From a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo (@jalpalyul), December 23, 2010
Tonight I am asking for prayers for my little Boston Terrier “Truman Bean” who had to go for emergency surgery tonight. He had a bubble on his eye which was being treated with various medicines. This afternoon the bubble opened into a horrible ulcer. Don’t know if he’ll keep his eye or not. He was in terrible pain, is in VA hospital now with eye surgeon. My sweet Baby! Please pray for him. Man, this is getting brutal! Another surgery, this will probably cost $6,000.00 that I don’t currently have. Here we go again, my little feller Truman Bean in great pain, facing surgery tonight. I have to sell something, or raise money. At least the hospital took him, and is kind.
Please pray for my Boston Terrier, serious eye surgery, pain, I rely on your prayers. He is such a love. I had thought to talk about Guru Yoga tonight. Hard to do when my Bean is having surgery. I pray he will keep his eye, and that he is free of pain. When I am in pain I call to the Guru for relief. Animals cannot do that. We must do the Prayers for them. They do not have that great capacity, although they have, frequently, excellent qualities. I wish it were true of all of us.
If a puppy is loved and trained from birth it will be loyal and loving. Even if rescued, they can change and transform for the better. It is actually harder for humans. We have so much pride and conceptual proliferation we find it difficult to change. Dogs live in the moment. No pride, no resistance to change. The dog looks to us, without fear, for guidance. If we break that commitment the dog and the human both lose. We must be a rock of support for our animals. They cannot understand many things and rely on us to guide them through a human world. We domesticated the dog. Now we owe them our support and loving kindness. Dogs can no longer care for themselves, have lost their doggie skills. Whenever I go out I try to bring something home they will recognize as a “kill” so that they can understand where the “alpha” has been. Dog packs have the “chip” to understand that the alpha must hunt for the pack. This way they can feel the alpha caring for her pack. Sometimes it is Dingo bones, or other yummies. But once they settle down to enjoy, the event is over. Alpha Mama is home and all is well. OM MANI PEDME HUNG!
May I speak about Guru Yoga now? Here in the west devotion is completely misunderstood. Buddhists feel they can be Buddhas the moment they decide to – like changing shoes. In Vajrayana the fastest most complete and most efficient method is Guru Yoga. Not intellectual prowess. You cannot think, plan or proclaim Enlightenment and make it real. We rely on the realization of our Gurus because they have crossed the ocean of cyclic existence many times before and are appropriate guides. The Guru is considered the door to Liberation, as if the house was afire and the Guru was the only door. This is why the Tulku system is necessary in Vajrayana. If we follow a fake Guru with poor qualities and little realization there can only be poor result. The seed becomes the tree and bears fruit. What is the fruit of an ordinary mind? Just ordinary, not leading us out of Samsara, but deeply entangled in it. A realized Vajra Master is them self free of the gross attachments, and faults we all need help with. Left to our own human resources it is hopeless. Big egos become king babies. Lotsa blow, no show, no glow, nothing to rely on.
Often when we fail at Guru Yoga, devotion, we think we are finished with the path. We start to teach one another, like a fourth grade child teaching a third grade child. No particular benefit. They are both grade school children, maybe more interested in collecting chewing gum under their seats, or pulling little girl’s pony tails. A mature, grounded, selfless, compassionate Guru is needed so we don’t spend our short lives acting out like bad children going every which way- acting, re-acting and most importantly, never learning how to die!
In Buddhism we gather virtue and merit for this and all future lives. The hope is to die and be reborn consciously and flawlessly. This is our way! To live and pass without fear, whining, and in such a way as to be reborn intentionally for the sake of benefiting beings! This is the benefit and great wondrous beauty of our path. May all sincerely enter to completion! Learn to see your own capacity in the face of the Guru! Not the personality, or clothing, or appearance or activity of the Guru, but the awakening, the true face which is the fundamental ground of being. The true Guru, then, is one’s own inseparable nature understood deeply and profoundly, not just intellectually and with many words and pointless concepts. Do not follow what is incapable. Follow what is perfectly endowed and fly!
© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo