrul Rinpoche

The Moon is Void of Course today between EDT USA 9.55pm until 10:06pm. Avoid starting new projects, making new purchases, planning big events or signing contracts during this time. Take time for inner reflection and self-care.

Astrology for 7/10/2024

7/10/2024 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Approaches

As Mars approaches Uranus now is the time to work on stabilizing your mind at a time when the world around you may be in flux owing to the tension building between these two planets. Preparing the mind and finding ways to safely release tension, within helps resolve any impending crises. Venus in Cancer provides a cushion of compassion at this time.

Remain relaxed, without clinging or contrivance within mind’s nature, like space, free from any reference point And with the vigor of vivid, mindful awareness!~Kalu Rinpoche

Astrology for 7/9/2024

7/9/2024 Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Mutable moments

With the Moon moving into the earth sign of Virgo today the focus turns to attending to your daily routine and health. As an earth sign Virgo draws our attention towards practical matters and being in the natural world including caring for small animals. It’s a naturally flexible or mutable sign. With the Sun in the water sign of Cancer there is a natural fit with the Moon in Virgo, so more harmony is evident over the next few days.

I am so often struck by the dangerous narcissism fostered by spiritual rhetoric that pays so much attention to individual self-improvement and so little to the practice of love within the context of community~bell hooks

Astrology for 7/8/2024

7/8/2024 Monday by Wangmo

Theme: Contemplating home

With the Sun in Cancer now is the time to tend to your home environment and strengthen your ties to those you consider family. Nurturing these ties provides a web of support for you. Mercury is sextile with Jupiter, and conjuncts the Moon today in Leo bringing a light, expansive touch to connecting and communicating with others. It’s also a learning opportunity about communicating in ways that uphold the dignity of others.

…to have the dharma just strikes me as being so extraordinary. I mean, what an extraordinary privilege to know that you have within you a refuge that nobody can ever touch.~Helen Tworkov

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