Astrology for 3/24/2021

3/24/2021 Wednesday by Wangmo & Jampal

Theme: Spontaneity and initiation

With so many planets in fire signs it’s a time for being more spontaneous. The Sun in Aries favors starting new projects and having courage to make the first step. There is a healing of relationship to oneself, and therefore other relationships. You have more energy to deal with obstacles. Sudden constraints do pass. Shifting perspectives can shift outcomes. Time is not a line but a dimension, like the dimensions of space .~Margaret Atwood

The Animal Realm


The following is an excerpt from a series of teachings offered by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo on Phowa:

After the hell realms and the hungry ghost realms, then the next of the lower realms is the animal realm. Included within the animal realms are all the different kinds of animals, not just the cute little puppy dogs and the cute little kitties, and all the cute little guys that we love when they are tiny little babies. I have had students say to me, “Well, you talk about the animal realms being one of the lowest realms, but I wouldn’t mind being a cute little animal.” I’ve had people say that to me. And they’ll say, “Well, to be a cute little puppy dog would be great, because then people will pet you, and love you and feed you and call you their very own.” You have to examine what is the habit of your mind if you’re thinking like that! ‘I desperately want someone to feed me, pet me, and call me their very own.’ But I have, in truth, had people say to me that this is what they’d like. They’d like to be an animal. Let us think this through. Let’s examine the realm of the animal, if we may.

In the animal realm, there are all different kinds of animals, and the ones we are most familiar with in  America, of course, are the ones that are probably the most pleasant to look at, relatively speaking. We do have places that pick up the old and mangy and suffering animals, and so we don’t see them too much. They pick them up and carry them off to places where we don’t see, and they do things to them that we don’t know about—or at least we don’t want to. And so we wonder to ourselves, “Is it really nice to be an animal?” Because most of them do look fluffy and happy, and most of them are fed, and most of them are petted and loved.

In fact, in America, we have this distinct disadvantage on all accounts, and that is that we don’t get to see enough suffering. Suffering is removed from us, particularly suffering associated with death. On a human level, there is a taboo against being with our loved ones, touching them, loving them, at the time of death. What will generally happen is that even the people closest to you will be taken away before you actually get to see what death is like. And even during the time of your own death, unless you are particularly lucky, you and the people next to you will not get to experience death in any kind of natural way. You will only experience death with terrible, invasive practices. Terrible if they don’t work, because if they don’t work they have spoiled your death transition and they have still been ineffective in prolonging your life. There are always, of course, the cases in which—and we’ll talk about this later—life can be continued through invasive measures. So one has to think about these things.  We’ll give some guidelines for thinking about these things later on.

Where it concerns animals and other life forms, we just don’t get the depth of suffering in cyclic existence. So let’s think about animals different from and other than the ones that we generally see. Then we’ll talk about the ones that we generally see. A good example of that is something that I experienced when I went to India and Nepal. I spent some time there receiving teachings.  It was quite a remarkable situation, because I had never seen animals in the way that I saw animals when I went to India and Nepal. I had never seen this. I remember one of the first things that I saw after I recovered, or tried to, from the suffering I saw human beings in, was to see the suffering of animals. In an Indian society, and also in a Nepali society, any less advanced society, there’s a much stronger relationship between humans and animals. In fact, animals are depended on for their strength, for their meat, for their hide, for their flesh. And particularly, they are depended on, not only in their death, , but during the course of their lives to help human beings.

There are many animals that have no choice but to sacrifice their entire lives in order to help others. They are literally beasts of burden. For the first time in India, I saw a bullock pulling a cart, and I saw that the bullock customarily is painted. The Indian people are very childlike in certain ways, and they like to decorate. They like to paint things up They like to make things more fun and to make their existence less poverty-oriented and less bleak, and so they decorate their animals. I saw that the horns were painted; and on the horns were these little tassels, and every time the animal would shake their head the tassels would spin around. And they had interesting things draped on them, and their hides were fashioned with bells and had lots of heavy things on them in order to make noise and adorn the animals.  The only purpose of it was adornment. . The animals themselves were not only painted and adorned in this unnatural way—that I’m sure if they could speak they would not be thrilled about—but also they were encased with a great harness that fit onto them and in some cases would fit into their mouths and actually pull their flesh back to where you could see pus and fluid and blood coming out from the sides of their mouths.

