Astrology for 1/4/2016

1/4/2016 Monday by Norma

Private matters, secrets, are discussed today. Don’t be bothered if you are not invited to a meeting. Remember the things you don’t want publicized and you’ll be sensitive to others’ feelings. A transformation is happening. Gabriel Garcia Marquez said, “Human beings are not born once and for all on the day of their birth, but life obliges them over and over to give birth to themselves.” Prepare to be reborn in some way. Of course this involves letting go of an old way of being. Go for it! The best energy of the day involves clear thinking about yourself, what you want to happen and what you’re will to do to achieve this. Health matters improve, conversation is fun and someone has your back!

The daily astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see
where this message touches your life!

Astrology for 1/3/2016

1/3/2016 Sunday by Norma

Spend special time with your partner and listen carefully to concerns. Reassurance is necessary along with declarations of support. Be decisive with someone who is indecisive. During the day the energy changes and you know exactly what you’re doing. When this moment arrives, get busy! Avoid reviewing a decision once it’s made, you’ll undercut yourself. Happiness lies in small things today. Wolfgang von Goethe said, “One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.”

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see where this message impacts your life!

Astrology for 1/2/2016

1/2/2016 Saturday by Norma

Unexpected events occur early in the day and the best place to be is safe and sound at home. Leaders make surprising statements that raise more questions than they answer. Vet your comments carefully if you’re in charge to avoid an embarrassing foot-in-mouth-moment. A Dutch proverb says, “He who has a head of butter must not come near the oven.” If you’re the butterhead, stop talking and someone else will translate and clear up the confusion. Intelligence and clarity are the gifts of this day. Use your rational mind to work through issues that arise. What’s good? Health, friends, partnership and a problem that is ending.

The astrology post affects each person differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see which area of your life is affected by this message!

Astrology for 1/1/2016

1/1/2016 Friday by Norma

This is an excellent day for partnership and the expression of unity with others. Affirm your devotion to those who are important to you. Messages, phone calls, texts, etc, make the point. “Just want to let you know that you light up my life!” is in order, or use your own words. John Ruskin said, “The greatest thing a human being ever does is to see something and tell what he sees in a plain way.” It’s better to stay indoors as things are a bit tempestuous outside. The weather is unpredictable. You’ll fare better with long distance travel than with short trips around the area. What’s good today? Philosophy, romance and anything to do with pets, small projects and food!

The daily astrology post affects everyone differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see where this message affects you!

Astrology for 12/31/2015

12/31/2015 Thursday by Norma

Good-natured people appear and help in whatever way you need. Do some good deeds yourself: help someone cross the street, fold laundry, read directions. Small is beautiful today! Organize something, fiddle with your stamp collection, water the plants, hang pictures, plan your affairs. It’ll be fun. Material objects are your friend, along with mundane activities. A German proverb says, “When you sweep the stairs, start at the top.” Engage in small, practical activities and you will be happy today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message impacts your life!

Astrology for 12/30/2015

12/30/2015 Wednesday by Norma

Look to the big picture for happiness today, and look to small details for harmony. Zipping around stocking up on the necessities is surprisingly fun- toothpaste, shampoo and puppy chow for the new year! It’s a kaleidoscopic day: turn one way and see life’s shopping list, turn another and see the shooting stars of life. Mixing the two agendas will drive you nuts, so keep them separate. Dr. Alfred Kinsey said, “Only the human mind invents categories and tries to force facts into separated pigeonholes.” A worry ends and a well -qualified person is on your side. Have fun!

The daily astrology post affects everyone differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message impacts your life!

Astrology for 12/29/2015

12/29/2015 Tuesday by Norma

Emotional satisfaction trumps the news so focus on what’s good in your life as opposed to chatter, for best results. An appeal to imagination leads a worried person in a happy direction. Lama Surya Das said, “Intellect is a good servant but a poor master.” Turn off your brain to avoid thinking yourself into a tizzy today. Rest, relaxation and a cheerful companion – these are the ingredients for a happy day today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see where this message affects your life.

Astrology for 12/28/2015

12/28/2015 Monday by Norma

A nice surprise perks up the day. A woman improves your life with a plan that is stable and ingenious; it’s so obviously right that you are swept along with the flow. Debates can turn unexpectedly contentious; stop talking if a conversation becomes heated. Stephen Covey said, “Live out of your imagination, not your history.” A surprise is possible but it’s over before you fully understand what happened. What’s good today? Big picture thinking, travel, goal setting, improvement in health and a joyous spirit that makes everything fun.

The daily astrology post affects everyone differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see where this message affects your life!

Astrology for 12/27/2015

12/27/2015 Sunday by Norma

A proud moment has everyone beaming. Light, color and an inspiring presence bring genuine fun today. If you’re invited to another social event dress up and show up, you’ll be glad you did. An emotional gesture, an offer of help, is satisfying and genuine. A partner continues to push as everyone else relaxes; be gracious and stay calm. The person needs reassurance and appreciation. Quentin Crisp said, “The formula for a successful relationship is simple: treat all disasters as if they were trivialities, but never treat a triviality as if it were a disaster.” This is an excellent day to make
travel plans for the future, to discuss New Year’s resolutions and to spend time with people who make you happy.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see where this message affects your life!

Astrology for 12/26/2015

12/26/2015 Saturday by Norma

Family and household demands require attention today. Stay close to home, if possible, even though something pulls you into the public arena. Work done is excellent, and employees are superlative in their effectiveness. Projects associated with fixing, rearranging, organizing and tidying up predominate. Health matters go very well. It’s a nice time to go on a diet, clean out the garage and generally prepare for the new year. Give a task to someone standing around with nothing to do and be amazed at the result. A moment of irritation is best handled by calling to mind the best qualities of the person involved. Konstantin Stanislavski said, “Anyone can blame; it takes a specialist to praise.” Nostalgia predominates: eat something that reminds you of your childhood.

The astrology post affects each person differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see where this message affects your life.

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