Astrology for 7/2/2016

7/2/2016 Saturday by Norma

The more you talk, the more information you gather, the farther away from your goal you move. Speak your piece once, listen once, and move on. Work that is action-oriented as opposed to information-gathering goes very well. Attend to small details, they guarantee success today. Barbara Bush said, “You don’t just luck into things as much as you’d like to think you do. You build step by step, whether it’s friendships or opportunities.” A small step reaps a large return today. Pay special attention to your hunches, imagination and intuition, it will teach you more than all the facts you’ve assembled. Now that Mars is direct, you can apply energy to something other than cleaning up past matters.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message reflects your life today!

Astrology for 7/1/2016

7/1/2016 Friday by Norma

Something dear to your heart seems out of reach, but on closer examination you’ll see that certain restrictions control the situation. This means you can obtain your wish by following the guidelines, which you object to. It’s your choice, really, but no complaining if you don’t comply. (“I want to board a plane, but I refuse to stand in line, take off my shoes…etc”) A loss is possible but you
can recapture the loss by changing your strategy. Marie Currie said, “Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.” This is a wonderful day on many fronts: medicine and healing are successful, creativity and imaginative thinking are excellent, family is supportive and emotional stability is here.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message reflects your life today!

Astrology for 6/30/2016

6/30/2016 Thursday by Norma

A grand trine in earth signs indicates progress in material ventures. This is the day to build a fence, a house or the bridge to your success. Financial matters go well and shopping is a dream. Stick with down-to-earth plans and avoid anything brand new or exotic. It’s a great day to take on new
employees or put people to work. John Ruskin said, “The highest reward for your toil is not what you get for it but what you become by it.” Work is ennobling today, it develops your character. Food equals love, so eat your favorite food today. You pretty much can’t go wrong today, provided you remain alert to your surroundings.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message reflects your life today!

Astrology for 6/29/2016

6/29/2016 Wednesday by Norma

Shopping, this is your day! Buyers are out in full force taking advantage of the aspects. You can certainly maximize your income if you put your mind to it. Good taste abounds; buy something and you’ll keep it for years and congratulate yourself as you do. Beware of scams, foreign callers urging you to invest, and phony IRS calls. (The real IRS writes letters, no phone calls). Keep your eyes open for anything wrong and make it right. Horace Mann said, “Injustice alone can shake down the pillars of the skies, and restore the reign of Chaos and Night.” The same aspect that makes for good shopping gives the strength to uphold the rights of everyone. Be a super hero today, helping those in need.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message reflects your life today!

Astrology for 6/28/2016

6/28/2016 Tuesday by Norma

Venture forth and you’ll be pushed back; change tactics completely and you’re on the move again. Scattered behavior is a problem today; so many items require your attention that it’s hard to know what to do and when. The urge to dream opposes the need to work, the wish to stay home opposes the pull of the world. Go back and forth between opposites, but decide which is most important and go there. Martin Gardner said, “I am told there is a passage in the Talmud that says: ‘If you do not know where you are going, any road will take you there.'” Food and work predominate today, plus a touch of inspired thinking that sends you in a new direction.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message reflects your life today!

Astrology for 6/27/2016

6/27/2016 Monday by Norma

You’re able to make a quick decision that moves things forward so take prompt action and avoid emotional waffling. Regarding health issues the urge to stick with home remedies is fine, unless your condition can’t be treated at home. Brenda Ueland said, “You can argue with a theologian or a politician, but doctors are sacrosanct. They know; you do not.” Someone is 100% on your side and loves you, to boot. Go with that person. Once the decision has been made, head straight home to the kitchen where the action is. Hard work is rewarded, you’re still fixing things from the past, and people you never heard of love you.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Check to see how this this message reflects your life today

Astrology for 6/26/2016

6/26/2016 Sunday by Norma

You receive information that’s either wrong or incomprehensible, after which you’ll get lost. Have a laugh at yourself, good humor is the gift of the day. Later your thinking deepens and you’re able to understand a mystery. Albert Einstein said, “Look deeply into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” An old love is coming back into the picture, and something you’ve dreamed of is heading your way. The urge to do a bit of travel is strong but it’s better to stay home near the
refrigerator, the stove and the table. That’s where the food is. Ok, you can go to a restaurant. Yes, you must continue to keep an eye on what lurks in the dark. You can respond to what you see, but you won’t see anything if you’re not looking.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message reflects your life today!

Astrology for 6/25/2016

6/25/2016 Saturday by Norma

Things settle down, and relaxation combines with sensitivity to make for a happy day. Stay away from rationality in planning outings, go with your intuition. (“The top of the hill is above everything, but my gut says to head for this clearing.”) Spend time with children, family and household matters today. Artists are creative, physicians and healers are doing excellent work and sensitivity abounds. Listen to music. Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “Take a music bath once or twice a week, and you will find that it is to the soul what the water bath is to the body.” Go for a swim, a sail or run under the sprinklers. Avoid discussions of politics and avoid anyone pressing extreme views. Answer pleasantly, but tell yourself what to do today.

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message reflects your life today!

Astrology for 6/24/2016

6/24/2016 Friday by Norma

A group has a brilliant idea, which immediately gets a thumbs down from the boss. Be happy, you are oblivious to hidden factors currently influencing matters. A new direction opens, one that would have been blocked by the previous idea. Things are moving so fast that quick thinking is required: leave for a coffee break and your office is in a different building when you return. Kurt Vonnegut said, “History is merely a list of surprises. It can only prepare us to be surprised yet again.” What’s good today? Brilliant medical advice, wonderful progress on work projects and food. So, work, plan medical treatments and eat!

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message reflects your life today!

Astrology for 6/23/2016

6/23/2016 Thursday by Norma

A group makes a wise decision that takes everyone’s wishes into account. Thoughtful friends are nearby and the urge to talk too much is overwhelming. If you notice you simply must say “Just one more thing,” consider that you’ve already said it and pass the pie! You’re either eating or talking about food nowadays, both of which give satisfaction. Jay Leno said, “If you give everybody a slice of pie, you will still have more than enough.” Anything involving detailed work and analysis goes well today. Are you translating War and Peace, converting your books to the Metric System or adding up every expense since 1989? This is your day! Plan a majestic meal to round off the day and enjoy it with friends. You cannot go wrong with food!

The astrology post affects everyone differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see how this message reflects your life today!

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