Oftentimes you would see one bullock, or perhaps two, pulling a cart, that, for one thing, was so old and broken down that you could see that there was no ease in pulling it. Even if the cart were empty it would be very difficult to pull, because it was an old broken down thing, and the wheels didn’t  work very well—that sort of thing.

Even more than that, you could see that the carts, the things that they were pulling, had to have weighed more than the animals. Had to have been a heavier burden than the animals could easily carry. You could see the sweat on the animals, and the foam of their sweat, and the pulling and the straining; and the owners behind them whipping them, constantly whipping them to pull more, pull more. They’re not pulling down superhighways either; they’re pulling up hills and through marshes. This is the life of these kinds of animals. Do you think that there are only one or two bullocks in the world that help people to get through their lives? There are uncountable animals that get us through our lives at the cost of their happiness, safety, and freedom. And this is the lot of the animal kingdom.

Furthermore, we think about oysters. Oysters are farmed and grown for their flesh. Obviously they have the instinct to protect themselves, so we must logically assume that they have the fear of being unprotected in some form or another. These oysters have developed around themselves a very hard shell with which to protect their tender hearts, their tender middles. And yet human beings, without qualm, pull them out of the water which is their natural element, cut and rip open their safe shells, pull their soft flesh out and eat it while it is just newly dead. These animals, even if they could practice Phowa, would never have that choice. They would never have that chance; there would be no time. That is characteristic of the lower realms. There’s no space, no time, no opportunity to practice, due to the condition of the mind. Furthermore, these little oysters are sometimes farmed only for their pearls. Their bodies are opened, and grains of sand are shot into them. It makes them so uncomfortable that they have to form a pearly covering around the sand in order to make it bearable. And this is the lot of the animal kingdom. So you can see that you do not, in fact, wish to be reborn an animal. Do you?

Further, we think about frogs. We think about frogs and their delicious legs. How wonderful! The old frog on the lily pad, hanging out; ribbit, ribbit. And then you think about what happens to frogs. They are taken, live, often speared live, and whether they are living or not, they are thrown into a container. They are picked up, put on a deck, live or not. Bam, bam, the legs are cut off. This is the condition of the animal kingdom. And it is like that with all of the different kinds of animals—even the cute little puppy dogs and the cute little kitty cats, and the wonderful little songbirds and parakeets, and all of the little critters that we keep with pretty collars around their necks and pretty little beds and pretty little clean cat boxes. We pride ourselves on taking care of them in pretty little cages, and we buy them pretty little toys, and we think, “How wonderful for them, that they’re going to live the life of ease and comfort here in the world.” But, in fact, even if somehow we could manage to make them happy from the very time of their birth to the very time of their death, could we give them freedom from fear? That is the main suffering of the animal kingdom—the fear of being taken over by those beings who are superior in the way that they are able to take over the lives of these lesser beings. Lesser in the sense of their competency and intelligence at this point, not lesser in the sense of their nature. So these beings live in fear.

Let’s say we can protect them from their fear. We can keep them fed; they can stay warm, they can come in and out as they please. We can make sure nothing ever happens to them. We give them plenty of love; they are our friends. We take them to the veterinarian, make sure they have all of their problems taken care of, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But. you cannot prevent that they will get sick, because all sentient beings experience sickness at some point. You cannot prevent, unless they die young, which is another kind of suffering, you cannot prevent that they will experience old age, because all sentient beings grow toward oldness. It is characteristic of our delusion— the delusion that we experience ourselves  as individual realities going through a continuum that we’ve labeled ‘time’.

We will experience old age. It is the nature of samsara. And these little creatures will also. Have you seen that you’ve tried to make them happy and keep them comfortable, and have watched them grow old, decrepit, and sick anyway? And the poor things can’t even tell you what hurts. You can only deduce by the way they’re acting what hurts. They don’t know how to tell you; they don’t know how to act in a way to help you perceive.  All we have is a shot in the dark of making them happy for a period of time. And then those little animals will eventually die. Now here’s the rub: Even if you were able to keep them happy from the time of their birth to the time of their death, you cannot follow them into the after-death state. You cannot experience with them their particular passing into death, their bardo, their movement into a new life. And so, even if they were temporarily happy for a short period of time—and that’s true of human beings as well—they still will experience all of the sufferings that samsaric beings suffer. And so, they too must be prepared for the bardo, or death, experience.

The problem with animals is that they are so instinctual. They are so tightly wrapped in what is a kind of a reactive mode. You would have to say a ‘knee jerk reactive mode.’ Their experience is not the kind of mental deliberation or consideration or even logic that we have, where we can see phenomena, and even with our deluded minds, can sometimes step back from that and say, “Okay, let’s think about what this means.” You see, an animal can’t do that. An animal is going to be deeply and profoundly reactive every time, and they will react only instinctively. So the animal has literally no space in their minds. Everything they feel they react to unthinkingly.  That’s why we say animals are dumb. It isn’t because they’re less than us; it is because they’re unthinking. They react only instinctively, which is a kind of core, gross, inconceivably heavy form of emotion, in that emotion comes from instinctual reaction, and is the outgrowth of that. So instinctive reaction is even heavier, even more demanding. You know how you can’t help reacting emotionally. Instinctive reaction is much heavier than that. You can’t even think about hoping to react any other way. It is an automatic and profound knee jerk reaction. So the animals literally cannot practice Dharma.

Now we spoke about the bug crawling on the arm of the Buddha earlier, and what that actually means. You would think, “Ah, I’d give anything to be that bug, love to be that bug crawling on the arm of the Buddha, because then salvation is right there.” And I have to say to you, “Yeah, right there. Right there. Not within, where it has to be.” Because that is where it has to be. One must recognize one’s own Buddha nature. To be crawling on the arm of the Buddha is useless. That bug will still age, that bug will still die. That bug has no room or fortune or leisure of mind or spaciousness within the mind, or capacity to practice Dharma, to learn Dharma, to accomplish Dharma, even if they are within the very mouth of the Buddha, because realization is accomplished by awakening to one’s own primordial wisdom nature. The apparent reality of a bug, wherever they are, is the apparent reality of a bug.

Likewise, even our own animals, our own pets. They are happy; and many of us have taken them around the stupa so they can receive the blessing of having gone around the stupa, and that is some help. I thank you for that. Many of you have said Om Mani Padme Hung to the animals, knowing that once any sentient being has heard Om Mani Padme Hung it is absolutely only a matter of time before they enter onto the Path and begin to practice Dharma. So many of you have given your animals that great blessing. But still, even though you have done that, we still are not able to liberate these animals, because these animals cannot liberate themselves. They cannot practice Dharma.

Now, the only exception to that rule, of course, is in the case of a lama—that is, not an ordinary practitioner, but a lama—who has themselves not only practiced Phowa and received the signs, but also crossed the ocean of suffering and returned for the sake of sentient beings. That is to say they have accomplished liberation. In some cases a lama, through the force of their own meditation, can take part in the liberation of an animal, even though the animal itself cannot practice. However, you must understand, the only way that would be possible is if, even though that animal were appearing as an animal, it had previous experience with practice, and it has the karma for this event to occur. That’s the only way it can happen. It depends on the force of the individual’s karma. Literally, if your karma were not like that, if you did not have the kind of karma necessary, all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas could be around you on your deathbed and push—or pull, or whatever—and the result would not be perfect. It is because that door opens from the inside, you see, and only you can open it. In the same way that no one can take your Buddha nature from you, neither can anyone force it down your throat.

So, in the case of the animals, they themselves are actually helpless. They suffer from being beasts of burden, from our taking their bodies for food; they are harvested like objects, and they have no hope to accomplish Dharma. And this is the suffering of the animal realm.

 Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo All rights reserved

Kindness is the Way

The following is an excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo offered at Palyul Ling Retreat 2012:

His Holiness Penor Rinpoche was one of the most stubborn lamas in the beginning. He did not want to teach Dzogchen yet, because he didn’t want to throw Dharma on the floor. Instead he wanted everybody to learn the great bodhicitta, and he made you understand that there is no power anywhere stronger than the bodhicitta.

When Tibetan kids are young, their moms or their Amas, their nannies, or whoever takes care of them, teaches them about kindness. It’s customary. It’s what happens. That doesn’t happen here in America. It’s so fortunate that Tibetan Amas and mommies teach their children that way from birth.

I think in some ways we should think of our own mothers who have taught us like that to be like a root guru to us. The first one that taught you to be kind, that’s a root guru. The first one that taught you to love, that’s a root guru. The first one that taught you that bodhicitta is the most important power in the universe, that’s a root guru. His Holiness taught me that, and he is my root guru.

