The following are tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo from December 7, 2009 on the importance of lineage
The dumbest thing you can do is build the ego by claiming spiritual capacity about oneself. Better others to say from experience.
The Buddha taught that to claim enlightenment without attaining it is a heinous fault. A lie to others + oneself, harmful.
I have never claimed for myself anything other than what my Tsawei Lama and our Lineage has said. What would be the benefit?
Be extremely careful with a “teacher” who recognizes themselves without the benefit of Guru and Lineage. They may be harmful to you.
Most important to know- who is their Guru! What is their lineage? Where is their Sangha? Where is their accomplishment of benefit?
And certainly one should examine their qualities. Are they truly compassionate, care for others? How? Do they have wisdom? Or just B.S.?
When we think we have found a suitable Lama/Guru we should take time to examine them, their activities. Check- today we have Google!
When walking the path to Liberation the last thing we need is a snake-oil salesman. And they are out there. I know of some.
You have to be a major CREEP to seduce innocent spiritual seekers when you have nothing true to offer. A con artist!
If the need to be a Guru is so strong that one is compelled to invent one’s status then one is Not a Guru, but is an egomaniac.
If you meet such a one as that RUN for your #spiritual life! Fast! Never put your #PATH in the hands of a charlatan!
There are many pure Lamas who willingly show their credentials and teach from a purely preserved line of accomplished Masters, or Lineage.
It is through that unbroken line of accomplished Masters that the essential mind ripening blessings are passed. Not from ego.
So be careful out there! In today’s spiritual supermarket they are selling a LOT of BALONEY! Google, search, watch, be sure.
You can find out more about Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo on the About Us page, and also on Tara.org. A Garland of Immortal Wish-Fulfilling Trees: The Palyul Tradition of Nyingmapa provides a more complete discussion of the Palyul lineage and the lives of the extraordinary Palyul lineage holders.