Astrology for 6/18/2023

Sunday 6/18/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Discerning Veils

Sun square Neptune could on a mundane level, challenge our view of reality. We get caught up in fake news, or deception of some kind that shakes our self confidence to the point we feel depressed or disappointed. On the other hand this transit can stimulate our idealism and compassion through seeing others suffering and bring forth a strong wish to alleviate that. Pay attention when driving or handling sharp implements as Mars square Uranus can mean accidents. Keep your mind calm.

Compassion and kindness aren’t something that we have to learn from someone else. Kindness is the intrinsic nature.

~Khandro Rinpoche

The Moon is Void of Course today from 2.24 until 6.58am EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 6/17/2023

Saturday 6/17/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Moon Bathing

Today is the Full Moon, with Sun and Moon in Gemini. Our solar, creative energy shines light on our emotions and we have the need to verbalize feelings to experience connection with others. The potential is there to heighten our security or insecurity and with Neptune involved we may even become confused about our identity. There is an underlying urge to transcend material reality through a spiritual path. The challenge with Gemini is not to scatter in too many directions at once and feel depleted by the end of the day.

In solitude the mind and body are not troubled by distraction. Therefore leave this worldly life and totally abandon mental wandering.

~ Shantideva

Astrology for 6/16/2023

Friday 6/16/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Applied Effort

With Mercury and Moon exact in Gemini, our rational intellect and subjective emotions can blend or clash depending on the moment. Saturn challenges both planets, exerting disciplined effort and restraining emotional expression. These transits are very helpful for application and concentration with meditation. With persistence the mind can become stabilized.

For one who clings, motion exists; but for one who clings not, there is no motion. Where no motion is, there is stillness.
~ Buddha

Astrology for 6/11/2023

Sunday 6/11/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Moving Forward

The Moon moves into Aries quickening our energy after its couple of days in dreamy Pisces. We begin to focus on action of ideas that have been brewing for awhile. Moon is conjunct Neptune so it may take another full day to clarify details if you’re trying to organize a project. Don’t be too hasty or impatient to see things finalized just yet. By the time the Moon aligns with Jupiter in Taurus midweek, everything should manifest favorably.

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.
~Robert Louis Stevenson

Astrology for 6/10/2023

Saturday 6/10/2023

Theme: Artificial Intelligence

Pluto is in its last days of Aquarius before it retrogrades to revisit Capricorn on June 12th until January 22nd. We’ve had a good taste of what the future holds, as the airwaves have been swamped with discussions about AI, the integrity and morality of the use of AI. The big question too is the Power of AI, even power over the Masterminds of AI. Pluto is all about power and with the return to Capricorn the next 7 months we will revisit the fight for democracy and trying to stop the rise of autocracy. And we now have the potential for technology to become the dictator …..

The only thing that is meaningful is to make this life a vehicle by which you can come to benefit beings.
~Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Astrology for 6/9/2023

Friday 6/9/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Sweet Surrender

If we can surrender to the dissolving of our ego, with Saturn and Moon in Pisces and give of ourselves through the universal rather than personal level, we can overcome feelings of isolation, loneliness and disappointment. Saturn then becomes our spiritual teacher and brings stability and steadfastness, and the dawning of devotion.

If we studied Bodhicitta, or the mind of compassion, every single day for the rest of our lives, we couldn’t even scratch its surface because it is so profound.

~Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

The Moon is Void of Course today from 12.24am until 6.14am EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period.

Astrology for 6/4/2023

Sunday 6/4/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Transcendent Love

Venus, Pluto and Neptune are all in aspect with each other and giving us the opportunity to look deeply into love on a transformative level. Profound change is possible during this time to open us up to living a compassionate life, caring for others as we would cherish ourselves and our loved ones. Not everyone will experience it on a universal level, but even with personal relationships you will wish to go to a deeper level and may end a relationship because it cannot meet the inner yearning you experience at this time.

Realizing all sentient beings are suffering, you have to be willing to examine phenomena and to examine yourself in a deep way, in a way that you don’t normally do.
~ Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

The Moon is Void of Course today from 11.24pm until 3.31am EST. Do not make any big decisions during this time period .

Astrology for 6/3/2023

Saturday 6/3/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Dichotomy or Not?

A full Moon rises bringing tension between inner needs and self expression. Sun in Gemini accentuates one’s lighter, mercurial side. Like a butterfly we are attracted to many topics, dancing here then there, never fully satiated.
Moon in Sagittarius moves us to explore deeply, questioning and searching for meaning in life. Both Sun and Moon are challenged by Saturn in Pisces, who seeks to establish and preserve self through transcending personal limitations and uniting with a greater ideal or group that reflects those ideals.

When we want to understand something we cannot just stand outside and observe it. We have to enter deeply into it and be one with it in order to really understand.
~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Astrology for 6/2/2023

Friday 6/2/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: The Good Heart

A Water Grand Trine between Moon, Venus and Neptune brings out our love not only on a personal level, but a universal level. Great compassion and empathy for all sentient beings plus a yearning for a state of ideal love pervades the day. The potential to surrender and refine one’s ability to love others open heartedly is available to us and so the day is infused with tranquility.

This state of mind so precious and so rare arises truly wonderous, never seen before.
~ Shantideva

Astrology for 5/28/2023

Sunday 5/28/2023 by Miranda and Wangmo 

Theme: Joie De Vivre

The Moon is predominant today and the majority of the aspects are very pleasant bringing you close with family, friends and loved ones. It’s a time of joy, harmony and gathering, with good healthy vitality. Emotional excitement may be part of your day also bringing unexpected but generally good surprises. Expect news from past connections. The main challenge is Neptune/ Moon bringing strange moods and feeling emotionally sensitive. There is the potential for some confusion and misunderstandings but just so long as you don’t overindulge you should be able to get through any rocky moments.

Life has been some combination of fairy-tale coincidence and joie de vivre and shocks of beauty together with some hurtful self-questioning.

~ Sylvia Plath

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