I wish the fashion would turn around, and that there would be more teachings given out constantly about bodhicitta. I wish we would not set it aside. I wish Tibetan lamas would not listen to us, because we are so prideful and so willing to think that we know what’s best. His Holiness was one of the last ones that gave in and began to teach some Dzogchen. I think he felt the way I do—that bodhicitta is the most important thing. Once when he saw the dogs and the parrots that we were saving, he said, “That’s Dharma. That’s Dharma.” That’s what His Holiness said, and I believe it. I know it to be true. Kindness is the way.

. . . Sometimes we can be so prideful. We think that having practiced so well it is not necessary for us to be kind. We can concentrate on the academic part, the intellectual part, and then we will have it all down perfectly. But that is not really the truth.  Academics is part of the teaching. Meditation is part of the teaching. Taking vows, that’s part of it. Please don’t forget, most important is the great bodhicitta. It is the very display of all that is light and pure. It is the very display of goodness. We like to forget it and let it go, but please don’t. I beg of you. Don’t do that.

Your mind will stay fresh and sweet if you are always concerned for sentient beings. And we must always be concerned for sentient beings because they don’t know how to take care of themselves. They don’t know how to do what is necessary to accomplish any Dharma or anything really meaningful in their lives. Many people get a scholarship and they go to college and then that’s it. They’ve done it. But it’s not true. It is most important to develop kindness. It is most important to be kind.

For those of you who are unforgiving in your demeanor and not so kind, you don’t give Buddhism a good image. That should be what it is all about to you. I will assume that probably isn’t pleasant to hear, but it is what I believe and what I know. If you did nothing else but take the bodhisattva vow and spend the rest of your life praying and benefitting sentient beings, you will have accomplished a lot. When you go back home, whether it is New York City or Kalamazoo or wherever it is, bring this little bit of information with you.

. Look around. Stop closing your eyes. Are you going out to dinner this evening?  Then notice the person sitting on the street with nothing to eat. Maybe bring them what’s left or give them some money for some food. If you are going to the movies, think about it twice. Go to the movie but then take the same amount of money and give it to someone who really needs it. I believe in that. It is called paying it forward. And it is the best display that you can possibly give people about what the Dharma is. If you display your activity like that, they will understand. They will understand what Dharma is. But if we are self-important, prideful and in love with ourselves, we will never see the beauty of Dharma. Never. We must see this. We must understand that Dharma is not different from loving-kindness, and it is not different from our nature.

Copyright © Jetsunma Ahkon Norbu Lhamo All rights reserved


KPC Hosts 1st Annual “Pet Day!”

Pet Day 3

A Great Time Was Had By All Creatures Great And Small

This past Saturday, October 26 was KPC’s first Love Your Pet Day, a family-friendly pet fair. Designed as a fundraiser for KPC’s ongoing renovation project, it was a resounding success, raising over $1100 to benefit the project.

Pet Day 2

The weather was beautiful – a crisp and clear fall day that was perfect for enjoying our 65 acres. Activities included pet blessings, guided tours of KPC’s Peace Park, bake sales for both humans and pets, face painting for kids and reiki and acupuncture for pets. We even had a dress-up your pet photo booth. The event was entirely outside because the number of animals visiting would have been difficult to manage in our newly renovated prayer room, open since September.

Pet Day 1

Special thanks go to Mama Lucia’s Restaurant and Nick’s Pizza & Subs for providing our lunch, Bark! Pet Store and Elizabeth Elgin for providing raffle prizes, Drs. Pema Mallu and Kitty Raichura, of Holistic Veterinary Healing, for offering pet acupuncture, Robin Gough who gave reiki and massage for pets and our partners in animal welfare, Lizzy’s Lodge Pet Rescue and MCPAW (Montgomery County Partnership for Animal Well-being).

We look forward to seeing everyone next year at the 2nd Annual Love Your Pet Day!

A Dog Story

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

Haven’t been on today, I had to concentrate on my Grandoggie. She has been lonely for friends (she has a good mom) and we’ll do day care. It’s important to introduce new friends correctly. They are all the same size and non-aggressive. I had her with me and the elders earlier, and with the youngers  with me later.

Jada and Kito, two of the “elders”

She (Macy) is Shi Tsu, six years old.


Works with the elders as Pekes live longer. Macy is a good girl and wants to play with the youngers. Alas, they cannot show her “the way” and the elders will. Kindly. They are a successful pack.

Zeus and Lika, two of the “youngers”

Dolly, who knows she is a peach, cried. She has been working the ladder through sweetness and light. And now a new bitch shows up. Stinks.


  No worries, though Mom, Lelah , and Jada are watching out.





The Joy of Generosity

The following was a spontaneous comment by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo upon hearing that the birds at Garuda Aviary have come to love her “bird stew.” She refers to some birds who came from a terrible situation and have healed under the care of the aviary’s caretaker Rigdzin Zeoli to the point where they not only enjoy freshly prepared food, but now enjoy the freedom of the aviary’s outdoor flight cage.

Some people think “love” is most important – “I’ll just cuddle you and love you.” But when I was little I was hungry, and I know what it’s like for a growing body to be hungry, and it’s agony. Your body is screaming for something, and you don’t know what it is.

Just imagine these little birds, watching their flock die all around them. How horrible it must have been to know that they’re dying, they’re all dying, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. How hot it was in there! No clean water.

How they’re healing so well makes you understand how deeply Rigdzin understands birds. He’s never lifted his eyes to them, never scared them, never done a quick motion around them. He knows what he’s doing with the birds. He really is an expert.

Jetsunma prepares fresh “stew” for the birds at least once a week, and aspires to offering it to them twice a week. She said this is the kind of thing that really matters to her…

If you would like to help support the birds of the Garuda Aviary please click here.


The Power of Prayer: A Modern Miracle

The following post was submitted by Ani Pema Mallu, a veterinarian and student of Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

About one week ago Kennedy was scooting on her rear so I checked her anal glands to see if they were full. I found a hard nodule mass at the left anal gland opening inside the rectum. I advised Jetsunma this would need excision and biopsy and could be a malignant tumor.

I had my associate, Dr. Kitty Raichura examine Kennedy for possible surgery. Dr. Raichura performed a rectal exam and confirmed the presence of a single rectal nodule near the left anal gland opening. She said this was beyond her expertise to perform the surgery and would need referral.

Yesterday, Dr. Peter Eeg anesthetized Kennedy in preparation for the surgery but when he did the rectal exam preop he found now three masses in a line near the left anal gland opening inside the rectum. He said this was beyond his level of surgical expertise and we need to wake her up and send her to a specialist for surgical excision.

I informed Jetsunma these masses may be malignant since they have spread from one to three so fast. I scheduled an appointment with Dr. David Salor, the chief of surgery at VCA Veterinary Referral Associates for the next day.

Jetsunma prayed for Kennedy throughout the night before surgery.

Kennedy went to VCA/VRA at 10 AM and Dr. Saylor anesthetized her in the afternoon for surgery. When he examined her rectally he at first didn’t find the what were obvious three masses and called Dr Eeg to confer with what he had observed. Further exam revealed three small nodules at the left anal gland opening but they were no longer mass like. Dr. Saylor filled the anal gland with a viscous antibiotic liquid and flushed the inner material out and one very hard concretion popped out and the nodule at the opening was gone the other two were still there. He flushed some more and two more hard concretions popped out and the other two nodules disappeared. No surgery was necessary. Kennedy was taken off anesthesia, recovered sent home.

This is truly a miracle story where Jetsunma’s prayers dissolved three possibly malignant tumors into three concretions overnight.

The Story of Tibet: Compassion in Action

The following is a story contributed by Ani Kunzang Drolma, former director of Tara’s Babies Animal Rescue and student of Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

A dog called Tibet 

One of the 130 or so animals rescued by Tara’s Babies Animal Welfare following Hurricane Katrina was a mature, majestic cuddly-looking dog; with a white, long fluffy coat, and big chocolate eyes, much like a golden retriever, he seemed the sort of dog you wanted to cuddle up with on the couch How deceptive appearances can be.
Not long after arrival, while the all-volunteer staff was still working out routines and getting to know each dog, Tibet attacked a woman as she went to remove his food bowl. Until that moment he had seemed friendly, and of course his looks had fooled us, so this attack was totally unexpected. But it was vicious, and the wounds needed medical treatment.
Naturally, we wanted to ensure that no-one else was injured, so Tibet was moved to an area slightly apart from the other dogs, in a large yard on his own. Only trained volunteers were allowed to work with him. Unfortunately, a new volunteer ignored this, being charmed by his wagging tail and sweet looks, and tried to walk him on her own. Again he attacked, and the volunteer spent several days in hospital.
The challenge with Tibet was the unpredictable and sudden change in his behavior. He could for the most part be walked and cared for with no problems; he was happy, and wagged his tail and could be petted – yet the uncertainty always remained as to what may trigger another vicious attack. In addition, the local County has a ‘three strikes and you’re out’ law, meaning that if Tibet bit another person he would be euthanized. No-one at Tara’s Babies wanted that to happen.

As with many of the Katrina rescues, Tibet had never been neutered. The decision was made to perform that surgery and also remove his canine teeth. One of the cabin rooms was transformed into a surgery so that Dr Pema Mallu, Tara’s Babies excellent vet, could operate. Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo, whose compassionate response to the suffering of animals following Katrina led to the foundation of Tara’s Babies, was on retreat at Dakini Valley at this time. As with every single animal we rescued, Jetsunma was personally concerned about Tibet’s welfare and the suffering he had been through. Jetsunma wishes every dog to know they are loved and safe, and so she wanted to be with Tibet at this time. She was present in the room as the surgery occurred, saying prayers for him.
We had created a post-op recovery space by setting up an old donated camper trailer with a small yard for him. While still sedated, Tibet was carried out and placed on a comfortable bed in his new trailer home. Jetsunma asked to remain alone with Tibet, to be there with him as he awoke.. I was privileged to sit outside, close enough to be able to help if something went wrong. Hearing Jetsunma gently repeat the Tara mantra, “Om Tare Tutare Ture SoHa” over and over again was a blessing not only for Tibet, but for all of us privileged to be part of this process of transformation. As he came to, Jetsunma continued to softly and tenderly speak to him, encouraging him, offering him love. She gently fed him by hand with bits of her own sandwich, and lightly dribbled water in his mouth, which he then drank thirstily. As is always the case, Jetsunma was willing to do whatever she could to help Tibet learn a new way of being in the world.

Jetsunma was alone with Tibet in that small, old trailer for several hours, introducing him to his new life, where people offer love deeply from the heart, and there is no reason for fear or aggression. Following this miracle of love, Jetsunma requested that only a few people, with calm stable energy, work with him. She suggested that I be one of those people. I was admittedly very nervous the first time I took Tibet out post-op. At that time I was scared of being bitten, something that over the years at Tara’s Babies diminished as I better understood the nature of fear in myself and others, and how best to respond to dogs. But on that first walk, what kept me going, was the knowledge that Jetsunma had worked with Tibet in ways I did not understand, and that if she had confidence that I could do this, I too should have that confidence to follow in her footsteps.

Tibet did indeed change, although from then on only a couple of us worked with him and we were always mindful of his past. A few years later, when he passed away peacefully in his igloo one night, from congestive heart failure, having come to us with severe heart worm and an already damaged body, our tears were genuine. We loved Tibet deeply, for he was a dog who deserved love and affection, like every being, despite his instability and fear. His absence brought much sorrow to us all; he had been a vibrant fixture in our lives, and a great teacher of being mindful. Tibet taught us many things – about appearances and assumptions, about our own and others’ fears, but mostly, through Jetsnma’s blessings, never to give up on anyone, for the potential to change, the seed of compassion and love, is within us all.

Ani Kunzang Drolma
Former Director TBAW
7 May 2012

Protector Bear

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo:

When our protector Bear showed up to eat off the Stupas about four years ago he was secretive. Until I went to New York with His Holiness Penor Rinpoche and then we saw him in spring and fall. We can see his tracks, but no one sees him but Palyul folk.

He is big. Likes whatever is on the Stupas best. He has never hurt anyone in New York or here. Yes, he goes there too.

He likes fatty stuff and fruit and Mongolian candy. If His Holiness Penor Rinpoche knows him and I do too, he is a protector/totem. So I make offerings for the blessing. He circumambulates my yard, And I feel honored. Bear medicine/blessing is very powerful.

Gratitude from Palyul. Please offer peanut butter and honey, fruits and veggies.

© copyright Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo all rights reserved


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